You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 24.

Chapter 24
[Lindsey's POV]

I know you are tired of hearing this, but I am in love with Gerard Arthur Way. I love him more than air. If I had to choose between breathing and Gerard, I'd choose Gerard in a heartbeat. He means more to me than ANYTHING. Now that I have Gage. Him and Gerard are my lives. Gage cooed. Gerard smiled.

"Hi, Gage. I'm going to be the best daddy ever." He said.

I silently laughed, Gerard looked up and beamed at me. I went over to him, and tucked my hair behind my ear and bent down and kissed Gerard. I pulled away from him, he smiled and kissed me.

"I love you so much, Lindsey."

"I love you, too." I said, my voice cracked at the last word.

"Why are you crying?"

I smiled and a few tears went down my cheeks. He stood up and put Gage into his crib and covered him up. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his shoulder.

[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey cried into my shoulder. I took a hold of her shoulders and made her look at me.

"Why are you crying?" I said.

"Because I love you."

I smiled.

"You don't have to cry over me to show how much you love me."

"But, I can't help it."

I smiled and kissed her.

"If I cried to show you how much I love you, I wouldn't stop crying till the day I die and beyond." I said.

She smiled and let a few more tears fall. I wiped them off and kissed her cheeks. She put her head into my shoulder and sighed. I put my arms around her and rubbed her back. I kissed the top of her head. She looked up at me and smiled. I rubbed her head. She put her arms around me and looked up. Her eyes were full of joy.

"Are you happy?" I asked.

"Of course. I have a beautiful son with the man of my dreams. Are you happy?"

I smiled, "Of course."

She smiled, I kissed her softly. We heard Gage move around, then he started to cry. I went over and picked him up gently. I put his head on my shoulder and gently patted his back. Lindsey smiled at the site. I smiled. Gage finally stopped crying.

"I think he's hungry." Lindsey said.

"Maybe." I shrugged.

We went into the kitchen. She started making Gage's bottle. I sat on the chair and cradled him in my arms. He took a hold of my finger and was staring at it. I smiled wide. He started to blow bubbles with his mouth. I laughed silently. He started to cry. Lindsey handed me the bottle.

"Y-You want me to feed him?" I asked.

She laughed and nodded. I took the bottle from her hands and put it to Gage's lips. He opened his mouth and started sucking on the bottle. I stared at this little baby in my arms. I couldn't believe Lindsey and I could of created something so amazing. I smiled and looked up at Lindsey. She was staring at Gage. She met my eyes.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you, too."

I looked down at Gage. He had finished the bottle. Lindsey took the bottle out of my hands.

"N-Now what do I do?"

"You have to burp him." She laughed.

I just stared at her. She laughed and took Gage from my arms. She put his head on her shoulder, and started rocking back and forth patting his back. After a few minutes, I heard Gage make a small noise. Lindsey smiled. I stood up and cleaned Gage's bottle.

When I turned around, Lindsey wasn't in the kitchen. She was in the living room, sitting on the couch; holding Gage. I went down and sat next to her. Gage was staring up at her.

I kissed her cheek. She smiled and turned her head. I kissed her softly. She turned her head and stared at Gage. He was just staring up at her. His eyes started to tear up and he started to cry.

"Can I hold him?"

"Yeah.. But, I think he needs to be changed."

I crinkled my nose and stared at her. She laughed.

"I'll go do it."

I smiled and she stood up. She walked away, and went into Gage's room. I turned the television on and flicked through the channels. Lindsey came back, with Gage in her arms. She handed me him and I cradled him in my arms. She muted the television. I turned to her and pouted.

"I was watching that."

She laughed, "A commercial?"

"It was a cool commercial.." I whispered.

She laughed and kissed me. I looked down at Gage. He was staring at Lindsey and I. He looked so small, and breakable. Gage was just about to close his eyes, when the phone rang. Gage started crying. Lindsey ran to answer it. I tried to calm Gage down.

I carried him into his room and got his pacifier. I put it in his mouth. He cooed and closed his eyes. I kissed his forehead and put him in his crib. I covered him up and he slowly went to sleep. Lindsey was coming into the room as I was leaving.

"That was Mikey. He wants to come over with Lizi. They want to see the baby."

"Well, are they?"

"No. Once he heard Gage screaming he said he'd rather wait."

I laughed, she smiled. I kissed her, and yawned.

"I'm gonna go get some sleep."

"I'll join you."

I smiled and took her hand. We left Gage's room. I shut the door a little bit. I pressed Lindsey up against the wall and kissed her passionately. I removed my lips from hers and kissed her neck. She let out a soft moan. I smiled against her skin. I moved away from her, she looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. I took her hand and took her into the bedroom.

(A/N: xD too lazy to write a sex scene.. one of these days I will.)
[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey and I are laying in bed, she's laying on my chest and I'm messing with her hair. She turned her head and looked at me.

"I can hear your heartbeat." She said.

"It only beats for you."
♠ ♠ ♠
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