Status: In Progress

It's Gonna Be Hard When I'm Gone

I Knew You'd Never Fly

I tried to pick my jaw up off the ground as she walked in, sitting on the couch with her eyes glued to her shoes. She picked at her shoe laces absentmindedly.

“Why are you here?” I asked, trying to mask the shakiness of my voice.

“We need to talk. I realize I never gave you an explanation, which is something you deserve. It was bothering me,” she didn't look up from her shoes, and she didn't have to for me to know she had a look of guilt on her face.

“Okay. So, explain, then.”

“Well, it's not that simple. I don't know what went through my head, honestly. I just knew that I didn't like the way you seemed to have people gravitating toward you, especially girls. I should've told you in the beginning, when I first realized I got jealous, but I couldn't,” her head tilted towards me, my eyes locking with her deep blue ones.

“I think that's possibly the worst reason you can break up with someone. What in the hell were you thinking?” I tried to hold my composure, but I was losing it.

“You're angry with me.”

“Well, I have a right to be. I didn't do anything wrong. I understand you're insecure, but good God, Adrienne, why why would you do that to me?”

“Because I made a mistake,” she murmured, running her hands through her short, blue and black hair.

“This isn't just something you can take back. It doesn't work that way,” I seethed, gritting my teeth.

“I know that, Ky. I'm not trying to sweep you off your feet again. I'm just giving you an explanation,” she stood, moving toward the door. I stepped aside.

“If you need me, you know where to find me.”

With that, she left. Some part of me felt like she was never really here. Maybe I'd imagined the whole argument. Maybe I wished I had.

I decided to watch television until it was time for me to meet Maddox at the movie theater. The time seemed to drag on, or maybe that was just my head, because my brain was spinning in circles. I kept playing the conversation Adrienne and I had over again in my head. I think I'd analyzed every word, every gesture by the time it was time for me to leave. Even after all the analyzing, I had nothing. I had not a reason why she should think I would ever be unfaithful. I hadn't ever so much as made a comment on a girl I found attractive. In my head, maybe, but I'd never openly expressed it to her.

Not soon enough, the time rolled around for me to finally drag myself out of the house and to the movie theater to meet Maddox and after a 20 minute, music filled drive, I saw the blonde waiting for me outside AMC theater. She was the same as I remembered, maybe a little more tan, but that's to be expected.

She squealed as I approached, pulling me into a hug.

“Ky! Hi! How're you?” she smiled, walking beside me as we strolled into the theater.

“I'm doing okay, how about you?” I gave a halfhearted smile back and followed her to the counter. We bought our tickets and popcorn and made our way to theater 7. Throughout the movie, we had some small talk, mostly during previews, but I couldn't seem to make myself be as friendly as I usually was. I cursed Adrienne for picking today to show up at my house.

As Maddox and I walked outside the theater after the movie had ended, she stopped and turned to me.

“You and Adrienne will get back together. I know it. Just hold on,” she gave me a hopeful smile and we parted ways.

When I arrived back home, I saw Jason's car in the parking lot. I wondered silently why he was at my house when I wasn't even home.

I heard him talking on the phone as I stuck my key in the lock.

“That was the dumbest thing you've ever done, Adrienne. I can't believe you even did it,” he sounded agitated. I decided to hold off on going in, to eavesdrop a little.

He yelled some more, before saying goodbye to Adrienne. I waited a few minutes and opened the door.

“Ky, God, I'm sorry. I didn't know she was gonna come over and talk to you. I thought at the very most she'd call you, but not come over,” he stood, moving over to me and wrapped his arms around me. The embrace brought me very little comfort. He was trying, though, and that was all I could ask for.

“It wasn't too bad,” I lied. I barely made it through it.

“Don't lie to me. But I have worse news. She wants to meet you for coffee...”

My head started spinning all over again.