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At the receiving end

Chapter 2

I gathered up all the confidence I could muster up. As I opened the door to my new high school the smell hit me. It was a mixture of dirty socks, the smell of a new car, and cheap perfume. I had stood there like an idiot until someone from behind pushed me. I pushed through the crowd of students who decided to congregate in the middle of the hall. One of those students was Aaron; letterman jacket and all.
My stomach was in knots as I stood in front of the office.
“Did ya get that?” The secretary questioned as she popped her bubble gum. I nodded my reply and she sent me out to brave my first day at my new school.
As soon as lunch rolled around I had at least 3 people that I knew. That was a good sign. I mean they were kind of weird but beggars can’t be choosers right?
“So…” Ryan began. I looked over at him. He had been pretty nice. I mean if Brettney hadn’t asked me to sit with her I most likely would have never talked to him. He was kind of sickly looking with a baby face and chocolate brown eyes and hair. Average I guess you could say.
“Yeah…?” I took a sip of my tea. Apparently bringing my lunch had been a brilliant idea. Brettney had been standing in the lunch line for over 20 minutes since I sat down. It was just me and Ryan at the table. No one would even look our way.
“So...Tayber is a pretty interesting name.” He smiled a warm smile. Maybe we could be good friends.
“I guess so. I think my mother demanded drugs while she was in labor to name me such a thing.” I tried to joke but it wasn’t as funny as it sounded in my head. He leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms. I couldn’t help but recognize how big his hands were for such a small person.
“Well…it’s better than Ryan. Its average and doesn’t stand out much. “He reasoned with me. I bit my lip and tried not to smile.
“You don’t want blend in?” I asked. I would very much like to blend in. Let people not remember me. I couldn’t let them down if I wasn’t known.
“Why would I want to? I want to be remembered. 50 years from now I want my name in the history books at this crummy school.” He put his elbows on the table and leaned in towards me, grinned, then turned his attention to Brettney beginning to sit down.
“I swear! I hate this school! The lunch ladies don’t even wear gloves! That is SICK! If I get a fingernail in my food I’m sueing!” I laughed at Brettney. She was the most overdramatic person I have ever met in my life.

“So Tayber how was your first day of school?” Meredith questioned while we ate dinner; everyone except Mark. He was taking care of stuff at my old house. I looked up from my food that I had been picking.
“It was good.” I tried my most encouraging smile. The pain I felt when I walked through the door of my new home was too overbearing for a genuine smile.
“That’s good sweetheart.” Her fake sympathy looked took over her face “Did Aaron show you around?” I looked over at Aaron trying to signal that he take over the conversation.
“Yes. She’s pretty popular right now.” He grinned knowing I wasn’t popular and would most likely never be.
“Oh, sweetie that is so great! You should really…” The phone started ringing as she was about to take a bite of her food. As soon as she left the table Aaron turned to me.
“Tomorrow you’re going on a date with Mason Yoakum.” It wasn’t a request, it was a demand.
“Excuse me?” My fork made a clinking noise as I dropped it on my plate in surprise. Who did he think he was?
“You’re my step-sister therefore I’m connected to you so I can’t let you be more of a loser by hanging out with fags.” My eyes widened. Did he seriously believe I would let him control me like this? “I mean come ON! Ryan Ross? ” The only thing I could say was “no.”
“Umm…Yes. You have no choice. Mason is the star of the soccer team and for odd reason he finds YOU attractive. You should actually feel lucky he’s doing this for me.” A grin stretched upon his plate as he began to eat his food again.