You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 29.

Chapter 29
[Gerard's POV]

I stared at the doctor, my mouth open.

"What do you mean she might not make it?" I said.

"Well, the bullet hit a massive organ, and if we can't fix it.. She might die."

"WELL GO FIX HER!" I yelled.

"Mister, theres no need to yell." The doctor said.

"I'm sorry, It's just that I love her so much. I can't loose her."

"We will try everything we can."

With that, the doctor turned away and left. I turned around and stared at Gage, he was sitting on the chair kicking his legs back and forth. I went over and sat next to him. He crawled on my lap and looked up at me.

"Daddy. I want to go home." He said.

"I'll call Uncle Mikey or grand mom to see if one of them can pick you up."

He smiled, I took out my phone and called my mom. She picked up.


"Hey Mom.. Do you think you could come pick Gage up?"

"Hello Gerard! Sure, I'll be right over."

"We are at the hospital."


"I'll tell you when you get here."

"Is it something bad?"


"I'll be right over."

I hung the phone up, and looked at Gage.

"Grandma's picking you up."

He smiled and put his head into my chest.

"Is mommy going to be okay?"

"I hope so."

I kissed the top of his head and wrapped my arms around him.

[Normal POV]

Pretty soon, Gerard's mother came into the hospital. Gerard woke Gage up, he fell asleep. Gage got off him and Gerard stood up. He went over to his mom and hugged her.

"Gerard, where is Lindsey?"

"She's getting surgery.." He whispered.

"What happened?"

"Well, I took her out for our three year. And she got shot." He said, choking on the last word.

Gerard's mother looked at him, tears in her eyes. She threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. They talked for a few more minutes and his mom decided it was time to leave. Gerard kissed Gage, and hugged him. They left. Gerard went down to the cafeteria. He wanted to get coffee. No. Scratch that. He NEEDED coffee. He poured himself some in a styrofoam cup. He put sugar and milk in it, and stirred.

The aroma of coffee filled his nose. He smiled and took a sip. He felt it go through his body. He shivered. He went back up to the waiting room. The doctor was just coming out as he was walking down the hall. Gerard's heart accelerated in his chest.

"Mr. Way, we have some good news." The doctor said.

"No bad news?"


Gerard smiled and nodded for the doctor go on.

"We got the bullet out, and fixed the organ that got hit. She will make it."

"Oh thank god. Is she awake? Can I see her?"

The doctor nodded. Gerard's heart felt as if it was going to burst. He followed the doctor into Lindsey's room. She had tubes in her arms, up her nose, in her legs.. anywhere. Gerard cringed. Lindsey coughed and opened her eyes. Her eyes landed on Gerard, he went over and hugged her softly.

"Thank god you are okay." He whispered.

"Gerard.. I lost the baby." She said.

He nodded. He put her face in his hands and looked into her eyes. She shyed away.

"Babe, look at me." He said.

"No, don't look at me. I look like shit."

"You absolutely do not look like shit. You look beautiful as ever."

Lindsey smiled wide and looked at Gerard. He kissed her, and she kissed back. They pulled away and the doctor walked in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gahhh. Sorry for taking forever. School kills me.

Thanks so much you all for not giving up on me.

xox. Alycia