Status: In Progress

It's Gonna Be Hard When I'm Gone

I Wanna Know What You Know

I was released after spending two days in hospital hell. They made me sign a boat load of release forms and get a prescription for any pain I might have from my head or in my wrist, but by the looks of this cast, nothing would be hurting my wrist any time soon. Not to mention the fucking thing was bright, bright orange.

I had Jason come pick me up from the hospital and drive me to the shop where my car was being repaired. The cost would be an ouch for my bank account, but I had to have a car to get back and forth to work. He dropped me off with a simple goodbye, which wasn’t like him.

I had a feeling he knew something I didn’t and it was taking all he had not to tell me. I knew I could probably persuade his boyfriend James to tell me, but I wasn’t going to sink that low. I could wait until he finally caved and told me himself.

It sure as hell didn’t take him long to cave. He called me later that day, gushing to me about his boyfriend first, and then slowing down, taking a deep breath before he explained himself.

“Adrienne called me yesterday. She wanted to know how you were. She heard about your accident and she blames herself for it. God, the pity was killing me. I couldn’t talk with her for more than fifteen minutes. I thought I was betraying you. Anyway, she said her decision is final, and that this is best for you, but I think she’s entirely wrong because she hasn’t seen you like this, a complete fucking wreck.”

“So she talked to you about me being hurt, but she wouldn’t call me to ask if I was okay? Wow, that’s cowardly,” I shut my eyes for a brief moment, and my heart ached, thinking of her. It still hurt; it was still fresh.

My whole body started to ache. The longing for her touch, her arms wrapped around me as she nuzzled my neck, trying to soothe my restless body to sleep; I missed it all so much.
How was I supposed to get over her? Just move on like she and I never even existed? I doubted it was possible. We had everything any person could want in a relationship. And then it just ended, so unexpectedly and so much before it’s time.

“I’m sorry, Kyber. God, I’m sorry,” Jason sighed. I knew him too well; he was running his hand through his spiked hair, feeling bad about his actions.

It wasn’t even his fault, though. It was hers. It was all hers. She wanted this. She wanted us to be gone. I knew her better than that though. She thought it was good for me. Adrienne always wanted the best for me, and sometimes she was just dead wrong about what it was. I knew she couldn’t forget us. She couldn’t forget me. I just had to find a way to use that to my advantage to bring her back to me.

Jason could help me plot. He’d done it with his ex boyfriends. He always needed help getting one of them back, because he felt like they were his life line. And as it turned out, most of them definitely weren’t a life line to him. He ended up in debt each time he tried to chase them down. He ruined his future plans, chasing after one guy named, ironically, Chase. Chase left him only a few months after Jason found him, and Jason was a mess. I had to soothe him on the sleepless nights, just as he was doing now.

“It’s fine. It’s perfectly fine. No worries. I have to go now,” I clicked the phone off and set it on my dresser.

God, why me? Why me?