You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 19.

Chapter 19
[Lindsey's POV]

My heart started beating a mile a minute. I ran after a doctor.

"Excuse me, doctor. What happened?" I asked.

The doctor looked at me.

"I can't tell you, I'm sorry."

"I'm his fiancee. His brother is in the hospital, and his mother is out in the lobby."

The doctor sighed and pulled me aside.

"He was in a terrible car accident. Head on collision. The other lady didn't make it, she passed away as soon as the car hit."

I felt my knees give out from under me. I cried into my hands.

"Miss, are you okay?"

I shook my head. The doctor helped me stand up.

"Miss, he will be okay. We will do everything in our will to keep him alive. I promise."

I nodded.

"You can stay here if you want, I'm pretty sure he will be awake soon.

You said his mother was in the lobby?" The doctor asked.

I nodded. The doctor smiled at me and left. I sat on the ground and cried in my hands.


I have been crying for the past five hours, pacing back and forth waiting for the doctor to tell me I can see Gerard. Donna had to leave, she couldn't stand the fact both of her sons were in the hospital.

I've tried to stop crying, because I knows its not good for the baby, but I can't help but think that something might go wrong. If something did go wrong.. What was I going to do? I told Mikey about Gerard, he couldn't believe it. To me, hours seemed like years. After a few more minutes of waiting, a doctor came out.

"Miss, Gerard is okay.. But, there's a chance we might have to put him into a coma."

"Okay.. Can I see him?"

"Yes. But, please. Be gentle. He's in a lot of pain."

I nodded. The doctor started walking towards Gerard's room, I followed. The doctor got to the door and put his hand out.

"Mr. Way, you have a visitor." The doctor said.

Right as I walked in the door, he stared at me. His head was all covered up, his arms were wrapped up. He had no shirt on, only the wraps going around his chest and stomach. He looked like a mummy.

"Lindsey." He gasped.

Tears formed in my eyes and I went over to him. I took his hand gently and he squeezed it.

"Hey baby." I said, choking back tears.

I leaned forward and kissed his cheek softly. He looked at me and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry." He said, in barely a whisper.


"For putting you through this. You shouldn't be crying."

I shrugged. I don't mean to sound mean, but I could care less about the baby right now. I want Gerard to be okay.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"I have five broken ribs, four broken toes, three broken fingers, two broken arms, and a partridge in a pear tree." He said, smiling.

I started laughing.

"And I have something wrong with my head, I don't remember what."

I frowned.

"What happened?"

"I was going way to fast, ran a stop sign and hid a lady head on." He said.

"Gee.. You shouldn't have been going fast."

"I know. I was really mad."

I nodded. We sat there and talked for a few more hours. Even if hes wrapped like a mummy, he's still adorable.

"How's Mikey?" Gerard asked.

"He's alright."

He nodded. He winced and put his hand on his ribs.

"Are you alright?" I asked, worried.

"I'm starting to feel pain."

As if a nurse has been called, she came in.

"More medicine, Mr. Way?" She asked.

"Yeah." He said, curtly.

She smiled and nodded. She pulled out a needle. Gerard's eyes got wide.

"Um.. Do you really need to do that?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"Afraid of a little needle, Mr. Way?" She laughed.

I sighed and grabbed his hand.

"Babe, look at me."

He looked at me, and grasped my hand. The nurse put the needle into his IV, I cringed. He cringed as he felt the medicine rushing into his system.

"This should put you right to sleep." The nurse said.

She left the room.

"Promise me you won't leave my side." Gerard said.

I smiled, "I promise."

"I love you." He said.

"I love you, too."

We stared into each others eyes. His were bloodshot, I'm pretty sure mine we're too.

"You're eyes are bloodshot." He mumbled.

I smiled, "Yours are, also. Please, sleep."

"I no want to sleep."

I sighed and kissed his hand. I scooted the chair closer to Gerard. I put my hand on his face, I rubbed my thumb against his cheek. After a few minutes, he was fast asleep. I removed my hand from his face, and tried to relax in the chair.


Neither Mikey nor Gerard were out of the hospital. I never left Gerard's side, even though every now and then when Gerard was asleep I would visit Mikey and tell him how Gerard was doing. The doctors said if his wounds don't get any better, they will have to put him into a coma. They haven't checked on Gerard yet, if they check on him and his wounds aren't getting any better, they would have to put him into a coma. I'm sitting in Gerard's hospital room.

I haven't left the hospital since Gerard got here.. I mean I did go home to shower & change and stuff. But I haven't left his side. I would usually leave when he fell asleep, and I'd come back a few seconds before he woke up. Gerard was asleep, he'd be waking up soon.

A doctor came in to check on Gerard's injuries. They said the one on his head is getting bad. The doctor opened the bandage on his head. He shook his head.

"Do you need to put him into a coma?" I asked, my voice cracking at the last word.


[Lindsey's POV]

Gerard has been in a coma for five months. Everyone wants him to wake up. They took him off it for a few days. I am still next to Gerard. I kissed his face and left the room. Donna was just walking in.

"I'm gonna go home and get a shower and maybe catch up on some sleep." I said.

Donna nodded and gave me her keys.

"I'll call you if anything happens." She said.

I nodded and hugged her. I got into the car and drove home. Once I got home, I jumped into the shower. After I showered, I dressed in sweatpants and a shirt, I didn't really feel like wearing jeans. It was hurting my stomach. I laid on the sofa near the phone. I slowly drifted off to sleep.


I was being woken up by the sound of a phone ringing. I sat up and looked at the clock. 7:30PM, it read. I've been asleep since 2!
I picked the phone up.



My heart skipped beats.

"I'll be right over."

I hung up. I sped walk to the car. I drove the speed limit, not wanting to get into an accident myself. I finally got to the hospital and ran to Gerard's room. Donna was standing outside of the door, a smile on her face as I ran up to her.

"Is he still awake."

She nodded.

"The first thing he said when he woke up was 'Where is Lindsey?' " She said.

I went into the room. Gerard was just staring.

"Lindsey." He said.

I smiled and walked over to him. I bent down and stared into his green eyes.

"Hey baby." I said.

He put his hand on the back of my neck and kissed me passionately. He looked into my eyes.

"I broke my promise." He said.

I stared at him, confused.

"What are you talking about?"

"I promised I wouldn't leave you again."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if the ending was confusing, but.. I don't know if you remember this, but I think like a chapter or two back when Gerard came back from New York, he promised.. We'll he didn't specifically say 'I promise' but he said he wouldn't leave her again.

Btw, comments make me write faster.