You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 20

Chapter 20
[Lindsey's POV]

I stared at him, confused.

"Gerard.. You never left me." I said.

"Yes. I was asleep for almost five months, I basically left you. I wasn't there to hug you, or kiss you, or hold you, or help you."

"Don't feel bad."

"I don't feel bad. I feel like shit."

I sighed and kissed him. He kissed me back. He sat up and I sat next to him, being careful not to hurt him. He placed his hand on my stomach.

"Do you know what you're having yet?" He asked.

I shook my head, "No. I've been waiting for you to get out of the hospital. I want you to go."

He smiled and kissed me.

"I'm really sorry."

"You don't have to be."

"Yes, I do. If it wasn't for me getting into that freaking accident I could be out with you right now. Shopping for baby stuff. But, no. Instead I'm sitting in this hospital, breaking everyones heart and making you stay here when you shouldn't be here."

I just sighed and stared at him. He stared at me. He kissed me passionately. His kisses still make my heart skip beats. We pulled away and he put his hand on my face and stared into my eyes.

"I love you so much." He said.

"I love you, too."

[Normal POV]

A doctor came in and looked toward Gerard & Lindsey.

"Mr. Way, good news. Since we put you in the coma, you will be able to leave in tonight. You're head is better, and your breaks are healing nicely." The doctor said.

Gerard and Lindsey stared at each other, smiling. They kissed. The doctor looked at them. He looked down at Lindsey's stomach.

"I see you're expecting. Do you know what you're having?" The doctor asked.

Lindsey shook her head, "I've been waiting for Gerard to wake up. I want him to go with me."
The doctor looked toward Gerard, "You're the father?"

"Yeah, I am."


Lindsey and Gerard smiled. The doctor nodded and left.

"I can finally get out of his fucking place." Gerard said.

Lindsey smiled wide and kissed Gerard.

"I'm gonna feel sorry for the rest of my life. I wasn't there to help you when you got sick. I wasn't there to help you when you needed help getting something. I wasn't there to help you with anything."

"Gee.. Please, stop feeling bad? It's not your fault you got into an accident.

"Yes it was."

Lindsey sighed and kissed his cheek.


Gerard, Lindsey, and Donna we're sitting in the lobby. Gerard was signing some release forms. They gave Gerard medicine for his injuries. Once everything was done, they walked out of the hospital.


Once they got home, Gerard and Lindsey went upstairs. They were laying in bed staring into each others eyes, Gerard was rubbing Lindsey's hair.

"Did you pick names?" He asked.

"No, I've been waiting for you."

"Have you already been to get the ultra thingy, or whatever its called."

"Ultra sound, and yeah."

She got off the bed and fiddled around and got out a few black and white pictures. Gerard sat up and she sat next to him.

"Can you see the baby?" She asked.

Gerard was speechless. He was staring at the baby. The baby him and Lindsey created.

"There's the head, and the arms."

"Wow." Was all he could say.

Lindsey smiled and kissed his cheek. He looked through the four pictures over and over again.

"We need to think of names." Lindsey said.

Gerard nodded. Lindsey took the pictures away from Gerard, he stared at her with a frown on his face. Lindsey smiled.

"You know.... You're cute when your sad." Lindsey said.

[Lindsey's POV]

Gerard smiled and kissed me passionately. He got on top of me, carefully. He lifted my shirt up and kissed my stomach. He started talking to it, saying how he was going to try his hardest to be the best dad ever.

I smiled and a tear rolled down my cheek. I missed him so fucking much when he was asleep. Just watching him sleep, wondering if he was dreaming, or having nightmares.. I sighed and stared at Gerard. He was looking at me, looking at me like he just asked me something.

"Did you hear what I said?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"What are we going to name it?"

"How about we make an appointment for tomorrow or the next day, so we can go see." I said.

Gerard smiled wide, he liked that.

"Do you think you'll be able to go? I mean, you just got out of the hospital."

"Babe, I can walk. I'm fine." He said.

I sighed, he gave me a nod. I smiled and he kissed me.

"Is Mikey home?" Gerard asked.

I shook my head, "He's over his friends house."

Gerard and I just sat in our room, talking. Thinking about possibly getting our own apartment. Two bedrooms, only. We started talking about baby names. Then we stared arguing.

"If it's a boy, name it Gerard!" He whined.

"No. It will get to confusing."


"If it's a boy, I will name it something close to yours."

He sat up and crossed his arms.

"Hmph." He said.

I smiled and sat up. I put my arms around Gerard and kissed his neck. He smiled and looked at me.

"I can never stay mad at you." He said.

I smiled and looked at him, "How do your ribs feel?"

"They feel fine. Why?" He asked.

"I don't know, just making sure you're okay."

He smiled and kissed me.

"I'm hungry, are you hungry?" He asked.

I don't really know if I was hungry or not, so I just shook my head. He shrugged and kissed me. He left the room, I laid down. And got some much needed rest.

[Gerard's POV]

As I went downstairs, I felt pain shoot up in my chest. I got into the kitchen and took some of my pain pills. I looked at the fridge and decided to skip the food and go upstairs and sleep. I yawned and started back up the stairs, when I got into my room, Lindsey was already asleep.


She needed sleep more than me. I crawled into bed next to her, she cuddled into my chest. I let a tear escape. It wasn't a sad tear. No. It was a happy tear. I was happy. Happy I was alive. Happy that all the stress I put Lindsey through did make her loose the baby. Hopefully..
She doesn't.

[Normal POV]

"Gee, are you ready to go?" Lindsey called.

"Yeah." Gerard said.

Lindsey and Gerard are going to the hospital, Gerard wants to know the sex of the baby, Lindsey does too, in a way. Lindsey and Gerard hopped into the car and Gerard drove them to the doctors.

"You excited?" Lindsey asked, once they got there

Gerard smiled and nodded. Lindsey smiled, Gerard got out of the car. He went around to Lindsey's side and helped her out. Before she could get her balance, their lips met. Lindsey held onto the car for support, but she didn't need it seeing as Gerard's arms were around her back. They pulled away.

"You couldn't of waited till I got my balance?" She asked, smiling.

Gerard shook his head and smiled. They went into the office and Lindsey had to fill out a few forms. Once the forms were filled, they went in the back. Lindsey laid down on the cold table and lifted her shirt up. Gerard was next to her holding her hand and smiling like a goof ball. He kissed her softly.

"I love you." He whispered.

She smiled, "I love you, too."

The doctor came in and smiled.

"Hello, Lindsey. Good to see you again."

"Hey Dr. Moore."

The doctor looked at Gerard.

"Is this the father?" Dr. Moore asked.

"Yes, I'm the father."

"Ah. The same father as last time? Good to see you awake, son. When Lindsey came in here, she was pretty depressed."

Gerard looked at Lindsey and gave her an apologetic smile. She just sighed. He kissed her. The doctor proceeded to put jelly on her stomach.

"Gerard and I want to know the sex of the baby." Lindsey said.

"I can do that." The doctor smiled.

Lindsey and Gerard watched the screen as the doctor ran the device across her stomach. Gerard's mouth dropped.

"You've seen this before." Lindsey pointed.

"I know, It's just amazing." He said.

Lindsey smiled and Gerard kissed her.

"You ready to know the sex?" Dr. Moore asked.

Gerard and Lindsey both nodded.

"You guys are having a boy."

They stared at each other.

"Just like last time." Lindsey said.

Gerard smiled and kissed her. The doctor turned the machine off and wiped the jelly off Lindsey's stomach. Lindsey pulled her shirt down and stood up. She went into Gerard's arms. They kissed. They said goodbye to the doctor and left the building.

[Gerard's POV]

My wounds are finally ALL healed. I have NO pain anymore. Lindsey is about ready to pop, I swear she's going to have the baby any day. I'm so fucking happy this one decided to stay in her. We kinda figured on a name. Gage. Both of us love that name. We just can't think of a middle name. Basically nothing goes with that name. We are thinking of the middle name Anthony. Gage Anthony. Cute, right? We got that name from watching Pet Semetery. We fell in love with the name the second they said it.

Mikey is in school now, It's nearing winter. Lindsey wants it to snow. I really don't want it too. Lindsey is hoping to have the baby during the snow. Or near Christmas time. When ever she told me that, I smiled and kissed her. Lindsey and I are laying down in our bedroom of our new apartment, yes our new apartment, watching a scary movie. At the scary parts Lindsey jumps and screams. I just laugh and kiss the top of her head. I had my hand on her stomach, and my other hand was holding hers. She flinches as I felt something kick my hand. I laughed, she laughed too.

"He kicked." I said.

Lindsey looked up at me and smiled. I kissed her, she kissed back. We moved into our apartment about a month ago. We feel so relieved to finally get our own place. I know what you're probably wondering, when are you and Lindsey going to get married?
Well, we aren't exactly sure. Maybe after the baby is born. We want to have the baby in our wedding. --- Lindsey sat up.

"I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?" She asked.

I smiled and shook my head. She smiled and kissed me. I watched as she walked out of the bedroom. I was so lucky to have her. I can't put into words how much I love her. I can only say one thing.. When I'm around her, nothing else in the world matters. I laid on the bed for a few more seconds. I was just about to call out to her when..

I heard her scream.
♠ ♠ ♠

They give me the motivation to write faster.
Also, sorry for any typo's I was too lazy to fix them.

Please, can you guys tell your friends about my story?
It would mean so much to me if I got new readers.