You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 26.

Chapter 26
[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey and I are sitting on Mikey's couch, just staring at each other. Her eyes were red from crying. She was crying, just not as bad. I'm gonna wait for the perfect moment to propose to her. We heard Gage start crying. Lindsey and I both got up, and started for him. I made her stop. I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Go sit down." I said.

"I want to help you." She said.

I shook my head, "I'll bring him down. Go sit down."

She stared at me as Gage's sobs became louder. She looked down the hall, then looked at me again. I pushed her towards the couch. She sat down, I went to get Gage. He was laying down on the middle of Mikey's bed. I sighed, and picked him up.

"Why are you crying?" I asked him, kissing his cheek.

He sniffed.

"Mikey was bad. He left you all alone."

He put his hand in his mouth and sniffed. I wiped his eyes and took his hand out of his mouth. I carried him out into Mikey's living room. Lindsey was sitting there, impatiently. I sat next to her with Gage in my arms. He put his arms out towards Lindsey. She smiled and took him. She kissed his head. Gage put his hands on one of Lindsey's shoulders and leaned back and stared at her. Lindsey looked at me and smiled.

"We should try to teach him a new word." She said.

"Like what?"

"Well, what word doesn't he know?"

I sat there and thought. I finally shrugged.

"I don't know." I said.

"Me either."

Gage started wriggling in her arms.

"Do you want to get down?" Lindsey asked.

"Down." He said.

Lindsey smiled and kissed his forehead. She put Gage on the floor and sat back. I put my arm around her and pulled her close. I just realized, Mikey wasn't there.

"Where's Mikey?" Lindsey asked.

"Haha. You just read my mind. I don't know where he is."

As if he had just been called, Mikey walked in with Lizi on his heels.

"Hey! You guys are still here!" Mikey said.

We both nodded and smiled. Gage sat up and looked at Mikey. He pointed at him.


Lindsey and I both looked at each other. I cracked a smile and Mikey just stared at Gage. Lizi and Lindsey started laughing.

"How am I bad?"

"You left Gage alone upstairs on a bed. He could of fallen off."

Lizi and Lindsey stopped laughing and stared at Mikey.

"STOP STARING AT ME!" He yelled, laughing.

I shook my head and stood up. I went over to Mikey and hugged him.

"You know I'm only messing with you, bro."

Mikey laughed and hugged me back. He let go and kissed Lizi. I felt something tug on my pant leg. I looked down, Gage was staring up at me, his arms in the air.

"Up." He said.

I smiled and picked him up. I positioned him on my hip and he grabbed my hair.

"Ow, Gage." I laughed.

"Da-da." He said.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. I blew a raspberry on his cheek, he laughed. Lindsey came over and grabbed his hand. She started kissing it. Gage looked at her and giggled. He put his arms out towards Lindsey. She smiled and removed him from my arms. She kissed him over and over again, making him laugh. Mikey looked over at us.

"Can I hold him?" Mikey asked.

Lindsey smiled and nodded. She handed Gage over to him. Gage took off Mikey's glasses and starting hitting him with them. Mikey laughed and took the glasses from his hand.

"Mine." Gage said.

"No. They are Uncle Mikey's." Mikey said.

Gage started wiggling in Mikey's arms.

"He wants to get down." Lindsey said.

Mikey nodded and put Gage on the ground. I took Lindsey's hand and pulled her onto my lap.

"You guys are still together?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't we be?" I asked.

Mikey shrugged. Lizi went upstairs for something.

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Mikey asked.

"Sure." I said.

"I want something sad and romantic." Lindsey said.

Mikey laughed and picked out something "sad and romantic". Lizi came down, smiled and cuddled up next to Mikey. Lindsey laid on top of me. I put Gage next to me and made sure he wasn't going to fall off the couch. Lindsey and I both had our arm around him.

Lindsey's head was on my chest, I rubbed her head with my free hand. The movie started. Gage went to sleep as soon as Mikey shut the lights off. Even though it was pretty light out, Gage went to sleep. I felt Lindsey let out a small, silent chuckle. I smiled and continued rubbing her hair. Before the movie ended, I felt my shirt get wet.

"Babe, are you crying?" I asked.

She looked at me, tears coming down her cheeks. She smiled.

"It's so sad! He loves her so much, but she doesn't remember him."

I smiled and kissed her forehead. She went back to watching the movie. I looked down at Gage he was still asleep. The movie ended. Lindsey kept wiping her eyes and sniffling. Lindsey slowly got off of me, she towards Lizi and started laughing. I turned my head and saw Lizi was crying too.

"That movie was amazing, but it was so sad." Lizi said.

"I know. Mikey, why do you have it?"

"Um... No comment.." He said, and blushed.

We all laughed, which woke Gage up. He started screaming, I picked him up and started rocking him.

"We better go." I said.

Mikey nodded, I handed Gage to Lindsey. He stopped crying and fell asleep in her arms. I went over and hugged Mikey and Lizi.

"Thanks for having us over." I said.


Lindsey came over.

"I would hug you guys, but Gage is asleep."

Mikey and Lizi smiled.

"It's okay." Lizi said.

"Bye, guys."

We left and went home. Gage put Lindsey to bed, it was still kind of too early to sleep. I was waiting for Lindsey, she was busy changing Gage. Lindsey came out of Gage's room, I grabbed her arm, pressed her against the wall, and kissed her passionately. I felt her smile. I ran my hand up her shirt, and felt her skin. It was warm.

[Normal POV]
(A/N: Lol. Here's a sex scene...WARNING: IT IS GRAPHIC!)

Gerard lead Lindsey into the bedroom not breaking the kiss. He gently pushed her onto the bed. Gerard started lifting up Lindsey's shirt. They broke the kiss so Gerard could throw her shirt on the floor. Gerard's hands ran over Lindsey bare torso. He took his shirt off and started kissing her neck. Gerard kissed her sensitive spot making Lindsey moan loudly. He started taking her bra off. She helped him, and threw it on the floor. He sucked on Lindsey's neck, leaving a mark.

He placed a trail of kisses down Lindsey's body and stop at her pants. He took her pants, along with her underwear off and threw it on the floor. Gerard pulled Lindsey onto his lap and kissed her lovingly. She pushed him down and started kissing his neck. Gerard smiled. She did exactly what Gerard had done.

She kissed down his naked torso and stopped at the hem of his jeans. She took them off and threw them in the pile of their clothes. Gerard flipped Lindsey over so he was on top of her. He placed kissed all over her body. Gerard kissed Lindsey's other sensitive spot making her moan really loud.

"You know all my spots." Lindsey panted.

Gerard smiled. And kissed her lips. He shoved his tongue in her mouth. Lindsey cupped his face in her hands. Gerard put a hand on Lindsey's side making her shiver. Gerard pulled away from her and stared at Lindsey. She had sweat on her face and had her eyes closed. Her mouth was open and she was panting.

Lindsey opened her eyes. Her eyes were full of lust. Gerard entered her, making both of them moan in pleasure. Gerard put his mouth on Lindsey's neck, leaving another mark. Lindsey dug her nails into Gerard's back making him moan. Lindsey started making soft moans. Gerard put his hands on Lindsey's breast. Gerard groaned and reached his climax. He came, and collapsed next to Lindsey. She turned to her side and smiled.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you, too."

[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey and I have been together for over two years.. Almost three. We are stronger then ever. Gage is two years old. Hes walking and talking. Mikey and Lizi are still together, they are engaged and Lizi is expecting a baby.

Lindsey and I aren't engaged, yet. I'm still waiting for the right moment.. It hasn't happened. Lindsey and Gage are outside playing. I was getting drinks for us. Once they were ready, I took them outside.

We have a puppy. Her name is Sandy. Gage loves her. I put the drinks on the table. Lindsey smiled and picked Gage up. He was laughing. He looked and saw I was outside.

"Daddy!" He said.

I smiled, he tried getting out of Lindsey's arms. Finally she let him go, he ran into my arms. I picked him up and kissed him. I handed him his drink. He drank it fast.

"Can I go play with Sandy now?" He asked.

Lindsey smiled and nodded. Gage beamed and ran of towards Sandy. I was sat down on a chair and pulled Lindsey on my lap. As soon as she sat down, I pressed my lips to hers. She smiled against my lips. We pulled away. I smiled at her.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

I stared into Lindsey's eyes. Her brown eyes were shimmering. She turned her head to look at Gage. I looked at him too. He was playing around with Sandy. I sighed remembering how small he used to be.

"I wish he'd stay that small." I said.

Lindsey looked at me confused.

"I miss having a baby around the house."

She smiled. "Well, in eight months, there will be another one."
♠ ♠ ♠
You're lucky I love you guys, because I am missing a good episode of House updating this. :]

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