
I'm Me, Not Anybody Else

Dear my parents,
Hey. This is me. Your daughter.
I'm writing this 'cause I can't put up with my feelings locked up inside me anymore. You know what? I want to run away from home because I can't stand all your expectations from me.
You've got to understand that school isn't my life. It's not, it's not, it's not! I'm not the brain you think I am. I think I'm every bit as talented as my sister and more!
You see, I'm depressed. I'll admit this. Boy, is writing a letter good! I'm telling you all these things that I didn't have the guts to say!
I want to be in a band! I want to sing, and play a guitar! Why won't you buy me an electric guitar, Dad? It's more important to me than a laptop. I love music. You've got to understand.
Here's one more little bomb: I'm not the meek daughter you think I am. I've gone to the mall a dozen times without asking you. I read things that I know you won't let me read. But I don't care! You tell me to always obey you, but you don't even listen to me, or try to understand me. What do I care about your rules?
You tell me I'm unreliable. Well, you are, too! Think of all the promises you've made-and later broken-with me.
And I am not perfect. I cannot always be a perfect student, a perfect model to my siblings. But I'm not. You've got to accept that, okay? I know I'm the eldest. But I just can't do all the things you expect me to.
I'm not saying you're the parents from hell. But the next time I tell you my dreams and ambitions, try to at least listen.
Or I'll run away from home for sure.
Your <eldest> daughter
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Wow! That felt good...