The Wild Ride

In My Dreams Its Me And You...

"So i guess if we're staying here for the next few weeks, we need quite a few changes of clothes, agreed?" asked Brian.
"Couldn't agree more Gates" replied Matt.
"Especially Johnny, he smells" laughed Jimmy.
"Okay then, its getting late now, but tomorrow we'll go shopping, yes?" i promised.
"Okay Then! But for now who's up for eating out?" asked Zacky.
"Dude! Brilliant idea! where can you eat out round here?" squealed Jimmy abit too over excited i should say.
"I recommend Johnny's Bar" Daisy suggested.
"Where have i heard that name before?" laughed Johnny.
"Do they sell steak tocco's, oh please tell me they sell steak tocco's!?" pleaded Jimmy.
"Calm it Jimbo, yes they sell steak tocco's, now lets go! Your stomache is threatening to eat me if we don't go out soon!" i chuckled nudging him out through the living room door.

Of course, 7 of us couldn't fit in one car, so Daisy drove her car with Brian, Johnny and Matt. While i Drove my car which included Myself, Zacky and Jimmy. I have to say that Jimmy is out of his mind in the most wonderful way, as he brightened up our journey rather alot. "PORK PRODUCT! licking on them nuts, sucking on them nuts, sucking, fucking, grinding dowwwwwn on them nuts!" he randomly shouted, making me and Zacky break into a laughing fit.

"I wonder how much fun they are having in that rideee" Jimmy laughed looking through the back window at Daisy's car, i looked through my rear mirror and saw that he was sticking his tongue out at Johnny who was sat in the back of Daisy's VW Beetle. Johnny stuck his vee's up at Jimmy, Jimmy pouted, turned round and crossed his arms like a 5 year old. Very funny, i must admit. "That Johnny Christ, silly gnome!" shouted Jimmy. Zacky managed to squeeze a quote out while in between gasps for breath from laughing so hard. "You can't spell bass without ASS" he quoted. Oh how i was going to get along with these guys.

We pulled into the car park for Johnny's bar and walked in, and sat down at a large round table at the back of the bar. I was the first to sit down. Zacky begged to sit by me, and Jimmy begged to sit the other side, so it looked like i had no say in that. Brian sat next to Jimmy, and Daisy sat next to Brian. Johnny sat next to Zacky and Matt sat next to Johnny.

"Oh this is so cosy" jeered Jimmy, snuggling up to my arm, i laughed.
"So what kinda fucked up shit does this bar do then?" asked Brian smirking. Daisy laughed and nudged him, He turned round and pecked her on the cheek.
"Ughh.. i'm really sorry that you know, wasn't..." Brian tried to finish his sentence but Daisy had cut him off by kissing him on the lips.
"Oh this is wonderful, but i really don't think this is the place to do that" laughed Johnny. People with young children were looking at Brian and Daisy in disgust, which i didn't understand, why bring young kids to a bar anyway?

I handed out some menu's to the guys and then once ready, myself and Zacky went up to the bar to order some food. Johnny joined us about 2 minutes later, collecting beers for the boys.
After ordering i turned to Johnny, "You need any help with these drinks?" i offered, but he insisted he needed no help, so me and Zacky went and sat down.

"That's Johnny" shouted Brian, not even looking up from the table.
Jimmy ran over to where Johnny was stood.
"Dude i'm really sorry" Johnny mumbled.
"What the fuck happened man?!" Jimmy said wanting to laugh so badly.
"I had to carry 5 bottles, and i had two in my hands and one was resting under my arm and i could feel it falling but before i could do anything it had gone" he said, looking quite regretful.

Everyone was laughing, Johnny had turned a bright shade of red.
"Look, go and sit down man, let the big boy deal with this" laughed Jimmy, tears of laughter streaming down him face.

Jimmy collected 5 bottles of Heineken beer for the guys. And unlike Johnny managed to carry them all to the table without dropping any of them.
"Skills Jimbo" Daisy commented. He gave her a wink and she laughed.

Our food arrived shortly after that, and of course Jimmy couldn't wait to get stuck into his steak tocco.
"Oh this is delicious, mmm.. almost orgasmic, ohh how this steak tocco is so scrummy, yummy yummy yummy i've got love in my tummy and i feel like eating tocco!" he sung. Oh how we laughed.
We were going to be in for a fun night tonight BABY!
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i laughed while writing this, i hope you laugh too otherwise i will feel very sad to be laughing at my own fan-fic , haha. please comment! :)