Status: EL FINITO!

I Can't Be Without You

Happy Birthday Part Two

I could tell that Josline was upset when dad called. She went from being extremely talkative and happy to very quiet. Josline was not the type of person to hide her feelings. When she was happy, she was happy, when she was pissed, you'd know. She did this whole "mind-fuck" thing when she was angry with some one. Some how, she convinced me countless times that she wasn't angry with me when she really was.

We got to the restaurant, and there were minimal people there. It was a fairly unpopular restaurant because it was vegan. We got out of the car, and I noticed that Josh had taken Josline's hand. The other four showed up a minute after we got to the restaurant, and when Jazz saw Josline and Josh...

"AWW!" She scared everyone on the street. Josline looked at her like 'what the fuck was that?' Josh was embarassed. Chris looked confused, and Marque had both index fingers shoved in his ears.

I opened the trunk of the car and got out two presents. One for Josline, one for Jazz. I handed Jazz hers. "Here you go. It's nothing special, just something I threw together." I smiled. Jazz took it and looked at the poor wrapping. I started to get impatient. "OPEN IT!" I said, throwing my hands up. Jazz backed away a few inches. She tore off the wrapping paper and it revealed a small note book. "Read the first page."

Jazz opened the book and read the first page outloud so everyone could hear. "Jazzy B, this note book is to record all your epic adventures with the Jaulby family. I wrote little quotes on every page in the book so you can reminice about things." She flipped to the second page, and in the corner, she ran her finger over one of the quotes. " 'Where'd you get that banana?'" She flipped to the second page, " 'The kitchen.' " Third page, " 'I'M SO GETTING ONE!'" Jazz burst out laughing.

Marque, Jazz were sitting in Josh's living room. I walked in, a banana in hand. Marque looked at me in amazement. "Where the puck did you get a banana?" Marque asked.

"The kitchen." I said, sitting down next to Marque.

"I'm SO getting one!" He jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen. I heard slamming of cupboards and drawers.

"Fridge. They're in the fridge babe." I said, unpeeling my banana. Jazz looked up from her book and smiled at me.

"HEY! HEY! LET GO!" Marque yelled from the kitchen. Both Jazz's and my head turned towards the kitchen. "JAZZ!"

"What?" Jazz answered.

"Josline wont give me my banana!" I burst out laughing.

"Jaws, give him the banana. Marque, stop complaining." Jazz said, diving back into her book. There was silence between the other two. Marque finally appeared with a half squished banana.

"Thank you Airin! I'll write in this every day!" Jazz hugged me and turned pink.

I gave Jaws her present after we ate dinner, which, by the way, was amazing.

"Okay Jaws. Open!" I shoved Josline's present across the table. She opened it at lightning speed and started laughing.

"You got me a BEDAZZLER?" She had a 'what the fuck' laugh.

"It was sparkly! I knew you'd like it!" I smiled at her. Josline nodded. Sparkly things always amused her.

"You better hide your hats!" Jaw's said, setting the box on the floor. Jaws then passed Jazz her present. Jazz opened it carefully, revealing a poetry book. "It's the one that my poem is in. I thought you would like a copy for yourself!" Jazz smiled and thanked Jaws.

A few days had gone by and we all got back into the swing of school. I was sitting in Biology 12, one of the only few grade 12 classes I had, and Josh walked in and sat next to me.

"Hey man, what's up?" I asked.

"Eh, nothing." Josh said, leaning back in his chair. I nodded and continued drawing a small design in my notebook.

"Airin..." Josh finally said after a few minutes. I looked up at him. He looked sad. "Can we talk about something?"

I had no clue what Josh was about to say to me then, but I could tell it wasn't good.
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next part will be in Josh's perspective! And thank you to Acadia.Is.Gone for mass commenting my story! Mucho love xx