The Wild Ride

Before The Story Begins...

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, holy mother fucker DAISY come over here like right now!" i literally screamed at my best friend, pointing and telling her to come over to where i was standing.
"You know, i wish i could play my bass like Pete Wentz, he's so hot... Best friends, ex-friends till the end, better of as lovers and not the other way around.. hmmm.. hmm.. la la la" As usual, she took no notice of me and was completely oblivious to what my eyes were seeing. She was looking at some Fall Out Boy CD she had been wanting for ages. I yanked her jacket sleeve, pulling her away from the CDs, making her drop the one she was holding, and practically pulling the whole shelf down with her. But at least she actually realised i was her best friend, and not a fucking brick wall.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! she screamed, i was looking at those you asswipe!" she said, attempting to pull herself out of my grasp. She failed, she always does. I dragged her over to wear i was perviously standing and pointed to the direction of a long table, with a black cloth running down it. "Do you see what i see?" i asked her, rubbing my eyes, to see weather i was dreaming or not. "What? a dog peeing on a lampost outside, yeah i see that.. why?" She replied. Seriously this girl really should have gone to Specsavers! I turned her head so she was looking directly at the table. Her jaw dropped, which indicated i was not infact dreaming and all this was real. "Oh my Johnny Christ i'm not dreaming am i?!" i said, still adjusting to the sight.
"No way man, i'm telling you." she said, her jaw almost touching the floor.
I could feel my heart pounding against my rib cage, racing faster and faster. I started to jump up and down, still staring at the table with the long black cloth running down it...
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first chapter guys and girlies! >.<
its a bit short i know, but i can't give too much away in the first chapter!
please comment, tell me what you think is happening, and what Adie and Daisy are so OH MY GOD about ^_^
next update coming soon! as long as i get some comments!