The Wild Ride

So Unlike What You've Seen...

I walked downstairs, now freshly showered, dressed and ready to go out shopping. I followed the hallway carpet to the living room door, pulled down the handle and walked in, to a riot. Jimmy, Johnny, Matt, Brian and Zacky were all on guitar hero.. but they had switched roles; Johnny and Brian were on vocals, Matt was on bass, Jimmy was on guitar and Zacky was on the drums. Infact, they were so engulfed in the game they were playing that they didn't realise me walking into the room. I spotted Daisy sat on the couch, clapping and cheering for Brian.. yawn. I sat beside her, making her jump.

"Oh dear, i think they're starting to show their true colours" i joked.
"I know, isn't Brian just an amazing singer?" She asked, her head staying put, eyes fixed on Brian.
I rolled my eyes but replied with a simple "hmm.." just to keep her satisfied. I smiled, thinking of all the times me and Daisy had argued over who was hotter, Zacky or 'Syn'? and still the answer to that question remains exactly what it was 1O years ago.. Zacky; hands down. Though i'd get a full bollocking if she heard me say that. I let out a light chuckle. But my thoughts were soon sidetracked by two rather colourful arms engulfing me into a bear hug.

I looked up into two emerald green eyes, and a very big smile.
"Somebody is looking rather wonderful today" i said sarcastically. Zacky was wearing the clothes he had worn the previous day, because of the fact of not having a spare change of clothes with him. Well.. same goes for all the guys, as we couldn't supply them with a change of clothes, Me and Daisy are girls, we don't keep boys clothes. Apart from the odd jacket i've stolen off some random stranger on a drunk night out.

"Oy cheeky!" he said, pouting.
"You know i'm only teasing" i said, standing carefully and wrapping my arms around his torso.
He smiled at me and then turned to the rest of the group.
"Ya'll ready to go?" He asked, clapping his hands together.
"Sure thang Zacko!" Replied Brian.
"Lets go shopping!" Squealed Daisy, jumping up off the couch.

Brian put his arm around her shoulders as they walked out the room, i noticed her flush a little red. I was happy for her, i mean it's not everyday you get 'cosey' with your favourite rockstar. She turned her head and looked at me, i winked back at her and she smiled, carrying on walking.

We obtained the same people, in the same cars as the previous ride to Johnny's bar. And what a ride that was. Hoping for some memorable moments to happen today. It seemed one of those days, you know the ones you'll never forget, spent with the people you'll never forget? Yeah.
Jimmy was being his normal crazy-ass mofo self.. it would be quiet, and then we'd have a random outburst of noise, like "one day dude, i'm gunna get off the bus and run into the woods" he paused for a bit; Zacky interrupted. "dude, is that supposed to be funny?" he asked looking into the rear seat of the car. "wait i haven't finished yet.. so if you don't mind? One day, dude, ima, ima get off a bus and run into the woods and never come back... and WHEN i come back, ima be the knife master!" he shouted. "BAM! best turn around in the quickest amount of time" he added, laughing a little himself. My sides ached from laughing so much, and Zacky, well he had tears streaming down his face from so much laughter.

When we arrived at the mall, Jimmy couldn't wait to get out and look around, so much so he fell flat out the car when Brian opened the door. A very funny sight, i can tell you that much. Zacky grabbed my hand as we walked in through the entrance, Brian holding Daisy's.
"Well this feels natural" i thought to myself. Though i still thought it could be nothing but a dream and that i'd wake up any minute. It seemed real enough though, and i was estatic about that much.

"Right.. you can take the lead, as i have no idea where the fuck i'm going" Brian said to Daisy, laughing lightly.
"Why don't we all just go off and meet up in say an hour or two? i'm sure Johnny, Jimbo and myself will find our way around here soon enough" Matt suggested.
"Sounds good to me, i could get to know Adie more then" he smiled at me and winked.

Soon enough, we were all going our seperate ways, Myself and Zacky had no idea where to start, so i thought i'd first take him to Topman and Burton, to get him some nice smart but casual clothes, and then possibly pop into Blue Banana or some place like that for a few of the more 'Sinical' side of Zacky.

Before long, he was already carrying about four bags of clothes. And i thought I was a shop-a-holic.
"What about this?" i said holding up a blue and white checkered shirt.
"Wow, funky" he said, walking over to me and taking a closer look at the shirt.
"I'll go try it on, come with me?" he asked.
"Why of course" i said cheerily, following after him.
I waited outside the curtain, and before i know it, he'd changed into the shirt. Fair play he looked hot as shit in it.
"Woow, you look gorgeous" i couldn't help but stare.
He flashed me a smile, "You think?".
"Deffinitely." i said, smiling like an idiot.
"Then i'll get it" he said, and gave me a peck on the cheek. Wow, that felt good, i could get used to this.
We walked to the checkout to pay for the item. The cashier looked up at us and smiled.
"That'll be twenty two pounds then please" he asked.
"I'll pay Zack, i doubt you'll have any pounds on you" i made up something, just so that he'd let me buy that shirt for him, i wanted him to remember that i bought him that shirt. Because when he's back in Huntington again, who knows what kind of jumped up girl he could meet.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! IT'S ZACKY VENGEANCE!!" i heard screams coming from by the food courts. A gang of fan-girls came running over screaming, jumping up and down. I rolled my eyes.
"OH FUCK" Zacky exclaimed frustrated "I can't go anywhere without little fan-girls screaming at me, being immature little.. fan-girls" he said, gritting his teeth. I just waited for the hassel to be over and done with so we could go and get something to eat. Zacky did what he had to do, signed a few autographs and had pictures taken. One of the girls must have only been about 13, and she asked him to sign her bra.. bra what the fuck?! that was quite clearly going too far and he rejected it and took a picture with her instead.

"Who's she?" asked one of the girls, a tall blonde, with blue eyes.
Zacky pulled me close to him and replied with "She has a name.. Adrienne and SHE is my girlfriend" The girl looked disgusted, she looked me up and down before giving me dogged up looks. "Your a lucky bitch" she said, turned her back and walked off.

"Thank god that's over, i bet that's so unlike what you've seen?" he said, wiping his forehead, puffing a bit.
I laughed, and nodded. "Lets go grab something to eat" i suggested.
We sat down in Nando's and chatted. He told me things, i told him things, it was going really well. I now knew a different Zacky to the one that i've seen on stage. He's really kind and very polite. By the end of it all, we were laughing and sharing childhood stories. After we had talked about all that there was to talk about, there posed an awkward silence..
"Back there, you said i was your girlfriend? why?" i asked, actually really curious as to why he said it. Though i loved what i heard.
"Because you will be soon, won't you?" he asked, smiling.
"Wait, what?!" i said, words stripped from my mouth.
Before i could say anything, the others had managed to find us, and by the looks of things, they'd been running riot.
"Come on guys, lets go! we've got all we need to get, i challenge you to battle of the bands on guitar hero!" Jimmy shouted, pulling me and Zacky up out of our seats.
♠ ♠ ♠
woo! its snowing! no school tomorrow.. PLEASE?! i blame Jimmy for all this wonderful snow, he's opened up the heavens for me! :D love you Jimbo <3

soo, how'd you like this chapter, written off the top of my head as i had no idea what to write for the shopping trip but hey! seems to have gone okay!
comment please?! :)