The Wild Ride

Dust Begins To Fall To The Ground...

It was now the 20th of December, five days before christmas and i was in the living room putting up the christmas tree with a little help from Zacky. We'd been out earlier on in the day and had bought a 6ft tall artificial tree.

"Right, now to apply the decoration" i said, rubbing my hands together. I couldn't wait to get stuck into decorating the tree. I was one of those Christmas freaks, i loved the holiday season. Probably because i didn't have proper Christmas' as a kid. I last saw my dad at the age of 13, when i saw him being pushed into a police car, he'd been arrested for sexually assulting a girl my age. The sick bastard, i can't imagine what he put her through, how he would have scarred her for life. My mother died when i was 16, when my dad was out of the picture she turned to heroin for support, she had dug herself an early grave.

"Adie? are you okay?" i heard Zacky's voice behind me. I shook the visions from my head and responded to his question.
"Yeah, sorry" i said, quickly picking up a ball-ball and placing it carefully on the tree.
I was never going to tell Zacky about my past, well not untill i know he's fully ready to know about it, i don't want him thinking i'm some phsyced up freak. I carried on placing ball-balls, tinsel and bows onto the tree. Brian and Daisy walked into the room, and slumped down onto the couch.

"Hey, how was the cinema?" i asked, wrapping tinsel around the green artifical branches.
"Oh.. it was good" replied Daisy.
"What was the film like?" asked Zacky.
"Umm, it was alright" replied Brian.
"You weren't watching it were you?" I laughed. I could think of some things that occupied them during the film.
Daisy scratched the back of her head and laughed lightly.
"Well.." she began.
"No need to explain, we've heard it all before" Zacky scoffed.

I stood back, admiring mine and Zacky's work with the Christmas tree.
"Beautiful" i said.
"I can think of something else that's just as beautiful" he said wrapping his arms around my waist, he placeda soft kiss on the side of my neck.
I smiled and took a place on the couch next to Daisy.
I heard Johnny, Matt and Jimmy' voices coming down the stairs.
"Here come the girls" said Brian rolling his eyes.
"HEY GUYS!" Shouted Jimmy, skidding into the room.
"We're going to the pub, you wanna come? Zacky? Brian?" asked Matt.
Brian and Zacky shook their heads and told them to go ahead just the three of them.
We all listened for the front door to close. Ah peace at long last.

We chilled out in the living room, watching tv and eating pizza, i was all snuggled in Zacky's arms untill his phone started vibrating. He pulled it out of his pocket and glanced at the caller ID.. "Matt Calling". He slowly answered it.

"You Called?" he asked.
from what i could hear, Matt was on the other end, drunk.
"Hello, Shacky, im a bit dwunk" he replied.
"Yeah, and?" questioned Zacky.
I heard what sounded like Jimmy throwing up in the distance.
"He's puked" i heard Johnny shouting over to Matt.
"We n-n-eed pick up-p" he demanded.
"Fuck sake, i'm busy!" Zacky scowled.
"P-pwease?" Matt pleaded.
"Well where are you?" Zacky snapped.
"Johnny's bra.. sorry i meant-t bar-r-r-r" he stumbled.
"Ok. stay there" Zacky hung up and jumped off the couch, walked out the room and out the front door, not amused, not amused at all.

It must have been over half an hour before Zacky came climbing through the door, pulling Jimmy along the floor, who by now was completely wiped out. I told Zacky to bring him into the front room and set him down on the couch. so that's what he did. We didn't even bother sobering him up, we just left him there to sleep it off. And with that, myself and Zacky called it a night and went upstairs to bed.
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not so great, but hey ho! :)