The Wild Ride

I'll Be With You Untill The End..

As always, Daisy was the first awake in the house.. which probably meant that Brian was also awake. I could hear Christmas music coming from her bedroom and her voice bellowing down the landing. I'd have been pretty pissed to be awake this early if it was a normal occassion, but it wasn't. It was Christmas Day and the harmonies coming from Daisy's room gave off a sweet, peaceful atmosphere. I liked it.

I checked the time; 8:00am. Probably the biggest lie-in I've had on Christmas Day. I rolled over to give Zack a soft Christmas kiss, but found myself kissing the air like a fool. We, as a group, decided that nobody was allowed to go downstairs untill everyone was awake and out of bed, so I assumed Zack was in the bathroom or something. I peered over to where the en-suit door was situated.. but the door was wide open, no sign of Zacky anywhere. I was confused by now and raring to investigate. I hopped out of bed, had a quick wee and then put on my dressing gown. A wave of nausea overcome me, but soon settled down into the pit of my stomache. I ought to make the most of my mornings, soon they'll be filled with intervals running to the bathroom to spew up all around the toilet basin, there's only so much fun I'll be able to take.

I skipped across the landing towards Daisy's bedroom, the door was left a jar, soft tunes of Christmas escaped through the gap. I opened the door to find Daisy and Brian lead on the bed singing to each other. I felt bad interrupting such a sweet moment.

"Sorry to barge in on you both like this, but have any of you seen Zack?" I asked in a confused tone.

Daisy stared at me blankly, whilst Brian flashed one of his cheeky smirks at me. That instantly told me something was up. But they were both adament that they had no idea where he was. I shrugged them off and continued my quest to find Zacky.

"Go ask Matt or Jimmy, they might know." Daisy called after me.

I made my way over to one of the 3 spare bedrooms to find Jimmy, Matt and Johnny all in the same room. They were just sat on the floor, talking. I guess they'd been waiting for everyone else to get up. My eyes searched the room like a hawk, expecting to see Zacky pop his head around the corner.

"Any sign of Zacky anywhere?" I asked, frowning with confusion.

"Doesn't he sleep with you?" Johnny asked. Jimmy nudged Matt playfully and winked at Johnny's choice of words.

"Well yeah, but I woke up to an empty bed. I wonder where he is?" Confusion was rapidly washing over my body, with an ounce of concern creeping in too.

"He can't have gone far. Why don't we get everyone together and wait for him to make an appearance downstairs?" Matt suggested. I took him up on his idea and called for Daisy and Brian to join us downstairs.

Brian gave me a hand with making the tea, while the others made themselves comfortable in the living room, ready to open the presents.

"Hey Matt give me the remote control, I know a great music channel to put on for Crimbo tunes!" Daisy squealed.

"Ha! Crimbo rhymes with Jimbo!" Jimmy shouted.

"Well observed." Johnny said bluntly.

I could tell everyone was eager to start opening the presents. You'd never have guessed we had a house full of 20+ year olds! Though I couldn't start dishing out the presents, not without Zacky. I was so confused.

I re-entered the room with Brian, handing out the cups of tea carefully; having made one for Zee incase he shows up anytime soon. And to my suprise, I find a very happy Zachary Baker sitting on the sofa next to Daisy and Brian.

"And where the chuff have you been?" I asked, pretending to be mad at him.

"Sorting out your pwesent." He said in a little kid's voice. I couldn't stay mad at him for long, even if I tried.

I walked over to him, set our cups of tea down on coasters on the coffee table and perched myself on his lap. He kissed me on the forehead and I smiled.

"Can we start now, please?!" Johnny cried. Jimmy was bouncing up and down like a 5 year old.

I laughed, "Sure, who wants to go first?".

"Oh, me, me! Pick me!" Daisy exclaimed and without consent she handed out a present to everyone. I opened mine to find that she'd bought me a shit load of Avenged merch, most probably with the help of Haner Jr over there, but nonetheless I loved it! I sprang up off Zee's lap and crushed Daisy and Brian into a hug. They both laughed and smiled at their success of a present.

I watched as everyone gave out and received presents, exchanged hugs and thank you's. I started to clear the wrapping paper into a black bag when I heard an "Ehemm." come from Jimmy. I stopped what I was doing, he had my full attention.

"And now your present from Zacky, Miss Titley." Jimmy grinned.

I turned to Zack, who had a small flat A4 size object in his hands. It was wrapped neatly in shiney red paper and finished off with a cute white ribbon, topped with a bow. Zacky handed it to me with a gleaming smile ear to ear.

"Woah! Hold on, let me get the camera!" Daisy squealed and ran into the kitchen to fetch her Kodak. "Okay, carry on!" She sat down, puffing with excitment. She clearly knew what I was about to open.

The room fell silent and I could feel all eyes on me, eagerly watching as I neatly tore each line of selotape from the paper. I was taking my time as I didn't want to rip it.

"Oh for god sake woman, hurry up already!" Jimmy screamed.

I sped up a little bit, tearing the back from the object to reveal what looked like the back of a frame. I tore the rest of the paper off and turned it over to view the front of it. It was a frame. But it wasn't empty. It had a piece of paper inside, I read over it a couple times, looked up at Zacky, then back down to the paper. My heart started to race, blood rushed around my body. My jaw dropped when I read the numbers at the bottom. "$1.9,000,000".

"She's twigged!" Cried Johnny.

I looked up at Zacky, still gawping from shock.

"Is this.. real?!" I asked, startled.

"Yes! If you want it that is?" Zack replied, with the same huge smile.

"You're looking at your new house in Huntington Beach, California BABY!" Cheered Jimmy.

Zack came over to sit by me on the floor, he put his arm round me and kissed me on the cheek.

"I know it's still early days yet, yano with us only meeting like a month ago. But we've all become like one big family and well.. we're going to have to leave the UK after Christmas and we all want you to come with us." He explained.

I turned to Daisy;

"How long have you known about this?!" I asked.

"Long enough!" She said, sticking out her tongue. "And you'll be screwed if you say no because I've already said yes! Mwahaha!".

"Fuck you Daisy!" I laughed.

I pounced on Zacky and engulfed him in a hug. He laughed and kissed me. I couldn't help but smile. I stopped mid-kiss. I'd just remembered my talk with Matt yesterday, I still had some life changing news to tell Zack. But he's so happy right now, I don't want to piss on his bonfire, not now. Matt's words flush through my mind; "After all, he is going to be the father of your baby, he needs to know." And I come to the realisation that it's now or never.

"Zee, can I talk to you in the kitchen please? I have something you need to know." I fidgeted with the carpet before getting up to leave the room. I looked over my shoulder at Matt who gave me one of his re-assuring looks; that everything would be okay.

"What's up babe?" Zacky asked, concerned. "Do you not like the house? Is it a shock?" He carried on.

"No, no. It's nothing like that. I love it, I really do, thank you." I assured him.

"Then what is it?" He stroked my cheek.

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. Just go for it Adie. I prepared myself for the worst.

"I'm pregnant." I looked at the floor, trying to fight back the tears.

"Wait, what?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant Zack." I looked him in the eyes this time, to let him know it was true.

"I found out yesterday, I'm so sorry you have to find out on Christmas Day, I understand you're going to hate me, I'm so so sorry Zack!" Tears streamed down my face.

"Hey, hey beautiful, look at me." He wiped away my tears and tilted my head up to look at him. "This is fantastic news! Don't be sorry!" He smiled.

"What?" I was taken a-back. I'd expected him to have dumped me or something. This is not the reaction I'd expected.

"This is brilliant Adie! I couldn't think of a better Christmas present!" Zacky couldn't stop smiling.
"I've always wanted to be a daddy, and spending this past month with you, makes me realise how much I'd love to bring up a family with you. Especially with the house now, we can be a family!" He explained.

I sighed with relief at his reaction. I started to smile. I'd always wanted my own little baby, I just didn't think I'd be able to with Zack. I thought he would have thought it was too early. I started crying again, but this time it was tears of happiness. I was going to have a family. A new start in California, with Zacky. What a perfect Christmas.

Zack picked me up and carried me back into the living room in his arms. He spun me around and kissed me on the head.

"You guys make me sick with your happiness!" Matt retorted jokingly. He winked at me, I knew I could count on him.

"What makes you so happy? Hmmmm" Brian asked. I'm guessing Daisy hadn't told him.

"Adie's pregnant! I'm going to be a daddy!" Zacky cried out with happiness.

So it's true. Christmas really is magical.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's 2:38am right now, and I've just finished writing this chapter. It's pretty long I guess. But I had the idea so I needed to get it down. Decent? Yay/Nay?
Hope you enjoy, I do this for you guys:)!