You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 23.

Chapter 23
[Lindsey's POV]

I'm laying here, staring at the baby Gerard and I created. He had Gerard's eyes, and mouth and he had my nose. Gage was so freaking adorable. The nurse was right. After all the pain, Gage was the best thing ever. Mikey, Donna, and Lizi came in. They all cooed over the baby.

"Oh. Lindsey. He's beautiful." Donna said.

Mikey was talking to Gerard. Donna was holding Gage and talking to him. Lizi was smiling at the baby.

"Would you like to hold him?" I asked.

She stared at me.

"What if I drop him?"

I laughed, "You won't."

She smiled and Donna handed her the baby. She took him carefully in her arms.

"Whats his name?" She asked.


She started talking to him. Mikey came over and looked at me. I smiled and nodded. Lizi handed Gage over to Mikey. He was telling Gage how he was going to be the best uncle ever, and all that stuff.

"Once you're done going crazy. I'd like to hold my son." Gerard said.

I laughed, Gerard smiled at me. Mikey handed Gage over to Gerard. Gage got comfortable in Gerard's arms and went to sleep. Gerard kissed the top of Gage's head. Gerard was beaming. I could tell he was happy. So was I. Gerard looked at me and smiled. He walked over to me. I carefully took Gage from his arms, hoping not to wake him. I didn't.

Gerard kissed me. A nurse came in. She smiled at us and explained to us she needed to take Gage and do some tests on him. I frowned and handed Gage to the nurse. She put him in a carrier and rolled him out of the room.

Gerard sat next to me. Lizi, Mikey, and Donna all sat at the end of the hospital bed. We talked for a few minutes. Lizi started to complain to Mikey she was tired and wanted to go home. Mikey looked at Gerard and I apologetically. We laughed and nodded. They said our goodbyes to us and left. Gerard and I stared at each other for a while. I could tell he was happy.

"Are you happy?" He asked.

I smiled, "Yes. I am."

He smiled wider and kissed me softly.

[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey is getting dressed, I'm sitting in the hospital room holding Gage. He was so adorable. Thank god Lindsey and I did all the baby shopping before the baby was born. Gage's room is all set. Lindsey came into the room, looking beautiful as ever. I smiled and stood up.

"Are you ready to leave?" I asked.

She nodded. I put Gage in the baby carrier and covered him up. Seeing as it was the middle of winter and it was freezing out. I helped Lindsey put on her coat. I put my coat on as well. I felt my eyelids get heavy.

"When we get home, you are taking a nap." Lindsey said.

I smiled and shrugged. Lindsey had to fill a few forms, I was looking at Gage in the carrier. He was sleeping peacefully. I touched his small hands, he moved a little bit and opened his eyes. He took a hold of my finger and slowly went to sleep again. I smiled and kissed his hand.

[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey and I took Gage into his room. Lindsey took him out of his baby carrier and held him in her arms. I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her. I kissed her neck and stared down at Gage. He was staring up at us with hazel eyes. I smiled at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Lindsey smile. She turned around. I removed my arms.

"Do you want to hold him?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded. I carefully took Gage into my arms and sat down on the armchair that was in the room.

[Lindsey's POV]

I was standing against the wall, watching Gerard hold Gage. I smiled to myself. I now have only two things to live for.
The love of my life, Gerard.
and my beautiful son, Gage.
That's all I ever want in my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short...
Sort of a filler.
I'm kind of running out of ideas. =/
If you have any, tell me. I'd love to hear it.