You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 33.

Gerard's POV

“I love you so much, Gee,” Lindsey said.

I smiled and rubbed her head, “I love you, too.”

She looked up at me and put her chin on my chest.

“How much do you love me?” She asked.

“I can't even explain it. But, I'll try too. You are seriously the most amazing girl I have ever met. I feel like every time I tell you I love you, it's not enough. The love I feel for you is so strong, I'm not sure if it's even love. It's something way more stronger then anything.

"You will be the love of my life until the day I die and beyond. You own my whole heart. You are the only thing I want to see before I go to bed, and when I wake up. You are the air I breath. You are the reason I am here today. Everything I am is for you,” I said.

Lindsey was crying and smiling.

“How much do you love me?” I asked, smiling.

She laughed, “I can't explain it either. You are literally holding my heart in your hands. You give me butterflies. Everything you say to me, I fall in love with you even more.. If that's possible. You are not the love of my life. You are my life.

"My whole life is you. The love I feel for you doesn't feel like love. It feels like.. I can't even explain it. I don't think there is even anything stronger then love. If there is, that's what I feel for you,” she said.

I felt my eyes fill up with tears. I kissed her softly.

“Mommy? Daddy? What are you guys talking about?” Gage asked.

Wow. I forgot he was in the room.

“Nothing, we are just talking,” I said.

“Oh. I'm hungry,” he said.

“I am, too,” Lindsey said.

I nodded, “Me too. You want to go out to eat?”

Lindsey shrugged, “Sure, if you want.”

“Gage, how does that sound?”

He just shrugged. I started laughing. This family was full of shruggers. Everyone always shrugged. I smiled, went over to Lindsey and kissed her forehead. She smiled.

“I love when you do that,” she said.

I smiled and kissed her lips.

“And that.”

I stood her up and ran my hands down her sides, put my hands on her hips and pulled her close to me. I ran my hands up and down her sides. She stifled a moan.

“You know that drives me crazy,” she said.

“Thats why I did it.”

She sighed and kissed me.

“Are we going out to eat?” She asked.

“There's only one thing I want to eat,” I whispered, in her ear. “And its you.”

I started nibbling on her ear lobe.

“Gee, not here,” she whispered.

I smiled and kissed from her ear all the way to her lips. I felt someone pull on my leg, I looked down and saw Gage standing there looking up at us. I bent down and picked him up.

“I'm hungry,” he whined.

I nodded.

“Go get dressed, eh?” I said.

Lindsey started laughing, I looked at her and pointed at her. I put Gage down and he ran into his room.

“Talking like a Canadian now, are we?” Lindsey said.

I laughed, “It was an accident.”

“I want you to have more of those accidents,” she said. “Accents are sexy.”

I smiled and kissed her. I stared into her brown eyes. She was absolutely beautiful. I put my hand on her cheek and rubbed it with my thumb. Her skin was always so perfect. I remember the time she got her first zit, she was freaking out. I started laughing.

“What are you laughing at?” Lindsey asked, smiling.

“The time when you got your first zit,” I said.

She covered her face and started shaking her head of embarrassment. I removed her hands from her face and kissed her.

Normal POV

Gerard walked over to Lindsey's house, her father wasn't home. He opened the door and heard her screaming profanities.

“Stupid mother fucking bitch!” She yelled.

Gerard started walking up the stairs.

“Go the fuck away. Why did you come at this time?!” She yelled.

Gerard went into the bathroom, she was staring at herself in the mirror.

“Um.. Am I interrupting something?” Gerard asked.

Lindsey jumped, and turned around.

“Gerard! You can't look at me! I'm hideous!” She shrieked.

“Um.. What are you talking about?”

“Promise not to laugh?” She asked.

Gerard nodded, “I promise.”

She turned around and saw nothing wrong with her. He just stared at her beautiful face.

“Um, what am I not supposed to be laughing at?” He questioned.

“You can't see it?!” She screamed.

He shook his head, and she went back to the mirror.

“Look! Right here! I have a mother fucking zit! A zit!”

Gerard went closer to her, he had to squint to see it.

“Lindz, I can hardly see it.”

“You must need fucking glasses, it's huge!”

She turned around and said, “Go away, Gerard. I'm ugly.”

Gerard sighed. He grabbed her shoulders, spun her around. He stared into her eyes and held her face.

“You are not ugly. You will always be the most beautiful girl ever, Lindsey.”

With that, he kissed her fully and passionately on the lips.


Gerard's POV

“You remember that?” I asked.

“Of course I do. That was our first kiss, and our first time... Yeah..,” she said.

Errr. Yeah. We took each others virginities. We didn't regret it then, and we don't regret it now. We were probably fifteen at the time. Pretty soon, Gage came out of his bedroom, dressed.

“Is this okay?” He asked.

I looked at his attire. Blue shorts, and a yellow shirt.

“Yeah, you actually put them on right!” I said.

I picked him up and kissed him. He smiled and looked at Lindsey. She kissed him on the forehead.

Gerard's POV

(Authors Note: Sorry I'm skipping so many months. xD)

Yeah, A LOT has happened in six months. Lizi and Mikey had a baby girl, they named her Aiden. She's ADORABLE!

She's a spitting image of both. She has Mikey's nose and hair. And Lizi's eyes, and mouth. Lindsey is six months pregnant. She doesn't want to know what it is. I hate that. But, we picked names.

If we were having a boy; Cedric Aaron(Authors note: xD Sorry, I'm a tad bit obsessed with Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire at the moment). If it was a girl; Isabella Renee. Gage is so excited.

We are still living in our apartment, since we had an extra room(It was used for junk), I cleaned it out and made it into a bedroom for the baby. Lindsey and I are just laying in bed, my mom is watching Gage for the day.

“Gee,” Lindsey's voice said.

“Yeah, baby?”

“Can we stay in bed all day?” She asked.

“Anything for you, my love.”

“Forever,” she said.

“And ever.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Only two more chapters left!