You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 02

Chapter 2
[Lindsey's POV]

How am I supposed to tell Gerard what I was writing was a suicide note? I don't think I can tell him. I can't tell him about the note, and I can't tell him that I'm falling madly in love with my best friend. Yes.. I am falling in love with Gerard Arthur Way, my best friend in the whole world. When ever I see him, my stomach does flips and I get butterflies. He is the nicest man I have ever met. Gerard and I walked to our second period. We have all the same classes. It's amazing. I get to stare at the man I love. We got into the class, everyone sat down.

"Okay, since it's the last day of school. You guys get yearbooks."

Gerard and I both looked at each other and smiled. We were always the first to sign each others year books. Our school is stupid, and we get our year books the last day of school. Usually some schools give it to you two days or something. We get it the last day. Gerard gets his last. I heard peoples names, then mine. I walked up and got it. I handed it to Gerard, he smiled and took it. I smiled and sat in my seat. He started to write words down. Pretty soon, Gerard's turn to go up. He closed the book and got his. He handed me his. I started writing.

'Gerard Arthur Way,
You are the most amazing best friend I could ever have. You put up with all my shit since we were little. Haha. Remember when we were five, and you stole my ice cream and I hated you for five seconds? I could never hate you for long periods of time. Hating you for five seconds made me feel like shit. . I love you so much, Gerard.
Thank you.


[Gerard's POV]

'Lindsey Marie Cooper,
You are amazing. Probably the most amazingest in the whole world. You are beautiful, and sweet. Don't let anyone ever tell you different. You are probably the most amazing girl in the whole world...'

I stared at the paper, seeing if I should write this one line down..

'I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You don't have to answer right away. You can say no, if you think it might ruin our friendship, I will totally understand. I love you, a whole lot, Lindsey. You are the light of my life. Please, Spend the rest of your life with me?

Love, Gerard.'

I sighed as I stared at the paper. I smiled and closed the book.

"Are you done?" She asked.

"Yeah, you?" I said.

She smiled and nodded. We swapped yearbooks, again. I read hers and laughed. I out of the corner of my eye and bit my lip. Her mouth was open, like she was in shock. Then I saw her cover her mouth with her hand. She looked over at me. I looked back at my year book when I saw her starting to turn her head.

"Gerard?" She said.

I looked up from my yearbook and over at Lindsey.


"I want to spend the rest of my life with you, too."

I smiled.

"Is that a yes?" I asked, hoping it was.

"Its a yes."

I smiled and she smiled back. The bell rang, third period. Lindsey and I got our bags and I put my arm around her. She smiled and put her head on my shoulder. We walked out of class and into our next class.

"Oh my gosh! Gerard sign my yearbook!" Someone said.

I turned around and saw it was my ex-girlfriend. She was a prep, don't ask why I went out with her.

"No." I said.

"Ugh. Why do you have your arm around that freak when you could be back with me!"

"Fucking go away, Alex. I broke up with you two years ago."

"You are gonna regret that Gerard!"

She flipped her hair and walked to her seat.

"Don't let her get to you, babe." Lindsey said.

"I won't. I have you."

She smiled, I let go of her. We sat in our seats, she was behind me. She was writing something down.

"Okay. Since today is the last day of school, I won't give you guys any work. Have fun and talk to your friends and sign yearbooks." The teacher said, then left the room.

Lindsey passed the note back, and I opened it.

'Is it to early to say I love you?'

I smiled and wrote back,

'It's never to early. I love you, too.'

I folded the note back up and gave it back to her. She wrote something, folded the note back
up, and passed it back to me. It was a smile and a heart. Just then a boy came over to Lindsey.

"H-hi Lindsey.." He stuttered.

"Can I help you?" She said.

"I-i w-was wondering.. If you would ac-accompany me to a movie and dinner tonight." He said.

"Sorry, I have plans with my boyfriend."

"Oh.. I'm sorry I bothered you."

He walked away, and Lindsey turned around. I started laughing. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Come here." I said.

I moved my legs out to the side, Lindsey got up and sat on my lap and I put my arms around her. I'm glad she's mine, and only mine.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you, too."

She smiled, I smiled back.

"Gerard! Lindsey!" Someone said.

We both turned around, and saw one of my other friends, Ray, coming toward us.

"Whats up, man?" I asked.

"Sign my yearbook." He said.

I smiled and signed my name. Lindsey signed her name, also.

"Are you two together or something?" Ray asked.

"Yeah." We both said.

"It's about time. I always saw you two making goo-goo eyes at each other."

"We do n--"

"Attention. Just a reminder. Graduation will be held tomorrow. I repeat Graduation and the
Dance will be held tomorrow."

"Shit! I totally forgot about graduation!" Lindsey said.

"Do you have a dress?" I asked.

"Yeah. I just forgot about it."

I laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll pick you up around 5:30."

She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder. Then, the bell rang, signaling the last period
of the day.

I know you are reading this! Comment please!