You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 16.

Chapter 16
[Gerard's POV]

I sighed and got off of Lindsey.

"Who is it?" I called.

"It's Mikey."

"Come in."

He opened the door.

"Mom said to come downstairs, dinner is ready."

"Tell her we'll be down in a minute." I said.

Mikey nodded and shut the door. I turned back to Lindsey, she was standing up and looking out the window. I went over to her and snaked my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She looked at me and smiled.

"If I do get pregnant, how are you going to react?" She asked.

"I will be the happiest guy alive." I responded.

Lindsey turned around and kissed me. I deepened it. I ran my tongue across her bottom lip. She opened her mouth. Our tongues fought for space in each others mouths. We both pulled apart and stared into each others eyes. Even when I stare into her eyes, I know I want her to be mine forever. She completes me.

"What if I'm not?" She asked.

"Well... Then.. We will just keep trying, I guess."

She smiled and kissed me.

"Let's go eat, I'm starving.." I said.

[Normal POV]

Gerard, Lindsey, Donna, Mikey, and Donald are all sitting downstairs watching a movie. Lindsey was cuddled up into Gerard's chest, her arms wrapped tightly around him. Gerard looked down at her and smiled. This trip was going to break both of their hearts. They can't see each other, hold each other, kiss each other, or anything. They can only talk to each other. Gerard kissed the top of Lindsey's head and a single tear slid down his cheek. Being away from her is going to drive him mad. After about thirty more minutes the movie ended. Lindsey was fast asleep. Gerard softly shook her awake. She sat up and stretched. Gerard stood up, he grabbed Lindsey and pulled her up. He could tell she was tired. They slowly went upstairs. Lindsey laid on the bed and Gerard laid next to her. They stared in each others eyes. Gerard kept rubbing her head, humming her favorite song.

"Gerard.. Do you have to go for three weeks?" She asked, her voice barely audible.

"I'm going to see if I can come home earlier. I swear it won't take long."

She sighed and closed her eyes. After a few minutes she opened them and stared at Gerard. His eyes were shut. She let a few tears escape. She got closer to Gerard. He took her in his arms and started to hum her lullaby again. Pretty soon, Lindsey fell fast asleep.

Gerard awoke sadly. He kissed Lindsey on the lips, she slowly woke. She smiled, but her smile faded knowing what day it was. Gerard gave her a half smile, he got off the bed and got some clothes.

"Do you want to take a shower with me?" He asked.

"No." She simply said.

Gerard sighed and went over to her. She looked up at him, tears brimming her eyes. He reached out for her hand, she kept her hands firmly on her lap. Gerard smiled.

"Don't make me tackle you." He said.

Lindsey just shrugged. Gerard dropped his clothes on the floor and tackled Lindsey onto the bed. She didn't smile, she just stared into Gerard's eyes.

"Babe, smile. Please?"

She shook her head.

"I can't smile when you aren't going to be here for three weeks." She said.

Gerard kissed her softly. Lindsey let a few tears escape from her eyes.

"Just, come take a shower with me?" He asked.

Lindsey shook her head.

"Why not?"

"I just don't want too."

Gerard sighed and got off of Lindsey. Lindsey sat up, and Gerard picked his
clothes up and went into the bathroom. Lindsey started crying. No. Not crying. Sobbing. She didn't want Gerard to go, at all. She had a bad feeling about this trip..


"PLEASE! Don't go!" Lindsey sobbed.

Gerard started crying.

"Babe, I have to. Three weeks will go by so fast. I promise."

Lindsey didn't say anything, she kept sobbing. Gerard took her face in his hands.

"Lindsey, I will call you almost every night. I promise you, I will not meet another girl. I will try to see if I can come home earlier. I love you so much." He said.

Lindsey wiped her eyes and nodded. Gerard wiped away the tears that fell from his eyes. He kissed Lindsey for what seemed like forever. Finally, Ray tapped Gerard's shoulder.

"Sorry man, but we have to go." Ray said.

Lindsey started crying.

"I love you, more than anyone can imagine." Gerard said.

"I love you, too." Lindsey replied.

They kissed each other goodbye. Gerard got onto the train and Lindsey watched as the train left. It broke both of their hearts.
All they had to do now... Was wait..


Today is the day Gerard comes home. Both of them are ecstatic. Gerard and Lindsey called each other every minute they could. Lindsey is getting ready to go pick Gerard up. Lindsey looked at the clock.

"Time to get going." She said.

Three weeks went by slow for each of them. They both cried their selves to sleep, missing each other like crazy. Lindsey hopped into the car and drove to the train station. Once Lindsey got there, she had to wait about fifteen minutes before the train got there. Fifteen minutes passed, and the train didn't arrive. Lindsey started to panic. She decided to walk around the train station staring at people walking by.

"TRAIN 101 FROM NEW YORK HAS JUST ARRIVED." Someone said over the loud speaker.

Lindsey's heart started pounding. She started to run, but people were crowding around. She stopped, and started to become impatient. The crowd parted, and Gerard was standing there looking around. Both of their eyes met. Gerard dropped his bags. Lindsey ran over to him and jumped into his arms kissing him. Tears streamed down her face. They kissed each other over and over again.

"Never. Leave. Me. Again." Lindsey said in between kisses.

"I. Won't." Gerard said.

Gerard kissed Lindsey's face. They stopped kissing each other.

"I missed you so much." Lindsey said, tears still coming down her face.

"I missed you more." Gerard said.

Gerard picked up his bags and started walking with Lindsey next to him.

"Um.. Gerard.." Lindsey said, biting her lip.

"What is it baby?"

"I have something to tell you..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Also, If some of you guys could please tell your friends about this story, it would be magnificent.
Thanks. =)