You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 27.

Chapter 27
[Gerard's POV]

I stared at her, my heart was racing, my mouth was dropped.

"You're pregnant again?!" I asked.

She smiled, bit her lip, and nodded. I kissed her softly.

"Babe! That's amazing! Holy shit!" I said.

"You're excited?"

"Hell yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

"I just thought you wouldn't want to have another one."


"No reason.."

She looked down at her hand. I knew exactly what it was.

"Lindsey..." I sighed.

"How come you didn't ask me to marry you again? We've been together for almost three years. It will be three years tomorrow.."

"I have a perfect answer for that, but I can't tell you."

"Do you still love me?" She asked.

"With everything I am."

She smiled a bit. I kissed her. I was planning something special for her. I was taking her to dinner and dancing. She placed her head on my shoulder. It was starting to get dark out. Lindsey stood up and I stood with her.

"Gage! Come on, time to go inside." She yelled.

Gage and Sandy ran over to us. Gage ran into my arms. Lindsey picked Sandy up, she started licking her face.

"Daddy, I'm hungry." Gage said.

"Okay, Mommy and I will fix something for you."

Gage smiled. We went inside, Lindsey put Sandy in her cage, she whimpered, but she fell asleep. I set Gage down, and he ran to the couch.

I was just about to call out for Lindsey when I felt arms wrap around me and a kiss on my back. I smiled, and took her hands from my stomach. I brought her in front of me. I kissed her passionately. Once we pulled away, we just stared at each other.

"Eight months.. huh?"

"Yeah, I just found out not too long ago." She smiled.

I smiled and kissed her forehead. It wasn't until I saw Gage come out into the kitchen, when I remembered.

"Gage, what do you want to eat?"


"Haha. No." I laughed.

He put his head down and started crying. I sighed and picked him up.

"Gage, you can't have candy."


"You just can't."

"Can I have a cookie?"

I looked over and Lindsey, she just shrugged. I looked at him.

"I guess you can. You don't want anything else?"

He smiled and shook his head. I smiled and gave him a cookie, but I didn't give it to him.

"Before I give you this.. I need something from you first?"

Gage laughed, "What?"

"A kiss."

Gage kissed me, and I gave him the cookie. I let him on the floor and he ran off, laughing. I smiled and went over to Lindsey.

She wrapped her arms around me and placed her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. She turned her head and put her chin on my chest. I looked down at her and smiled. She smiled at me back. I pecked her lips.

"I love you." She said.

I smiled, "I love you, too."

I looked up at the clock, it was time to put Gage to bed.

"Let's go put Gage to bed." Lindsey said.

"You read my mind to much."

She smiled and I kissed her. I took her hand and we went out in the living room. Gage was asleep on the floor. Lindsey and I laughed silently.

I picked him up gently and took him into his room. I laid him down in his crib. Lindsey and I gave him a kiss on the forehead and left his room. We both got changed and cuddled up next to each other.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you, too."

We both fell asleep at the same time.


I awoke with the feeling of lips against mine. I smiled. Lindsey. She removed her lips from mine, and I opened my eyes.

"What a nice way to wake up in the morning." I said.

She smiled and I kissed her face. I put my lips to her ear.

"Three years." I said.

I felt Lindsey smile. She kissed my cheek, and I kissed her ear. She nuzzled into my chest, I held her. I didn't want to move.

"I don't want to move." Lindsey said.


Lindsey laughed. We heard Sandy bark. Lindsey groaned, she sat up and yawned. She looked at me, and smiled. I smiled back at her.

"You get Gage, I get Sandy?" She said.

"Sure, but I don't want to get up."

Lindsey sighed and left the room. I heard the door of Sandy's cage open. I closed my eyes, then I felt wetness on my face. I groaned.

"Sandy! Come on!"

I heard Lindsey laugh, I grabbed Sandy.

"You are so going to pay." I said to Lindsey.

I got out of bed and stared at Lindsey. She starting laughing, and started running. I ran after her. I got to the end of the hall and looked around, I didn't see her. I felt her jump on my back, I laughed.

"Am I really going to pay, Mr. Way? Or are you going to pay?" She whispered in my ear.

"Hmm.. We will have to see.." I said.

She got off my back and I pulled her into me. I kissed her softly, and she giggled.

"I'm taking you out tonight," I said. "So, you should get ready."

Her eyes got wide.

"Who's gonna watch Gage?"

"Mikey and Lizi are coming over."

She smiled and kissed me.

"Speaking of Gage, we should get him."

"Yes, we should."

Lindsey and I went into Gage's room, he was standing up waiting for someone to pick him up. I picked him up and he yawned.

"Why was mommy screaming?" He asked.

"Cause I was chasing her." I smiled.

[Lindsey's POV]

Wow. Three years. Gerard and I have been together for three years. It seems too good to be true, but it is. Our love is the love that is only found in fairy tails. I watched as Gerard talked to Gage. He's such a good father. He's going to be a good father to the new baby, also. A new baby.. I smiled at the thought.

When Gerard told me he was taking me out tonight, I got scared. Scared because I thought no one was going to be able to watch Gage. Scared because I don't know what he has planned. Gerard put Gage down and he ran over to me, I picked him up and kissed him. I stared at Gerard, he smiled and nodded.

"How would you feel of having a little brother or sister?"

Gage gasped and put his small hands in front of his face. I smiled.

"I take that as a yes?"


I smiled and kissed his forehead. Gerard came forward.

"Gage, Uncle Mikey and Aunt Lizi are going to be watching you tonight."


"Mommy and I are going out."


"Because today is a very special day."


I laughed, Gerard laughed and kissed Gage's cheek. I looked at the clock.. We still had some time to spare..

[Gerard's POV]

"I swear, if Mikey isn't here in the next few minutes, I'm gonna kill him." I said.

Mikey and Lizi are thirty minutes late. Lindsey is still getting ready. I'm stressing out because no one is here to watch Gage, and I can't leave him alone. I heard a knock and the door and opened it quickly. Mikey and Lizi were standing there.

"Sorry we are late." Mikey apologized.

"It's fine, but we really have to go." I said.

I let Mikey and Lizi in.

"LINDSEY! LETS GO!" I yelled.

Lindsey came down the hall, my mouth dropped. She stopped in front of me and smiled. She looked gorgeous.

The way her hair was wavy down past her shoulders. The way her dress clung to her body. The way her make-up made her face look even more beautiful then what it was.

"Gerard? Are you there?" Someone said, waking me from my thoughts.

"Wh-what?" I said.

I was staring at Lindsey, I smiled and kissed her cheek. We looked at Mikey and Lizi.

"Thanks for watching Gage for us. We really have to go." Lindsey said.

"It's our pleasure, we love Gage." Mikey said.

We hugged Mikey and Lizi. Lindsey was telling them about the phone numbers, when Gage's bed time is, etc. I laughed and took her arm.

"Lindsey, If we don't want our table to be taken, we have to leave now." I said.

"Go and have a good time, we know how to take care of Gage." Mikey said.

Lindsey sighed, we both kissed Gage and left.

[Gerard's POV]

Lindsey and I are sitting at the restaurant, drinking the rest of our sodas. We already ate and we are ready for the check. We are just waiting. Lindsey is beaming at me.

"Gee.., Why are you doing all of this?" She asked.

"Because I love you."

She smiled. I took her hand and kissed it. I put one hand in my pocket and fiddled with the little black velvet box in my pocket. I took it out, and went on one knee. Her eyes went wide. I opened the box and smiled. I saw her get tears in her eyes.

"I'm really sorry for not asking you this again earlier.. I just was waiting for the perfect moment.. Lindsey Marie Cooper, will you marry me... again?" I said and laughed.

She let a few tears come from out of her eyes, laughed a bit and nodded.

"Yes. I will."

I smiled, took the ring out of the box and put it on her finger. I stood up and kissed her, getting Aww's from the customers around us. Lindsey smiled and I smiled. The waiter brought over our check. We paid and we went onto our next destination..
The club.

[Lindsey's POV]

Gerard is taking me out to all these nice places, but we can't drink any alcohol, seeing my condition. Gerard asked me to marry him again. I was so excited. I think he got me a new ring, cause the one I have on my finger, the diamond and band seem larger.

We are just standing at the bar, Gerard has his arms wrapped around me and his head is on my shoulder. Gerard hasn't gone out on the dance floor yet, he's apparently waiting for something. Just then, a slow beat song came on. Gerard removed his arms, and took my hand.

"Let's go dance." He said.

I smiled and followed him. He took me onto the dance floor. He put his one hand on my waist, and the other one linked with my hand. I placed my free hand on his shoulder. His hands are always so warm. He put his cheek against mine. I closed my eyes. It felt like there was nothing in the world that could break us apart.

[Gerard's POV]

Dancing with Lindsey is probably the most amazing feeling ever. I closed my eyes and enjoyed having her with me. It felt as it no one else was around us. Just me and her. I kissed her ear.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you, too." She whispered back.

I kissed her cheek, and then her lips. I opened my eyes and stared in her eyes. I loved her so much. She placed her head on my shoulder. I moved her closer. The song ended. A dance song came on, we didn't move.

"You're mine forever." I said.

"And ever." She said.

I kissed her softly and put my arms around her waist. I heard a gun shot, and a whole bunch of screams.
Lindsey went limp in my arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
muahahaha. cliff hanger. :]
Please, do not stop reading because Lindsey 'died'.
she actually doesn't. xD

Okay, So I've decided to keep this story and work on a new one.

I don't really care if you think this story is boring. i think this story is okay.
if i don't have any idea's; oh well. I've worked to hard on this story to give it up.
I am not deleting it. Nothing anyone can say can make me delete it.
If you think this story is boring, good for you. Then stop reading.