Status: EL FINITO!

I Can't Be Without You

You Disgust Me.

Life just kept getting more and more complicated.

"...Josline? Josline!" I looked up at my Chemistry teacher, Mr Hunter, who was pointing at a question on the board. "What is the answer?"

"Oh, 2.897." I said, my face turning a little pink. Mr Hunter nodded and continued with the work.

"Jaws, what's up with you? You've been out of it all day." Jazz said, looking a little bit concerned.

"'s nothing." I said. Jazz gave me her 'I don't believe you' look.

"Josline Marie Jaulby..." I sighed.

"Okay, fine, I think there is something going on between my brother and Josh.When ever I mention Josh to Airin, he doesn't even pay attention." I put my head down on the desk, because honestly, I didn't know what else to do. The bell rang and it scared me. I looked at Jazz who smiled comfortingly. I started to pack up all my things, then there was a tap on my shoulder.

"Hi Josline." John greeted me. All I could think was, 'oh great, what does he want'.

"Hey John. What's up?" I asked, as I loaded my books into my arms.

"I was just wondering, you seem to know what we're you think you could help me with the homework?" He asked. I was shocked that John actually wanted help on his homework. I bit my lower lip, something I did when I was thinking.

"Uh, sure. I guess so." I said. "When? Right now?" I said, noticing that school was over. John nodded lightly. "Okay. I'll just get my stuff." We both walked to my locker and I started putting my books in, and taking more out.
A pair of arms snaked their way around my waist, and for a moment I thought it was John, until I saw he was still standing beside me. I looked over my shoulder to see Josh. I smiled slightly and turned in his arms.

"Hello there miss Jaulby." He said, kissing the top of my head.

"Hello Mr Ramsay." I replied back. Josh noticed John and let go of me.

"Hey." Josh nodded his head at John. John didn't say anything, he just glared at the floor. Josh turned back to me, "I just wanted to say goodbye. I have to go back to Vancouver on Saturday, and I wont be back until after Christmas break." I placed my hands on my hips.

"You mean, I wont have you to bother me for 3 weeks?" I laughed and gave Josh one last kiss before heading off to Johns house. He lived about 5 minutes from the school. But it took about 10 minutes in the snow. I hated snow. I hated being cold, so me and snow just did not mix.

"So, phenothalien turns the solution blue?" John asked me for the fourth time.

"No, John! We've been over this! Phenothalien doesn't do anything to solution A." I said, rubbing my forehead.

"So, what turns acid B red? Phenotahlien?" I smacked my head on Johns kitchen table.

"No. Acid B turns red because of bromathymal blue. Phenothaylien does nothing."

"Can we just move onto the next question?" John said after a few minutes of contemplation.

"Fine. We've only been working on number one for 20 minutes!" I said, the sounds muffled from all the papers on the table. I lifted my head and examined question two. "Okay, John, if you combine an acid with another acid, does it become stable, or..."

"What's up with you and Josh?" John cut me off with that question. I looked at him, shocked that the words came out of his mouth.

"Wh...what?" I stuttered, closing my text book. I saw Johns sister, Casey look up from the computer on the other side of the room.

"Are you guys even dating?" He cornered me again.

"Well, technically we haven't made it official or anything..." the words came out of my mouth quietly.

"A-ha!" He banged his hand on the table, scaring me slightly. "So, I guess we we're kind of dating then." It was more a statement than a question. I could feel my throat starting to get dry.

"John, why are you bringing this up now?" I asked, my voice cracking on the last few words.

"Because I want to know." John said sternly.

"Well, since you're absolutely desperate to know," I growled at him,"I like Josh, and he isn't an arrogant prick like you John."

"I'm arrogant? Haven't you seen Josh? He hits on other girls when you're not around." John practically yelled.

"And so did you John. Maybe you should stop trying to find the bad in Josh and work more on trying to find someone else's life to butt in to." I stood up, and started putting all of my things in my backpack. John grabbed my hands to stop me.

"Josline, why are you even with him? He's just going to end up hurting you in the end anyways!" John looked pissed, and it was something I had never seen before. I yanked my hands away from him and just glared at him.

"John! Don't you understand? I LOVE Josh!" I yelled at John.

"You love that faggot?" I didn't even realize I slapped him until I started crying. I couldn't, and didn't want to believe, that John had just said that.

"I...I don't want to ever fucking talk to you again John!" The tears started to stream down my face and a quickly wiped them away. John moved closer to try to comfort me, but I pushed him away. "You just..." I didn't know what to say to him. I grabbed my back pack, shoved the rest of my things in it, threw my jacket on, and walked out the front door, ignoring John's yelling at me.

My house was a half an hour away from John's. I was going to have a long, cold, lonely walk home.
♠ ♠ ♠
next chapter will be in Airin's POV.
I'm sorry! This chapter is completely terrible! I've had a bad case of writers block since the last time I posted. I'M SORRY!!!!