The Wild Ride

The Stars In The Night...

I slumped back on the couch, Jimmy and Zacky perched either side of me. Brian had Daisy sat on his lap across the room, while Matt and Johnny were on the Xbox. I stood up and turned off the tv.

"Heeeey! i was owning on that then!" Johnny whined.
"The magician strikes again!" jeered Jimmy.
I just replied with a quick "sorry".
"Hey, no worries Aid" Matt assured.
I let out a quick laugh, "Please don't call me that"
"Yeah, it makes it sound like she's got AIDS or something" sniggered Brian.
I glared at him, untill i couldn't keep a straight face any longer.
"Okay stop teasing now guys" Zacky interrupted.

I silenced everyone before asking "Can we watch a film or something?" without really giving anyone a say in it, because i had already walked out of the room to find mine and Daisy's stash of DVDs. We had so many i didn't know where to start, especially with no knowlege of what the guys would want to watch. But they're guys and any guy would want to watch either a horror or a combat/conflict film. I wasn't so eager with the whole combat idea, as they are so boring, so i stuck with the horror, and walked over to the pile of horror films we kept. I looked down through the alpabetical list untill i came to 'H', i pulled out a DVD with a red case and the words 'Hostel' printed across it, that would do.

I strolled back into the living room and flashed the case around for everyone to see. Daisy's smile dropped as she read the black words against the red background. She despised horror films, because of the fact they were scary. Daisy hated horror films, i hated blood and gore, something Daisy enjoyed the most.

"Man! that's a freaking amazing film!" Jimmy squealed. Obviously stating he'd seen it before, but quite clearly looked like he couldn't wait to see it again. I smiled with relief knowing that this would go down well.

I passed the disc to Matt to place into the DVD player before sitting back down on the couch, i knew if i had given Johnny that disc, something would have happened, it was his reputation to break stuff by accident, bless the kid.

Halfway through, i had to run out the room because Johnny had told me to look at the screen when the most disturbing, goriest scene was showing. I thought i was going to be mentally scarred for life. I walked over to the sink in the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with cold water, i knew it was possible i could throw up at any minute. Zacky approached me from behind and carefully wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled as he softly kissed the top of my head.

"Yeah, never believe anything Johnny says" he whispered. I assured him for future refference that i wouldn't, and he laughed. He went out into the back garden to light a cigarette, and i shortly followed after him, i didn't smoke, but i went out to keep him company.

The sky ws clear and the stars were glistening in the bright moonlit night sky. The air was cold and thin, though with no sign of a wind blowing, it was easy to cope with. I could see Zacky peering up to the sky, admiring the stars.
"It's nice to not have to worry" he began. "Here in Wales, with you and my best friends, i have not a care in the world, i'm away from the business of Huntington, i'm away from the stress in the studio, everything is fine" he continued. I smiled and walked over to where he was standing.
"Nice to have some 'you' time?" i questioned.
"I could think of nothing better" he laughed, while exhaling the smoke from his cigarette.
I flashed a smile at him while he stubbed the remains of it out.

We ended up sitting down on the grass, instead of re-joining the others inside. We chatted for the most part. I got to know more of him, he told me about having a younger brother called Matt who is in a band called The Dear and Departed. He also has a sister called Zina, who he said made him the happiest Uncle ever when she delieverd his only Niece and Nephew, Gianna and Gavin. He told me his parents names are James and Maria, and he shares the same birthday as his mum. Zacky was the only guy that interested me with this kind of stuff, give me any other guy and i would be bored.

It wasn't long after, that we heard the voices of the others calling our names, the film had obviously finished and taking the fact me and Zacky hadn't returned they were clearly wondering where we were. We picked ourselves up off the floor and walked into the kitchen where we called for the others.

"Where have you motherfuckers been?" jeered Jimmy, hugging me for no apparent reason. Jimmy was rapidly becoming a best friend of mine.
"We were-" i began to talk but was interrupted by Johnny 'the midget' Christ.
"Fucking?" he sniggered, Matt punched him on the arm and he pouted.
"No, we were outside, talking" i corrected him.
"And it was better than watching a film, time worth spending" Zacky added, he smiled at me and i exchanged that heartmelting smile.

I looked up at the clock situated on the wall, 12:00am on the dot. Bedtime.
"Look i'm shattered so i think i'm gunna go to bed" i said through a yawn, everyone except Jimmy understood what i had just said. I gave Zacky a quick kiss on the cheek before wishing everyone goodnight. I walked out of the kitchen and took the long journey to my bedroom, i stripped out of my clothes and slipped into my comfy pyjamas, trailed into the bathroom and removed my make up with a wet-wipe, then climbed into bed, and i was out just like my side lamp.

It must have been a few hours after that i felt a warm body clamber into bed and snuggle up against mine before two hands wrapped around my waist. It was dark and i couldn't see Zacky but i kissed him on the arm, and he returned to kiss on the back of my neck, then i fell back into the deep sleep i had just awoken from.
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not the best of chapters, but it will do for now! :)
xmrsSYNYSTERgatesx this is for you.. the very Daisy from this story <3