You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 22

Chapter 22
[Normal POV]

"When did it break?" He asked.

"Just a few seconds ago." She said, weakly.

"Come on, stand up. Let's go to the hospital."

Gerard helped Lindsey stand up. She was holding onto her stomach. Gerard grabbed both of their coats and his keys. They got to the car.

[Gerard's POV]

I'm sitting with Lindsey in a hospital room. My palms are sweating and my heart is racing. Lindsey keeps complaining about her stomach and the doctors tell her she's going through these things called contractions. We are staring at each other.

"Are you scared?" She asked.

To be completely honest, I was terrified.

"A little bit." I said.

She looked at me and smiled, I smiled at her. I stood up and kissed her.

"I love you." I said.

She kissed me and said, "I love you, too."

"So, are we settled on Gage?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded.

"That name is perfect." She said.

"Just like you."

Lindsey blushed and smiled. I kissed her. I took her hand in mine. Her heart monitor sped up and she grasped my hand. After a few seconds, her heart went back to normal, and her grasp on my hand released.

"Ow." She whispered.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. Contraction." She said.

I kissed her forehead. The doctor came into the room and checked a few things. I felt my eyelids get heavy. I guess Lindsey saw.

"Babe, go to sleep." She said.

"No. I can't." I said.

She sighed. I stood up.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee." I said.

She nodded. I kissed her lips softly and went down to the cafeteria.

[Normal POV]

Gerard went into the cafeteria and fixed himself some coffee. He tried to call Mikey, and his mom. They were asleep, he left them a message. It was almost five in the morning. Gerard was tired as hell, but he couldn't let Lindsey alone. When he was in the hospital, Lindsey didn't leave his side, unless it was to eat or shower.

Gerard sipped his coffee while going back into the room. When he got into the room, Lindsey was talking to the doctor. Gerard sat down in the chair and sipped his coffee and took out his cellphone. He dialed his Mom's number. After about three rings, someone picked up.

"Hello?" Said a groggily voice.

"Mom? It's Gee."

"Gerard Arthur. Do you realize what time it is?"

"Yes. I do. But, Lindsey went into Labor."

"Oh my god! Did she have the baby yet?"

Gerard laughed, "No. Not yet. She went into labor like at 3 in the morning."

"Wow. I will be over as soon as possible."

"What about Mikey?"

"Oh, he's at his girlfriends house. Sweet girl. Be over soon. I'll go pick him up, call him and tell him I'm coming over."

"Okay, bye Mom."

Gerard put his phone back into his pocket and sipped some more of his coffee, waiting for Lindsey to stop talking to the doctor. He wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying. He was wondering who Mikey's girlfriend was. Was she nice? Where did he meet her? Lindsey was looking at Gerard, he was lost in his thoughts staring at his coffee.

"Gerard?" Lindsey said.

Gerard jumped and stared at Lindsey.

"Did you say something?"

"Yeah. Did you get a hold of your mom?"

He nodded and yawned, "Yeah. She will be over soon."

"Gerard. Please, get some sleep. The doctor said the baby probably won't be born for another hour."

Gerard shook his head and drank more of the coffee.

"I'm not going to sleep."

She sighed. Gerard noticed the doctor left. He called Mikey's cellphone. After two rings, he picked up.

"WHAT!?" He yelled.

"Hey Mikes. It's Gee."

"Gerard? Are you alright? You sound really tired?"

"Yeah. Lindsey went into labor. And Mom is coming to pick you up where ever the hell you are."

"Oh shit. She did? And alright. Um.. C-can my girlfriend come too?"

Gerard laughed, "Sure. I'd love to meet her."

"Okay! Bye Gee!"

Gerard hung his phone up, Lindsey stared at him.

"Mom, Mikey and his girlfriend are coming."

"Mikey has a girlfriend."

Gerard shrugged, "Apparently."

Lindsey shrugged and put her hand on her stomach.

"Come out already!" She yelled.

Gerard smiled and got up and kissed her lips. He sat back down.

[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey and I talked for a few more minutes. Then Mikey, my mom, and a girl walked in. She was pretty. She was short, and had black hair just above shoulders. From what I can see, her eyes are blue. She has three piercings in each ear. Mikey had her arm around her. She looked like a shy girl.

"Hey Mikes!" I said, standing up and hugging him.

He hugged me back

"Hey Gee. This is my girlfriend, Lizi." He said, smiling.

I smiled at her. She smiled at me.

"Hi. I'm Gerard, Mikey's brother."

"Hi." She said.

I hugged my mom and said hello to her. We all sat there talking for a while. Then Mikey, Lizi and I went to get coffee. Lizi was a funny girl. She tripped over her own feet a lot. Mikey had told me they've been together for a month and a half. I smiled. Both of them looked really tired.

We sat in the cafeteria drinking coffee. Lizi was very quiet. But, I'm pretty sure once we get to know her, she will open up. I yawned and drank more of my coffee. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I opened it up and answered it.


"Gerard! Get your ass in this room right now. Lindsey is about to have the baby."

I felt my heart race and shut the phone. I threw it in my pocket and quickly stood up. Mikey and Lizi stared at me. I told them what my mom told me. I ran into the room and Lindsey was breathing heavily. I went over to her and grabbed her hand.

"Where were you?" She said between breaths.

"Getting coffee."

She moaned in pain. I moved her hair from her face and kissed her temple.

"I don't want to do this anymore." Lindsey cried.

"Don't worry about it. You get the best thing ever after you go through this." A nurse said.

She looked up at me and I smiled.

"Alright, Lindsey. Give me a big push." The doctor said.

She pushed.

"Take a deep breath and push."

She took a deep breath and pushed. My heart was racing and I was shaking. After a few more pushes. We heard a baby cry. The doctor gave the baby to the nurse and she put it on Lindsey's stomach. She was cleaning the baby up. I looked at Lindsey, she looked at me tears in her eyes. I smiled and kissed her. The nurse handed Lindsey the baby.

"Congrats on your baby boy. Do you guys have a name?"

"Yes. Gage Anthony."

The nurse nodded and smiled. Lindsey and I stared at Gage. He was looking at both of us. I kissed Lindsey on the temple. She looked at me and kissed me.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you, too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay.. I don't know what to say.. Except comment and
and you are all lucky because I was going to have something happen to Lindsey, but then I was like.. 'no.. i can't.'