Status: New story! don't excpect me to finish the other ones.. i gave up on those O.o

Aim, Fire


I woke up on my hard cold cot. I loathed how it was always chilly, but kept it to myself; I hated being a nuisance, especially during these times. I listened for the snores of my dormant mother, knowing full well that she’d be asleep at this hour. The wood quietly groaned as I crept across it’s ancient surface to get my worn leather boots, sword, and bow and arrows. My fingers ran over the soft wood, reminiscing about the good days; Father presenting and teaching me how to use the exotically beautiful new tools; Mother teaching me what herbs to use when I was in pain, or hunger, like Purple coneflower and rose petals.
But that was a long time ago, before the Magic Users came and spread the trepidation over our land. They came claiming to be harmless pacifistic Magics, bur we saw through then and attempted to defend ourselves from their grasp. We didn’t stand a chance against their magic or their army and, in the end, we turned servile. It was that or die, of course. I shook my head at the sad story as I climbed out my window and headed to the forest.
I was always careful whenever I entered the forest so as not to be to pretentious. In the forest, I was a different person; the forest also seemed to mitigate as I went deeper into it’s thick, green shelter. I quickly climbed a nearby tree with eruditeness from years of playing; it was second nature to me now. Waiting for prey was always a tedious thing, but, like most things, paid off in the end. My family desperately needed meat to fill our bellies each night, and fur pelts brought much needed money and warmth, especially in the winter, Deaths favorite season. Father would have been out hunting instead of me, but the Magic Users snatched him away and forced him into the army. Luckily, there hadn’t been any wars in a long time, but sooner or later, someone would be stupid enough to try and outwit them. I hated to think that, since I wanted a rebellion, but I also wanted my father to stay living. Just one more reason to hate and spit on the very ground the Magic Users walked on. My thoughts were interrupted when I spotted a fox sniffing around the edge of the tree I was in.
I fitted my arrow in place and aimed at the creature. I chuckled as the fox pranced about with audacity , clearly not aware of me. I sent the arrow flying into the foxes head, so as not to put any holes in it’s precious pelt. But something was off…. The fox was dead, but I could have sworn I head two arrows sing through the air. I listened again, but the forest was immutable in it’s silent voice. I was just about to recant my suspicion and fetch my kill, when I saw a body drop from another tree a few feet away, and inspect the dead fox.

“Hey! That fox is mine!” I jumped down from the tree also, hand reaching for another arrow to fit it to the bow. The person jumped, startled at my sudden yell, and straightened up, inspecting me, noticing my other weapon at my side. I inspected him also, a boy about my age (Perhaps older, I couldn’t be sure) bow and arrow also in his hands.

“I’m sorry,” He said, “ But the fox is indeed my kill.” He bent to pick up the animal when I aimed my bow at his head.

“I killed that fox.” I checked just to make sure that it was my arrow. It was. But there was also another arrow a few feet away fused to the ground. “That’s your arrow in the dirt, is it not?” I smirked. His eyes looked from me to the floor, defeated

“It would have been my catch if your stupid, magiced arrow hadn’t been.” He vilified. I stepped closer, my arrow only a few feet from his left eye.

“I did NOT use magic,” I spat, “My aim is simply superior to that of yours.” His eyes narrowed at that.

“No girl,” he sneered, “could out arch me. I think that was just beginners luck.”

“Luck?!” I shrieked. Great now I scared off all the game! Up until now, we had been speaking fairly quiet.

“Great! Now you’ve scared the game away! What am i supposed to bring for dinner now?” Oh no… of course! Now he and his family probably had nothing to eat! I felt ashamed, but still, he called my shot “lucky”!

“I’m sorry.” I said, lowering my weapon. “You’re a mean fool, but I’m sure you’ve got someone at home to feed too.”

“You bet I do! What am I going to do now!?”

“I can make it up to you.” I said grudgingly.

“You’d better!” With that, he marched off. I didn’t know where he was going, and I really didn’t care.
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Okay! first chapter, OUT! i'm happy! I think i'm really going to stick to this one! :] please, please comment if you liked it, or didn't, i like to know if i should continue based on how many people read! thank you! This story was originally just an excuse for my vocab homework, so the next few chapters won't have as many..."smart" words in them.. XD