You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 30.

Chapter 30
[Normal POV]

The doctor smiled at Gerard and Lindsey. The doctor went over to them and started looking at his clip board.

"Okay, Lindsey. We have some good news and bad news."

Gerard felt Lindsey tense up next to her.

"Give me the bad news first." She said.

"Alright. Bad news; you have to stay here a few more weeks. The good news is you are healing very nicely."

"Do I really have to stay here a few more weeks?"

"Well, it could change. Theres a possibility you can stay here a few more days."

Lindsey laughed, and the doctor smiled. He left the room. Gerard sat there and stared at Lindsey.

"What?" She asked.

"What!? What. You were totally flirting with the damn doctor!"

Lindsey stared at Gerard, stunned.

"I was not!" She yelled.


Gerard stood up and left Lindsey in the hospital room. Gerard stormed out and went outside. He took out his pack of cigarettes and lit one. He took a long drag. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and answered it.


"Hi daddy!" Gage.

Gerard smiled, "Hey Gage. What's up?"

"Is mommy awake?"

"Yes, she is."

He heard Gage gasp. Gerard smiled.

"I want to come see her."

"Get some sleep. You can come see her tomorrow."

"No! I want to see her now!"

Gerard sighed, "If grandma is willing to bring you, then okay."

The phone was handed over to Gerard's mom. He told her if they wanted to come down, they could. They were. Gerard smiled. He hung the phone up and threw out his cigarette.

He sighed, and was starting to regret yelling at Lindsey. He slowly walked back into the room, Lindsey's eyes were red and puffy. She had been crying. Gerard looked at her and frowned. He went over and wrapped his arms around her.

"Babe, I am so sorry." He said.

He felt his shirt getting wet. Lindsey cried into his shoulder. He rubbed her back and whispered 'I love you's' in her ear. Once she had stopped crying, he'd look in her eyes and said things like, 'I love you so much, that if I could fill an ocean, it would spill over.' and 'You're my everything. If I were forced to live without you, I'd kill myself.' Lindsey would smile at the words. Lindsey's smile would make Gerard smile.

"Gerard, do you know how much I love you?"

"No. But, I know how much I love you."

Lindsey smiled. Gerard bent forward and pressed his lips to hers. Lindsey smiled into the kiss. They pulled away. Both of them were sitting cross-legged across from each other. The bed wasn't comfortable, but they didn't care. All they cared about was being with each other.

Pretty soon they heard a baby laughing. Both of their mouths spread into smiles. Gage. A few seconds later, Gage came running into the room, and was standing at the side of the bed. Gerard bent over and picked him up. He went over to Lindsey. She hugged him close.

"Gage." She whispered.

"Hi mommy."

She smiled and kissed his head. Gerard smiled at the site.

[Gerard's POV]

Knowing Lindsey is okay, made me happy. She's holding onto Gage. I smiled. Gage got comfortable on Lindsey's lap, she wrapped her arms around him. She put her cheek onto his head and stared at me. I smiled at her and she smiled at me.

"I love you, Gerard."

I smiled, "I love you, too, baby."

I kissed her softly. Gage looked and both of us. I smiled at Lindsey, she smiled back. We started kissing Gage's cheek. He started laughing.

"Mommy. Daddy. You guys are silly."

[Gerard's POV]

We are getting ready to take Lindsey home. FINALLY. She's finally well enough to go home. But, the doctor told us she has to be careful for a few days before she can do anything. So, I will be taking care of her, which I didn't mind. At all.

I'd have to explain to Gage that he wouldn't be able to jump on Lindsey. Lindsey signed a few papers, the doctor gave her a prescription, and we left. We first went to the drug store, dropped her prescription off and picked up a few things... Well.. Things Lindsey needed.. You know... Girl stuff. Once we paid, we were on our way home.

"I'm so glad to be home." She said.

"I'm glad your home."

She smiled, I kissed her. She put her hand on her stomach and groaned.

"You alright, babe?" I asked.

"Yeah, just pains."

I nodded and grabbed her hand. We pulled into the parking lot, I hurried out and went to the passenger side. I opened the door and helped Lindsey out. I took her bags and put them on my arms.

I wrapped both my arms around her and kicked the car door shut. I helped her into the apartment, and took her to the room and laid her on the bed.

"Gerard, I'm not tired." She said.

I smiled and rubbed her head, "Rest, my love."

She very slowly, but surely closed her eyes. I just sat there, watching her sleep. She looked peaceful. I heard the door open then shut. I remembered I called my mom, and told her she could bring Gage home.

Gage came running in. I put my finger up to my lips and he mocked me. I smiled, and went over to him. I picked him up and kissed his cheek. I silently shut the bedroom door.

"Mommy is sleeping." I told him.

He giggled and nodded. I went into the living room, it was empty.

"Where's grandma?" I asked.

He stuck his hands up and shrugged. I smiled. I looked at the clock, it was about time we picked Lindsey's prescription up.

"Do you want to take a ride with daddy to the store?"

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Gage said, bouncing in my arms.

I nodded. I set Gage down and went to search for a pen and paper. I found one.

Lindsey, I wrote.
Went to pick up your medicine. Took Gage with me. I love you so so so so so much. You're my everything, and you always will be. Forever & ever.
Love, Gerard.

I put the letter on the table. I went to get Gage, I picked him up. He giggled. I was carrying him in my right arm. He was laughing. I shut the door and locked it.

"Daddy, I can walk!" He said.

"Oh, can you?" I said, smiling.

"Yeah." He said.

I laughed and set him down. I took his hand and we walked to the car. I buckled him in his car seat. I went into the driver's seat, started the car and drove to the store. Once I got there the receptionist smiled at me.

"Picking up a prescription?" She asked.

"Yes. For a Lindsey Cooper, please."

She nodded and went in the back. She came out with two bags. She held them up, I nodded. She smiled and rung me up. She looked at Gage and smiled. He grabbed my leg and his behind me.

She laughed, "He's so cute. Is he yours?"

I smiled, "Yeah, he's my son. Gage, say hi."

He smiled wide and buried his face into my leg. The lady and I started laughing. She handed me the bags.

"Have a nice day."

I smiled and bid her one back. I picked Gage up and we left the store. We pulled into the parking lot, and went up to the apartment. I unlocked the door, and Gage ran in.

Lindsey was sitting on the couch. I smiled at her, she smiled and got up. I put my keys, and the bags on the side table. When I met Lindsey, I put my hands on her face and kissed her softly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeahh. Sorry for the long wait.
School has been hectic.

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