You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 21

Chapter 21
[Normal POV]

Her scream tore Gerard's heart in half. He quick got out of bed and ran into the kitchen.

"What happened?!" He said.

"It's a spider, don't worry about it."

He stared at her, his hand on his heart. She was staring at Gerard, confused.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I thought you went into fucking labor!" He basically screamed.

"Well theres no need to fucking scream at me about it!"



Lindsey was crying now. She went towards Gerard, she hit him repetitively. He took her wrist in his hands and brought them together. She stared at him.


"Babe, calm down."

She tried to get free of his grasp, she was sobbing. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.

"I hate you." She whispered.

"No you don't."

He felt her nod against his shoulder. Gerard started to hum her favorite song. She pushed away from him. She ran into the bedroom, Gerard ran after her. She closed the door and locked it. He sighed and ran his hands threw his hair. He knocked.

"Babe, open the door."

"NO! GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!" She screamed.

Gerard sighed and put his head against the door. Gerard heard soft sobs.

"Lindsey, please. Open the door. I want to apologize."

"Then fucking apologize." She was closer to the door.

"Please. Come out so we can talk about this?"

"Can't I just be alone?"

"Can we talk? Then I'll leave you alone."

He heard her sigh, first he heard the lock unlock, then she opened the door. Gerard took Lindsey in his arms. He pulled away from her and took her hand, they sat on the bed. Lindsey was staring at something on the floor, Gerard was staring at Lindsey. He sighed, which made Lindsey look up at him.

"Look, I'm sorry I yelled at you. It's just that when you screamed I thought you had gone into labor and I got really pissed when it wasn't. It wasn't right of me. It's just that I've been really stressed lately with the baby coming. I didn't mean to take it out on you. I'm really sorry, Lindsey." He said.

Lindsey looked up at him and smiled.

"I'm sorry I scared you and I screamed at you. I don't hate you. I love you with everything I am. I shouldn't have screamed over a little spider, but it scared me."

Gerard smiled and grabbed for her hand.

"Do you still want to be alone?" He asked.

"If you don't mind.."

Gerard nodded. He stood up, he bent over and kissed Lindsey. He went out of the room and laid down on the couch and slowly fell asleep.

[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey still hasn't had the baby, every now and then she'll flinch, saying the baby moved or kicked. The doctor called a day ago or so saying the baby should be born soon. But, how soon is soon? Lindsey is in the bathroom taking a shower or bath or something.

I'm sitting on the couch, flicking through the TV channels. I was tired as hell, I've only got like ten hours of sleep the past two days. I laid down on the couch and tried to close my eyes. It didn't work.

Lindsey came out of the bathroom, I sat up and she cuddled up next to me. I rubbed her stomach, she looked up at me and smiled. I really wish I could explain in words to you how much I loved her. But, I can't think of the right words.. But, let me try..

She makes me weak at the knees. She makes my heart skip beats. When I look into her eyes, I swear I could get lost in them. When she tells me she loves me, I sometimes loose my breath. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her.

We decided to call the baby Gage. I can't wait until hes born. I wonder who he will look like. I decided I wanted to go to sleep, but I didn't want to get up, I was too comfortable.

"I want to go to sleep, but I'm too comfortable to get up." Lindsey said.

I stared at her and laughed.

"I was just thinking the same thing."

She smiled. I kissed her softly. We both stood up, I had my arm around Lindsey.

"What time is it?" She said, yawning.

"Almost 1 in the morning."

She groaned. We got into the bedroom. Both of us laid on the bed, Lindsey fell fast asleep. I just stared at her. A few minutes later.. Slowly, but surely, I fell asleep.

[Gerard's POV]

I woke up, Lindsey wasn't in bed. I looked at the clock.

3:35AM, it read.

I slowly got up out of bed and walked out of the bedroom, I went past the bathroom to find Lindsey sitting on the toilet, rocking back and forth, holding her stomach. My heart started racing.

"Babe. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Gee. It hurts." She said.

I went over to her and got on my knees.

"What hurts?"

"The baby. It hurts."

I gulped.

"Did your water break?" I asked.

She nodded.

Oh shit.
♠ ♠ ♠

Sorry its short. Hopefully the next one will be longer.

Comments? =)

Please, tell your friends about this story? It will make me sooo freaking happy that I have more readers.. Seeing as my birthday is coming up and my mom isn't going to be there.. Seeing.. as she's dead.. So, lately I've been depressed. =\