The Wild Ride

We Had Something Great...

I shook Zacky vigorously to wake him up, he groaned and rolled over.
"Wake the fuck up!" i shouted, shaking him harder.
"Ahhh, let me sleep" he moaned, pulling the pillow over his head.
"Fine.." i said, got out of bed and pulled on my dressing gown. I slowly walked downstairs, into the kitchen. I noticed nobody was up yet, hmm.. i placed some bagels into the toaster. That was the only electrical item i could use to cook. It took some time to toast 12 bagels, butter them and put Philadelphia cheese spread on them, but that only passed some time.

I shouted upstairs to everyone, waking them up and telling them breakfast was ready. Slowly but gradually one by one they came downstairs, typical of Zacky to be the last to show his face. He stood in the doorway rubbing his eyes as i handed out the plates of bagels. He licked his lips at the sight of breakfast, i walked over to him smiling, handing him the plate. I kissed him on the cheek an whispered "Happy Birthday" in his ear. He returned to smile and thanked me before sitting down next to Brian at the breakfast bar.

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Vengeance, happy birthday to you, you crazy motherfucker!" Sang Jimmy, i knew it wouldn't be long before he started pissing about.

Zacky cringed, and slapped Jimmy on the back of the head playfully. I slipped out of the room and headed upstairs to fetch Zacky's present. I walked back down the stairs and steadily into the kitchen, to return to smiley faces all round. Zacky looked at me shell shocked as he noticed the neatly wrapped box in my hands.

I walked over to him and handed him the gift as i kissed him on the cheek.
"Happy Birthday from me!" i sung happily.
He took the present from me and kissed my head, he carefully tore at the edges first, taking his time, before Jimmy dived in,
"Just fucking open it already!" he shouted.
"Do you guys know what it is?" Zacky asked looking round at the guys. They shared the same blank expression while shaking their heads.
He teared the rest of the paper off for the box to be revealed. He shook it slightly, and still had no idea what was inside.

He pulled off the top as a shocked expression wiped over his face, i could see the love in his eyes as he inspected each shoe.
"They reminded me of Vengeance Uni, yano with the 'V's and all that, then i thought the blood splatter just totally put the icing on the cake, and the cherry for that matter" i smiled sweetly.
Zacky laughed and jumped up only to engluf me in one of those bone crushing hugs. He pulled me away from his torso still with his hands on my arms.
"That is the best present ever! Thankyou so much, that was so sweet of you" he smiled estatically.
"Yeah you think? i didn't want to give anything away last night so i made out that i had got nothing for you" i giggled.

"Dude thats some sick shit!" Shouted Matt; Brian, Johnny and Jimmy nodding violently.
I grinned like an idiot, but i felt good about myself.
"What are we going to do today then?" Daisy questioned jumping up, clapping her hands.
"Whatever Zacky wants to do!" i replied.
"Bowling!" Zacky cheered. Johnny glared.
"Last time we went bowling you dropped the fucking ball on my foot".
Zacky patted Johnny on the back, "Yeah and i apologised" , "It still fucking hurt, apology or no apology" Johnny pouted.
"Well bowling it is then guys!" Daisy said smiling.

----TIME LAPSE----

"STRRRRIKE!" Mat shouted, and punched the air. That was his sixth strike in a row, and was starting to get boring now, he's such a show off. And a very talented guy, to say the least.
Daisy stared in awe, she was losing; but thats normal for her. She was perched on Brian's right leg, waiting for her next turn.

"Adie, your girl!" Matt turned to me. I walked over and picked up a bowling ball. I did the usual thing, ran up to the black line, swung back and thrust the ball forward. It travelled down the alley quite fast, and in a straight line for once.
"Wait for it.." shouted Zacky. The ball had started to curve off, i turned around and started to walk back without looking at the outcome of my bowl.
"YESS!" i heard the guys shout. I turned back to see that i'd got a strike.
"Hah! Yes, suck on my non-existant dick Shadows!" i laughed and punched him playfully on the arm.
"I'm hungry, who wants a hotdog or something?" Asked Brian. Jimmy jumped up at the sound of want and hotdog in the same sentence.
"I won't say no!" he shouted.
"I'll come and get some with you Bri" replied Johnny.

They came back with hotdogs and drinks. Which we ate up quickly, then Zacky went to take his last bowl of the game.
"SPARE!" Matt shouted, "Fuck Yeah!" he laughed.
"You may have won this time M. but next time i'm kicking your ass" demanded Zacky.
Shads laughed at Zacky's hoping. Please as punch that he won.
We called it a game and returned our shoes to the counter, before making our way home.

When we got home and i got everyone to sit themselves down in the living room with a few beers and shit. I walked out to the kitchen with Daisy, and we pulled out the birthday cake we had especially made for Zack. It was a chocolate sponge cake, with black icing, in the shape of the Deathbat, it was pretty impressive, way better than what i expected it to look like. I looked at Daisy and we exchanged smiles while i lit the candles.

Daisy began to sing happy birthday as i steadily walked into the room. Zacky's face lit up when he'd seen the cake. We all joined in with the singing of happy birthday.
"Make a wish!" Jimmy shouted.
"He's not a kid anymore Jimbo" Brian stated, rolling his eyes.
"So?! Just make a wish!" Jimmy exclaimed.
Zacky closed his eyes tight as his made a wish and blew out the candles.
"What did you wish for, what did you wish for?!" Daisy squealed.
"I'll tell you when it comes true Dais" he said, and winked at her.

I went out to the kitchen to cut up the cake. Zacky followed out shortly after me. He grabbed me by the waist and kissed my head.
"Thankyou so much for making this day almost perfect" he said smiling.
"It's the least i could do" i smiled at him sweetly.
"Do you know what would make it perfect?" he asked, holding me in his arms, gazing into my eyes.
"No? but i'm sure your going to enlighten me on that one" i said giggling.
"It would be perfect, if you were my girl.. and with that, i want to ask, will you be my girl?" he grinned like an idiot. My heat pounded against my chest.
"Oh my fucking god!" i couldn't stop smiling.
"YES!" i squealed, and hugged him tight. We walked back into the room holding hands.

"What was going on out there dude?" Brian asked.
"Wouldn't you like to know" Zacky winked back at Brian. I walked over to Daisy and whispered the news in her ear.
"OH MY FUCKING GOD! Zacky asked Adie out!" Daisy shouted, so literally the whole world would know.
"No fucking way?!" Jimmy cheered.
"Fuck yeah! Nice one Vengeance!" Matt shouted.
"Mateee!" Cheered Johnny.

Brian pulled Daisy onto his lap, "I guess its now or never" he laughed. Daisy giggled, waiting for what was coming next.
"Daisy, will you make me the happiest guy and be my girl?" he grinned. Needless to say what Daisy's answer was. This day was perfect, couldn't have gone any other way.
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Sheesh this is one hell of a long chapter! hope its alright though :)
i'm off school today due to snow, so expect more updates! o.O