You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 18

Chapter 18
[Gerard's POV]

My eyes felt like they bulged out of my head. I ran over to him, he was still breathing.

"Mikey? Mikey? Say something to me!" I said, tears forming in my eyes.

He just laid there. Limp.


Lindsey came running up the stairs and screamed. She stared at me, and I stared at her.

"Call an ambulance!" I said.

She nodded and flew down the stairs.

"Mikey. Please say something to me." I said.

By now, tears were pouring down my face. I held Mikey close.

"Please don't give up, Mikey." I whispered.

Lindsey & my mom came up the stairs. My mom nearly fainted at the sight of one of her sons basically dying.

"Babe, I called an ambulance. They said they would be here any minute." Lindsey said, her voice cracked at the last word.

I nodded, "Go down stairs and get me some towels."

Lindsey ran down the stairs and back up with a handful of towels. I took one and wrapped it around Mikey's wrist. My mom came over and stared at Mikey. I got up and let her take my place. She started sobbing I hugged her and kissed her. I went over to Lindsey and took her in my arms. She sobbed in my shoulder, I cried in hers, also.

"You don't need to be going through this." I said, placing my hand on her stomach.

She looked at my hand and then looked in my eyes.

"I could care less, right now. I want Mikey to be okay." She said.

"Babe, don't say that." I said.

She sniffed and shrugged. There was a knock at the door. Both me and her ran down the stairs and opened the door quickly. Three medics and a police man walked in. Two of them carrying a stretcher. I told them Mikey was upstairs. They ran upstairs. Mom came down with blood down her shirt and pants, in a fit of sobs. I ran over to her and threw my arms around her. She sobbed on my shoulder, I sobbed back. They brought Mikey down. His eyes were open and he was staring at me.

"Gee." He choked.

I went over to him.

"I'm sorry." He said.

New tears went down my face, "You have nothing to be sorry for."

The medics took him outside, a police man came over.

"One of his family members can go in the ambulance, the other two can come in the cop car."

Lindsey and I looked at my mom.

"I'll go." She said.

I took a hold of Lindsey's hand and stared at her. She looked back at me. The cop came into the house and motioned for us to come along. We followed the cop, Lindsey shut the door behind us. We got into the cop car. This was going to take forever...

[Normal POV]

After hours of questioning, Gerard, Lindsey and Donna were out in the waiting room waiting to hear if Mikey was okay. All they knew was that it was an attempt of suicide and he lost a lot of blood. Gerard had his head in his hands. Donna was pacing back and forth. Lindsey was rubbing Gerard's back. Lindsey sighed, she put her arms around Gerard and placed her chin on his shoulder. Gerard didn't look up at her. She started to hum a tune into his ear. Gerard took his head from his hands and looked at her. She stopped humming and gave him a small smile. He gave her one back.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you, too."

He kissed her softly, but passionately. They pulled apart and just stared into each others eyes. They didn't have to tell each other they loved each other, all they had to do was look in each others eyes and they knew. They heard foot steps, and a door open. They looked towards where it was coming from. A doctor came down the hall, Donna stopped pacing, Gerard and Lindsey stood up.

"Mrs. Way?" He said.

"Is my baby okay?"

"He's fine, he just lost a lot of blood."

Gerard, Lindsey, and Donna all sighed in relief.

"You guys can go visit him, only one at a time though."

Donna looked back at Gerard and Lindsey. They nodded for her to go ahead. She smiled and followed the doctor.

[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey and I sat down, this time she sat on my lap.

"Do you know how much I love you?" She asked.

I shook my head. She sighed and kissed my lips. She put her feet up on the chair next to me. I stared at her. She was perfect.
Her black hair, golden brown eyes. Her flawless complexion. Her face looked so fragile, that even if someone touched it, it would shatter.
Lindsey smiled at me.

"What are you staring at?" She asked.

"Oh, nothing."

She smiled and kissed me softly. I smiled back at her. She yawned and put her head on my shoulder.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"A little bit." She sighed.

"Do you want to go home?"

Lindsey took her head off my shoulder, and stared at me.

"Are you kidding? I don't want to leave Mikey." She said.

"You're right. I'm sorry for asking."

She shook her head then kissed my cheek. My mom came out.

"Lindsey.. Mikey wants to see you." She said.

Lindsey nodded and got off my lap, I watched as she walked. She looked amazing.

[Lindsey's POV]

As I walked toward Mikey's hospital room, my heart was pounding. I turned into the doorway, Mikey was laying in the hospital bed, looking helpless as ever. I went toward him, he was staring out the window. I guess he heard me walking, he looked over at me and smiled.

"Hey Mikey." I said.

He just smiled. I sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. His wrists were bandaged up.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I could be better."

I sighed, "Why did you do it, Mikey? Why?"

"I don-- It's just.. I really like you Lindsey. When ever something good happens between you and Gerard.. I get really jealous.. And now you are carrying his child.. Why can't I be that guy? Why can't you love me?"

"Aw, Mikey. I thought we had this conversation before. I do love you, Mikey. It's just, I'm not inlove with you. I love Gerard way to much, I'm really sorry." I said.

He stared at me, my heart was breaking. I felt a tear slid down my cheek. He sighed, and wiped it off. He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me forward.
Our lips met.
We stayed like that for a few seconds. He ran his tongue across my bottom lip.
I pulled away.

"Mikey.. I.. Uh.. I gotta go." I said, and left.

I walked slowly, tears running down my face. I let out a small sob. I went into the waiting room. Gerard was staring at me. He stood up and took me into his arms.

"Baby. What's wrong?" He asked.

"Mikey.. He.. He kissed me."

I felt Gerard tense up. I looked up at him. His face was angry. He started to walk towards Mikey's room.

"Gerard. Don't." I said.

He sighed.

"I'm going for a drive. I need to cool off."

With that he left. I sat down on the seat, put my face in his hands and cried. Mikey doesn't understand that I love Gerard and not him. I'm not trying to be mean, but I would never love Mikey like I loved Gerard. I can only see Mikey as a brother. -- I started sobbing. Donna came over and put her arms around me.

"It's okay, honey." She whispered.

"Gerard is mad at me."

"Oh honey, no he isn't."

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." I said.

Donna nodded. I stood up and started walking to the bathroom. It was a long walk, but I didn't mind. I went into the bathroom and washed my face off. I stood there for a few minutes. I opened the door, and started walking back to the lobby. The emergency doors opened. A whole bunch of people were crowded around this one man.

"Excuse me, miss. We need to get by." A nurse frantically yelled.

I moved out of the way, they ran passed me. I saw the face of the man.

"Gerard?" I said.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am a bit happier with this chapter.
Sorry if there was spelling mistakes, I didn't feel like checking.
Chapter 17 wasn't really my best work, I don't think.
Comments? =)