You Are The Wind Beneath My Wings

Chapter 05

Chapter 5
[Normal POV]

Lindsey and Gerard stared at the officer with wide eyes.

"Wh-what?" Lindsey said.

"You're father shot himself."

Lindsey's mouth was wide open. Gerard stared at her, then the officer. Waiting for someone to say something.

"How old are you Miss. Cooper?"


"Where is your mother?"

"S-she's dead."

"Has your father ever abused you?"

She nodded.

"Ms. Cooper, we need to take you to the station."

"What?! No! Why?!"

"We need to ask you questions."

She ran into Gerard's arms. He wrapped his arms around her.

"You're brother can come too, if he wants."

She looked up at Gerard, and smiled.

"He's not my brother." She said.

"Then who is he?" The officer asked.

"My boyfriend."

"Oh. Well, my apologies. Your boyfriend can come with you."

Both Lindsey and Gerard got into the cop car. She rested her head on his chest, and he put his arm around her.

"You are taking this quite well, Miss. Cooper."

"Call me Lindsey."

He nodded, the rest of the way to the station was silent. Once they got there, Gerard and Lindsey went into the back room for some questioning.

"How long has your father been abusing you?"

"Almost three years."

"Has he ever tried to have sex with you?"

She started to cry, and nodded. Gerard put his arm around her and kissed her head.

"Do you have any bruises?"

She nodded, stood up and lifted up her shirt. There were three bruises. Two on either side of her, and one on her stomach.

"We are going to take you to an orphanage."

"WHAT!? NO! YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME!" She yelled.

She ran onto Gerard's lap and cried into his chest.

"Please, Gerard. Don't let them take me there." She sobbed.

"Sir, couldn't she stay with my family? She turns eighteen in two weeks." Gerard begged.

"I don't know."

Lindsey got off Gerard's lap and went over to the police officer.

"Please! Please! PLEASE!" She begged, tears streaming down her face.

Gerard stood up and went towards Lindsey.

"Please, sir. Don't tear us apart."

"I suppose."

Lindsey jumped up and leaped into Gerard's arms. He spun her around. They thanked the police officer, and he offered someone to drive them home, they refused and wanted to walk home.

[Gerard's POV]

I put my arm around Lindsey and she had her arm around me.

"You aren't sad at all?" I asked.

"No. That bastard deserved to die." She said.

"Babe. Don't say that."

"I hated him, Gerard. You don't know the shit I went through."

She was silent for a minute then started crying. I stopped walking, and wrapped both my
arms around her.

"Don't cry. I'm here."

She wrapped both of her arms around me. We stood there in the middle of the street.

"I love you, Gerard." She said.

"I love you, too."

I kissed the top of her head and smiled.

I'm the most happiest guy in the world.

"I want to go to sleep." Lindsey said.

"Okay. I'm getting tired, too. Lets go home."

"Now we can run away together and have no one bother us."

I looked down at her and smiled. We finally got home, and the house was still quiet. Both Lindsey and I went upstairs. She laid onto the bed first, and I laid next to her.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you, too."

We both drifted off to sleep.

I know you are reading this.
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I need comments. I am a comment whore.