You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 31

Gerard's POV

"I missed you."

I smiled, "I missed you, too."

I didn't remove my hands, I just stared into her brown eyes.

"Do you have any idea of how much I love you?" I asked.

"I think I do." She smiled.

I kissed her softly. I removed my hands from her waist and carefully, put them on her stomach.

"Are you in any pain?" I asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know. All I know is that my head is spinning."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I always forget to breathe when I kiss you."

"Well, that's not good." I laughed.

She smiled.

"Oh, I got your prescriptions, by the way.

"Yeah, you showed me."

I pursed my lips, "Oh."

Lindsey looked around the room.

"Where's Gage?"

Just then, Gage came running out of his room. Sandy on his heels, chasing after Gage. He ran and jumped into my arms. I laughed and held him.

"Sandy chased me."

I laughed, "I see that."

Gage looked next to me and saw Lindsey was up, he gasped and held his arms out.

"Gage, I don't know if I can hold you." She said.
Gage frowned, "Why?"

She lifted her shirt up and showed him the huge wrap that was wrapped around her.

"You're tummy is hurted."

She sighed and nodded. She looked at me, I gave her a sympathetic look. We both looked back at Gage.

"How did your tummy get hurted?" Gage asked.

Lindsey and I stared at each other. I put Gage down and knelt down to his height.

"Um.. Gage, could you go into your room for a little bit? Mommy and I need to talk."

He looked from me to Lindsey and nodded. He ran into his room, and I stood up. Lindsey stared at me, and I stared at her. She sighed.

"I thought you told him." She said.

"I didn't tell him you got shot. I told him you got hurt."

"Why didn't you tell him?"

"Lindsey! He's two years old!"

She sighed, "You're right."

Lindsey plopped down on the couch, she put her elbows in her knees and her head in her hands. I got down on my knees. I put my hands on her cheeks and made her look at me. Tears were streaming down her face. I frowned. I hated making her cry.

It made me feel like an asshole. I wiped the tears away and kissed every inch of her face. I kissed her lips last, knowing once I touched her lips with mine, I wouldn't want to stop. I lightly ran my tongue over Lindsey's bottom lip, she opened her mouth. My tongue danced with hers. I carefully stood up, not breaking the kiss.

Normal POV

Gerard picked her up carefully and took her into the bedroom. He laid her down carefully on the bed and kissed her neck over and over again. Lindsey giggled.

Gerard moved his hands down Lindsey's sides, she shivered. Gerard sat up carefully and moved Lindsey's shirt up. He stared planting kisses all over her bandage. Lindsey sighed, and Gerard looked up at her.

“I really wanted another kid with you, Gee,” she said.

Gerard got off of her and brought her into his arms and just held onto her.

“Babe, we have the rest of our lives.”

Pretty soon Gage came into the bedroom and sat on the bed with Lindsey and Gerard. Gerard pulled him onto his lap and kissed his head.

“What were you guys talking about?” Gage asked.

“Nothing really,” Gerard replied.

“But... you guys were talking.”

“Gage, it's mommy and daddy talk.”

Gage frowned and looked at Gerard and Lindsey. They both looked at each other. Gerard sighed.

“Your mother and I were talking about giving you a brother or sister.”

Gage's mouth opened wide and he put his hands on his mouth.

Lindsey smiled, “Would you like that?”

“Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!” Gage said, excitedly.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.

Gerard's POV

Two years have past. Lindsey and I have been together for five years, now. We couldn't be stronger. Gage is now four. Mikey and Lizi have also been together for two years, strong. Lizi is having a baby. Shes like six months pregnant. She wants it to be a surprise. As for Lindsey and I having another baby, we haven't had any luck, yet.

Speaking of Lizi, Mikey, Lindsey and Gage. Gage, Mikey and I are out getting tuxedos. Lizi and Lindsey are picking out dresses. We are finally getting married, three weeks. I smiled at the thought. We are picking out a tux for Gage, he's our ring bearer. Mikey and I already got our tuxes.

“Daddy! I like this one!” Gage said.

I was helping him into the tux.

“I like it, also. Let's get it.”

We paid for his tux and left. Mikey's phone started ringing, he answered it. Lizi. He was mumbling into the phone, I couldn't hear him. He hung the phone up and looked towards me.

“Lindsey and Lizi want to meet us for lunch. We are going to meet them at McDonald's,” He said.

I laughed, “Lovely.”

We put Gage's tux into the car and drove to McDonald's. I got out of the car, Gage and Mikey followed. I saw Lindsey and Lizi standing outside waiting for us. My face, and Lindsey's turned into a smile. She ran over to me and jumped on me.

I held her and kissed her softly. Every time I saw her, I loose my breath. I placed her down and smiled at her. She picked Gage up and kissed him.

“Hi, mommy,” He laughed.

I took Lindsey's hand and we walked into McDonald's. We ordered and ate. And were on our way home. We dropped Lizi and Mikey off, then we went home.

Gage fell asleep half way there. I got out of the car and started looking for the key to the house. Lindsey grabbed her purse and was getting Gage out of the car. She looked like she was struggling. I went over to her.

“Babe, do you want me to carry him? You can take his tux.”

She nodded. I carefully took Gage and started for the door. I unlocked it and held it open for Lindsey. She smiled and kissed me softly and quickly. I took Gage into his room and laid him down on his bed. He turned on his side. I kissed his cheek.

Lindsey came in and kissed his cheek. I grabbed her hand and we left Gage's room. We shut the door. I smiled and kissed her passionately. I took her into the bedroom and shut the door.

Gerard's POV

Last night, Lindsey was taken away from me. Apparently, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. So, Mikey was staying with me keeping me company. Gage was here too, of course. Right now, I'm getting ready to go to the church.

Gage is already dressed, so is Mikey. I wanted to look my best. I was marrying the woman of my dreams. I smiled. Lindsey and I were saying our own vows. I finished getting ready and started opening the door.

“Gerard! Are you ready?” Mikey called.

I opened the door and nodded. Mikey smiled and hugged me.

“You look amazing, man,” He said.

I smiled and told him a thanks. Gage was laying down on the couch.

“Gage, come on,” I said.

He hopped up off the couch and we were on our way to the church.


My palms were sweating. I was standing in the front of the church, waiting for Lindsey. Mikey was my best man. A few minutes later, the music stared. A smile plastered on my face. Then I saw her. Her hair was down and curled. Her dress fit her curves perfectly. Her eyes done with black eyeshadow and her lips had red lipstick on.

She was walking with my dad, we had that arranged. She was smiling madly. She reached me and I took her hand. She looked so fucking... I can't explain it. Beautiful wasn't the word, she was much more then beautiful. Then it was time for our vows. I was to go first. I smiled.

“Lindsey, you are the women of my dreams. I love you so much, you have no idea. We have a beautiful son together. We've put up with each other since we were born. Not only are you my best friend, but soon to be my wife. You are absolutely perfect. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” I said.

Lindsey's eyes started watering. It was her turn.

“Gerard. I don't know where to begin. I love you so damn much. I thank you so much for being my best friend and my soon to be husband. We have a beautiful son together. You are the man of my dreams. You are so perfect to me. I can't wait to spend forever with you. I love you,” She said.

I smiled at her, I wanted to kiss her, but I couldn't yet. The priest said a few more words.

“Do you, Gerard Arthur Way, take this women to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, through sickness and in health, 'till death do you part?”

I smiled, “I do.”

“Do you, Lindsey Marie Cooper, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hole, through sickness and in health, 'till dead do you part?”

She smiled, “I do.”

“By the power invested in me, I know pronounce you husband and wife. You many now kiss the bride.”

We both smiled at each other. I kissed her softly, but passionately. Everyone started cheering.

“Mr. and Mrs. Way everybody!” The priest yelled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lindsey & Gerard Way. =D
Cute huh?
The more comments, the faster the update. =D

xoxx. Alycia.