

They had started talking by chance. The phone number of a company Bill was meant to call had a one-digit difference from Kiro's, and he had accidentally dialed that by mistake. They'd both shared that 'shit, wrong number, haha, sorry' moment before striking up a conversation about how many times they had ever called wrong numbers that quickly changed gears and lasted until three in the morning. Though they'd tried their hardest to meet up, their conflicting schedules were against them. They'd met face-to-face at award shows, but nothing serious could happen. It had to be professional with all the cameras around.

And it was by a mere coincidence, a perfect hand dealt by fate, that they were in America at the same time, in the same area, when a carnival was going on. And they'd decided, in secret, to meet up and attend the carnival for a date.

Kiro stood in front of the gates with a dark grey beanie pulled over his dual-colored hair and sunglasses on his eyes, waiting patiently for Bill. Bill came strolling up with his skinny dreads pulled up into a ponytail, smiling widely at the short bassist.

They stood for a moment, then Kiro smiled. "Shall we go inside?"

"Sure, why don't we?"

They paid, went in, and mutually agreed to not spend money on bracelets for rides. They didn't plan on riding more than a few, just the stupid, childish ones that people always said they outgrew but never did, and they could get tickets for those.

Bill bought a huge bag of cotton candy; they walked slowly around the carnival grounds, taking in the sights of the games and people bustling around them, picking at the sugar fluff in the clear plastic bag that Bill held, stuffing pieces into their mouths as they talked. It was the first time they'd been able to be so open, so free, face-to-face.

"What's it like?" Kiro asked curiously, sucking a stuck-on piece of cotton candy from his thumb. "To be so famous? To know that everyone knows your name?"

Bill shrugged. "I guess I don't really notice it. It can be a bit overwhelming at times, knowing that I have that much fame with my band, but I try not to let it affect me that much,"

"I wish we were as good as you guys are. We'll never be that good."

Bill rolled his eyes and nudged Kiro's shoulder. "Shut up. You know you guys rule, you just need more exposure. The world will be eating out of the palm of your hand in a few months, just you wait."

Kiro blushed a little bit but chose not to say anything else on the matter.

A feeling, a want, had been building up in Kiro ever since he had first spoken to Bill, making him yearn for the brown-eyed singer. He doubted that he was in love, because he simply hadn't known Bill that long, but it could have very well been escalating into that, and Kiro was dying to touch Bill intimately but not too physically.

Kiro swallowed the dissolved sugar in his mouth, moved his hand towards Bill's, then sighed and put his hand back at his side. Not yet, he decided. Soon, but not yet.

The pair of rock stars went up to the game booth at Bill's insistence, because he wanted so badly to try and win a stuffed animal. Kiro agreed, even though the prizes they had on display didn't catch his fancy. He did see a large Gizmo plushie, and he decided that if he won (unlikely) he'd ask for it and give it to Strify for his birthday.

Unless, of course, Bill wanted a plushie.

They lost the game, tying and coming in second to a fifteen-year-old trying to win a Hello Kitty for his girlfriend, both of them laughing at each other. Their laughter dissipated almost awkwardly, and Kiro blushed furiously. He wanted so badly to hold Bill's hand.


"Yes, Kiro?"

"I think we kind of suck at this game,"

Bill chuckled. "I guess we do."

Another silence fell over the pair, and the awkward feeling crept back in like a mist. Bill's hand was just sitting there, perfect and alone, and Kiro wanted to hold it so badly. He swallowed and moved his hand towards Bill's again, butterflies multiplying in his stomach. Gently, he laid his hand on Bill's and gripped it lightly. They both looked up at each other.

Kiro's nerves hit the roof and he went to pull his hand away. To his elation, Bill gripped back and moved to lace his fingers with Kiro's.

Kiro smiled.


It was late, later than either of them had expected. Bill had finally won a plushie yellow M&M, though Kiro held that he had let Bill win. They had watched a completely absurd circus show that was meant to be humorous, and then rode the carousel about three times.

It was late, close to midnight, and Kiro felt the exhaustion pulling at his insides. He dearly wanted to go back to his hotel, kick anyone who was in his room out, and sleep. But he didn't want to leave Bill, either.

They were standing just outside the carousel. The swinging chairs ride was visible, and Kiro saw how tired Bill was, their exhaustion mirrored. Their hands were still lightly tangled.

"I had a nice time," Bill said, searching for words. None of them seemed right, so he settled for simple clichés.

"I did, too." Kiro kicked at a small pile of dirt, clearing his throat.

"So, I guess I'll see you around?"

Kiro smiled. "My phone line is always open."

Bill smiled back, then felt nervous. He, like Kiro, had been dying to do something, but could never find the right moment.

As he stared into the shorter male's eyes, his memory dragged up a lyric of Cinema Bizarre's, one that prompted him.

I'm not gonna live forever, better make it now or never.

He wet his lips, glanced down at Kiro's lips, and started leaning in. Kiro's heart pounded as his eyes fluttered closed.

Bill's lips touched his. Kiro reached up further, standing on tiptoe and throwing his arms around Bill's neck. Bill gripped Kiro's hips, dropping his M&M plushie.

Amidst the ringing bells and bright, flashing lights, two hearts met.

And fell in love.
♠ ♠ ♠
I sort of went, like, sixty words over the 1000 word limit, but it wouldn't have worked any other wa. I'm not good with short stories XD


I hope you all like this, because I love it to tears.

The lyric used is from Forever or Never by Cinema Bizarre
