You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
[Normal POV]

Lindsey and Gerard stared at Mikey in shock. Mikey swallowed hard.

"I.. Uh..." Mikey stammered.

"Mikey..." Lindsey said.

Mikey looked down. Lindsey removed herself from Gerard's arms and walked over to Mikey, embracing him in a hug. Mikey hugged back.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered.

"Mikey, you have nothing to be sorry for." Lindsey said.

They heard someone stomp up the stairs, Lindsey looked behind her and saw Gerard go into his room and slam the door. Lindsey sighed and ran up after him. She opened the door and saw him staring out of his window. She shut the door.

"Gee.." She said.

Gerard turned around, moved closer and stared at her.


"A hug?"

Gerard stared at her.

"I don't like Mikey like that."

"I bet you that you fucking do." Gerard whispered.

"NO I FUCKING DON'T!" Lindsey screamed.



"Thank god for that."

Lindsey stared at Gerard in disbelief. A tear rolled down her cheek. She swung the door open and it slammed against the wall. Gerard ran after her and grabbed her wrist. Lindsey turned around and stared at him.

"Lindsey.. That came out wrong..." He sighed.

"Why don't you understand.. There isn't another man in the world that I love. You are the only guy who has my heart. I love Mikey, but I am not in love with him."

Gerard grabbed Lindsey's shoulders and stared at her in the eyes.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just guess since the whole thing last night, I don't want to loose you."

"You won't ever loose me."

Gerard gave Lindsey a half smile. He wiped the fallen tears from her eyes. He kissed her
softly and pulled her into a hug.

"I love you so much, Gerard."

"I love you, too."

Gerard pressed his lips to hers and Lindsey pressed back.

"Gerard? Lindsey?" Someone called.

The pulled apart.

"What?" They both said.

"I'm heading to the mall, do you guys want to go?"

Lindsey and Gerard looked at each other.

"I really don't feel like going to the mall." Lindsey said.

Gerard smiled.

"No thanks!" He shouted.

Gerard and Lindsey went into the bedroom and shut the door. Lindsey laid down on the bed, and Gerard laid next to her. Gerard rubbed her hair. Lindsey smiled at Gerard.

"Get some sleep, angel." He whispered.

"I'm not tired.. It's only like five in the afternoon."

"Babe, you need to get some sleep. You're eyes look heavy."

She shook her head and closed her eyes. Gerard hummed her favorite song in her ear and
rubbed her head.

[Mikey's POV]

I can't believe I just blurted out my deepest secret infront of Lindsey AND Gerard. I feel like such an idiot. I heard humming from Gerard's room. I went out of my bedroom and put my ear next to Gerard's door. I didn't hear anything. I heard the sound of shoes against the floor, I ran back into my room, shut my door and finished looking at the comic I was reading. I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said.

Gerard came in and sat on my bed in front of me.

"Hey Mikes." He said.

I put my head down and stared at the comic.

"Hi Gee..." I said.

"Do you really like Lindsey?" He asked.

I sighed and nodded.

"Why didn't you tell her or me?"

"I don't know.."

"Did you care when we started going out?"

I nodded. I put my head up, he was staring at me.

"When ever shes around you.. She's so happy, and it makes me soo freaking mad because
I know I can never make her that happy. Whenever I see you two together, it makes me envious. I can't stand it anymore!" I yelled.

Gerard stared at me in disbelief. I swallowed hard.

"Mikey.. Lindsey doesn't like you like that."

"I fucking know that! No girl will ever like me! What the fuck am I supposed to do? Just watch
you and Lindsey be happy together, while I'm miserable?!"

"We will keep it to a minimum.. I promise."

"Just get out. Leave me alone." I said, holding back tears.

Gerard nodded, sighed and left the room. Once he shut the door, I started to cry. I hated
Gerard and Lindsey together. I've liked Lindsey ever since I was in second grade. But, she doesn't like me like that. I don't know what I am supposed to do... I put my comic book away and laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I don't know how long I laid there, but I heard my name get called down for dinner. Thats when I realized, I wasn't hungry. I got off my bed and went to the door. I opened my door.

"I'm not hungry!" I yelled.

I closed my door and went back on my bed.

[Lindsey's POV]

Gerard and I went downstairs to eat. We were planning on telling Donna and Donald we are engaged. Gerard is nervous about what his parents will say. I'm nervous of what they will say. Donna made lasagna. Once we were done eating, Gerard looked at me and I looked at him, and he smiled and grabbed my hand under the table.

"Mom.. Dad.."

Gerard's dad was reading something, and Donna was busy doing the dishes. They both
looked at us. Gerard and I stood up.

"Lindsey and I are engaged."

Both of Gerard's parent's faces dropped.

"Oh my god!" Donna said.

She ran over and hugged me and Gerard.

"You guys had me scared.. I thought Lindsey was pregnant again."
I felt my heart drop, I put on a fake smiled.

"No. I'm not." I said.

Donald came over and hugged me and Gerard.

"Congrats you guys! I knew you two would be together."

We heard someone come down the steps. Mikey came into the dinning room and stared at
all of us.

"I heard screaming, what happened?" He asked.

Gerard stared at me, and I stared at him.

"Gerard and Lindsey are engaged!" Donna shouted.

Mikey gave me and Gerard looks. He ran up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door shut. Donna and Donald looked at Gerard and I.

"I'll go talk to him." Donald said.

"I'll come with you." Donna said.

"Mikey doesn't like us together.." Gerard said.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" I said, my heart beating fast.

Gerard stared at me, confused.

"Oh god, no! I'm not breaking up with you! I'm just saying, he doesn't like us together."

I sighed and Gerard threw his arms around me.

"I wouldn't break up with you if someone killed me. You're mine forever and ever."

I smiled and Gerard looked me in my eyes.

"I love you, Lindsey. More then you ever know." He said.

"I love you, too."

He pressed his lips to mine, I pressed back. We both pulled away, I smiled. Gerard stared into my eyes, I stared into his.

"I'm gonna go get a shower." I said.

"Okay. I'm getting tired, so if I'm asleep when your done the shower, just get into bed."

I nodded. We both went upstairs, I got my change of clothes and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to heat up. I stared into the mirror and smiled. I honestly haven't been happier. I am tak- no, engaged to the most amazing man in the world. I stripped of all my clothing and stepped into the shower and closed the curtain. After standing in the hot water for a few minutes, I washed my hair and body. After a few more minutes, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I dried myself off and got my clothes on. I threw my towel, and clothes into the hamper that was in the bathroom. I left the bathroom and went into Gerard's room. He was sitting up doing something on the computer. I cuddled up next to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Talking to Ray and his friend Frank."

"Oh, tell them I said hi."

He typed, 'Lindsey says hi.' and they all said hi back.

(A/N: This part isn't going to be in anyones point of view. It's a chat room. None of these screen names are real. I made them up.)

CrazyForHer: Frank. lay off the skittles. lol.

Frankie1031: never. hahaha.

RayMan: frank, you really need to, you get wayy to hyper.

CrazyForHer: lindsey even said you need to lay off the skittles.

Frankie1031: well lindsey is a loser!

RayMan: that's not nice!

CrazyForHer: apologize, frank! she's crying.

Frankie1031: no shes not! lies! all lies!

CrazyForHer: okay.. maybe shes not. still, apologize.

RayMan: yeah, thats not nice frank.

Frankie1031: =P

RayMan: g, hows mikey?

CrazyForHer: mikey is kinda upset at the moment...

Frankie1031: what happened?

RayMan: yeah. what happened?

CrazyForHer: me and lindsey got into a fight, then mikey got into it, and me and him started to fight, and i asked him why he cared so much, and he said he liked lindsey.. and i talked to him and he doesnt like me and lindsey together.. and me and her are engaged now.

RayMan: wow... CONGRATS MAN!

Frankie1031: yeah, wow... congrats! =D

CrazyForHer: haha. thanks. yeah, mikey is like really torn up.

Frankie1031: okay, i think my hyper is starting to wear off. i'm heading to bed. night guys!

CrazyForHer: night frank.

RayMan: bye frank!

Frankie1031 has logged out.

CrazyForHer: i'm getting to bed. lindsey fell asleep, and shes making me tired. bye ray!

RayMan: night gee. congrats again, and good luck with mikey.

CrazyForHer: haha thanks. bye. =P

(A/N: Okay. Chat room is over.)

[Gerard's POV]

I signed out of the chat and closed down my laptop. I put it on the floor and moved Lindsey over. I cuddled up next to her and kissed her cheek. She smiled and opened her eyes.

"I thought you were asleep." I said.

"No." She said, tiredly.

I laughed and kissed her softly.

"Get some sleep, sugar."

She nodded and closed her eyes. Pretty soon, her breathing smoothed out. I closed my eyes and pretty soon went to sleep.

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