You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 13.

Chapter 13
[Gerard's POV]

I woke up first, Lindsey was cuddled up next to me, sound asleep. I kissed the top of her head, she stirred and opened her eyes. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Morning beautiful." I said.

She shook her head and said, "I'm not beautiful."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

We kept going like that, until I got on top of her and started tickling her.

"GERARD! STOP!" She said, in between laughs.

I took my hands off her side and stared at her.

"Say you're beautiful."


I raised my hand and she smiled.

"Say it."

She shook her head. I started tickling her again. She screamed. Someone opened
the door and it slammed against the wall. Lindsey and I both jumped and looked towards the door. My mom was standing there with a confused look on her face.

"Geeze, Gerard. Are you freaking raping Lindsey?" She said.

"No. She's not saying shes beautiful, I'm tickling her."

My mom stared at Lindsey.

"Lindsey. You are a very beautiful girl." My mom said.

Lindsey smiled and my mom smiled back. My mom left the room and shut the
door. Lindsey put her hands behind her head and stared at me. I smiled and stared at her.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you, too."

I kissed her softly and stared into her eyes.

"You mean more to me then you think. Do you know that?" I said.

I shook my head.

"I can't explain in words how much you mean to me." Lindsey said.

"I can't either. I can't explain in words what you do to me, how much I love you, or how much you mean to me."

Lindsey started laughing, I gave her a confused look.

"What exactly do I do to you, Gerard Arthur Way."

I started laughing.

"You are such a pervert." I said.

Lindsey put on a fake frown. I smiled and kissed her pouty lips.

"I have an idea!" I said.


"How about I take you out to dinner?"

She smiled, "Aw. Gee, you don't have to do that."

"I want too."

She smiled and kissed me, I kissed her back. I got off of her and laid next to her. I put my arms around her and stared into her eyes.

"What do you want to do to pass time?" I asked.

"Nothing. I want to stay here with you forever." She said.

[Normal POV]

Gerard smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you, so much." He said.

"I love you more."

"Impossible." He scoffed.

"No, it's not impossible. I love you more then I can say."

Gerard shook his head.

"I love YOU more then words could say. I want to grow old with you. I want to start a family with you. I want to be in your life forever and ever. Even if you don't want me in your life anymore, I will wait for you forever. Thats a promise."

Lindsey started crying.

"Did I say something wrong?" Gerard asked, concerned.

"No. I never heard that from anyone before."

Gerard sat Lindsey up and held her in his arms.

"I'm sorry, honey. Please don't cry." Gerard whispered.

"They aren't sad tears, I swear." She said.

Gerard kissed her softly. She kissed back. Gerard wiped the fallen tears from Lindsey's eyes and kissed her forehead. He took Lindsey off his lap.

"I'll be right back." He said, and kissed her forehead.

[Lindsey's POV]

I watched as Gerard walked out of the room. I love him so much. He is so caring. I trust him with my life. I get up off the bed and go towards the mirror. I looked at the person staring back at me. Black hair. Golden brown eyes. Thin, pale. I let tears escape from my eyes. Gerard is way to beautiful to deserve an ugly girl like me. I started to cry more when Gerard comes into the room. He's smiling, but when he saw my face, his face fell.

"Babe, whats wrong?" He asked, and ran over and threw his arms around me.

I cried into his shoulder and he hummed my favorite song into my ear. I calmed down, and Gerard looked at me.

"Are you ready to tell me what's wrong?"

I nodded.

"Gerard.. You are too good to me.. I don't deserve you.." I said, in a whisper.

He looked at me confused.

"You do deserve me. I deserve you. You need someone like me in your life. Who will take care of you from the time you wake up, till the time you go to sleep. Lindsey, you deserve me. And I deserve you. I love you with every last thing I am. You are my life. Do you understand that?"

I smiled and let the last few tears escape. He knew how to make everything better. I kissed him, and he kissed me back.

"I made reservations for tonight." Gerard said.

I totally forgot Gerard was going to take me out.

"How much time do we have?" I asked.

"About an hour."


I ran towards the bathroom and heard Gerard laugh. I turned the shower on and waited for it to heat up. Someone knocked on the door. I went to it and opened it, it was Donna.

"I hear you are going out with Gerard to dinner." She said.

I smiled and nodded.

"Do you need something to wear?"

I realized, I do need something to wear.

"Yeah, I do." I said.

"When your done your shower, come to my room."

I nodded. She smiled and walked away. I shut the door and shed of my clothing and put them in the hamper. I hopped into the shower and washed my body and hair. I stood under the water for a few more minutes, then I stepped out. I dried myself off as best as I could. I opened the bathroom door and ran to Donna's room. I opened the door and shut it.

"Hi Lindsey. Let me see what I have for you.."

I sat on her bed while she looked through her closet.

"Do you want something short and sexy or long and elegant?"

I laughed, "Short and sexy."

Donna laughed and pulled out a black dress with a red trim. I smiled.

"I like it."

"Go try it on."

I smiled, took the dress and went back into Gerard's room. He wasn't in there, he
was probably down in the basement. I shut the door and locked it. I put on a pair of underwear, and a strapless bra. I put the dress on and stared at myself in the mirror. I heard a knock at the door.

"Honey, It's Donna. Do you have the dress on?"

I smiled and opened the door. Donna came in and shut and locked it again.

"Oh, honey. You look stunning."

I smiled and she came over and fixed the dress a little bit. She zipped the dress up. I got it half way, I couldn't get the other half of it.

"It fits perfectly." I said.

Donna nodded.

"Gerard is going to drool when he sees you." She said.

I laughed.

"Okay, I'm gonna go downstairs and find Gerard. Don't do your make up."
Donna said.


"You look beautiful without it."

"Just a little bit of make up?"

She sighed, nodded, and left the room. I put on some eyeliner and a little lipstick. Donna came back into the room.

"You look gorgeous. Gerard is downstairs waiting for you."

I smiled and nodded. It's only a dinner date with Gerard, why am I getting so worked up over it? He can't propose to me, because he already did. I don't know theres just something about tonight, or something that is going to happen tonight that is starting to bother me..
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Yess. I Updated. Comments??