You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 01

Chapter 1
[Mikey's POV]

"Michael James and Gerard Arthur Way, get up this instant! You are gonna be late for school." My mom yelled.

I got up slowly, and so did Gerard.

"I'm so glad this is the last day of school for me. I fucking hate it." Gerard groaned.

"We all do. But, you get to see your girlfriend, Lindsey." I said.

"She isn't my girlfriend. Shes my best friend and I don't like her like that." Gerard said, then

I sighed and laughed. Gerard and I have had this friend since we were little. Her name is Lindsey Cooper. She has black hair past her shoulders, and golden brown eyes. She has been mine and Gerard's best friend ever since we were born. We were born in the same hospital, we go to the same school, and she has the same birthday as Gerard. I know Gerard likes her, he gets this look in his eye when shes around. Me and Gerard finished getting ready and we went down stairs.

"Are you meeting Lindsey today?" My mom asks.

"We always do." Gerard said.

She lives two houses down from us. She lives with her dad, her mom passed away when
she was fifteen. Her dad abuses her. She usually spends some nights with us. She sleeps with Gerard. He knows how to calm her down. She's his 'best' best friend. I swear they like each other. I grabbed my school bag and Gerard grabbed his. Hes a senior, same as Lindsey, I on the other hand are a Freshman. Its the last day of school for everyone. Which is awesome. It's even better for Gerard and Lindsey because they are done school for ever. Gerard quick ran upstairs to get something, he came down as fast as he went up. We both went out the door, Lindsey came out the same time as us. She looked sad, Gerard ran over to her. I followed behind.

"Lindz, what's wrong." He asked.

"My dad screamed at me this morning."

"About what?"

"About how I'm no good, and I'm worthless and I should slit my wrist and die."

With that Lindsey started crying. Gerard comforted her.

"Look, last night, I drew you something." He said.

Lindsey smiled a bit, and wiped the tears from her eyes. Gerard went through his bag and
took a piece of paper out and handed it to her.

"Oh Gerard! It's beautiful!" She said taking it and staring at it.

It was really pretty. He drew her roses, her favorite flower.

"Aw. Gee, you always know how to make my days." She said then hugged him tight.

I scoffed, which made Lindsey jump.

"Michael! I didn't know you were behind us. You are always so quiet." She said.

"Yeah." I said.

She moved from Gerard to me and kissed my cheek.

"I hate when you do that." I said.

She smiled and put the picture in her pocket.

"Today is the last day of school for me!" She sang.

She always did have a beautiful voice.

Gerard smiled and stared at her. Both of their eyes met.

"What are you staring at?" Lindsey said.

"N-nothing. I'm just thinking." Gerard said.

She shrugged and kept on walking. We got to the school a few minutes later. Gerard and
Lindsey said goodbye to me, and I did the same.

[Gerard's POV]

"Gerard, what do you plan on doing this summer?" Lindsey asked me.

"I don't know. Probably hang with my best friend in the whole world." I said.

"Oh. What's your best friends name?" She asked.

"Oh, you know, her name is Lindsey. She is the most amazing girl in the world." I said.

She laughed and hugged me. I can't believe I'm in love with my best friend.. I can't be... Can

"Gee, do you need to get in the locker?" Lindsey asked.

I shook my head. We have all the same classes together, which was awesome. She smiled and grabbed my hand. Her hand is so warm against mine. What I would give to hold her in my arms for-- STOP! Gerard, you can't think like that. She's your best friend, it will never happen. Lindsey and I got to our class and we sat down. We sit next to each other in every class. We always get threatened to move seats, but they never do it. The teacher went on about no drugs or anything during the summer. I didn't pay attention, I kept doodling and sneaking a peak at Lindsey. She was doodling, also. She wasn't drawing, she was writing. I looked closer, I saw 'He doesn't understand me.. Let go... My last day is today..'
Is she writing a suicide note? I stared at it more, she finally saw me and moved the paper away. The bell rang and she stood up.

"What was that?" I asked.

"W-what was what?" She stammered.

"Don't play dumb with me. I saw you writing."

"I don't want to talk about it-"

"You have to tell me. I'm your best friend!" I said cutting her off.

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT HERE!" She said, then ran off.

Nice one Gerard. You screwed up.

"Is everything okay with Ms. Cooper, Mr. Way?" The teacher asked.

"Yeah, she'll be okay." I said walking out.

I saw her standing at our locker she had it open. I went over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around.

"What was that, Lindsey?" I asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it here." She said.

"Alright, we can talk about it at my house." I said.

She smiled and hugged me.

"You're the bestest friend a girl could ever have." She said.

I hugged her back and smiled at what she said.

"You're my best friend, too." I said back.

The bell rang, signaling second period.