The Wild Ride

Shattered By Broken Dreams...

Me and Daisy just stood there, my heart pounding underneath my shirt like a bull in a ring. "Should we go over?" i asked Daisy, trying to hold in my excitement for as long as i possibly could.
"Ughh, i don't know, i don't get why they're here?" she questioned attempting do do the eyebrow raising thing i do, which of course she totally sucked at.
"Ahh Daisy please hold me back, i'm seriously gunna go over there and pounce on them in a minute!" i said gripping onto Daisy. I really couldn't contain my excitement any longer, i wanted.. no wait.. i needed to go over there and talk to them, while there wasn't anyone around!
I started to walk over, Daisy pulling me back saying "I don't know if we should Adie..." wriggled free from her very weak grasp and began to walk very speedily towards the large wooden oblong table. That's when i got totally walloped in the face, very hard.

"Adie wake up!" i heard a voice bellow in my ear. I opened one eye, and eventually managed to pull the other one open.
"Shit what the fuck is that?!" i said, scrambling for my covers and jolting upright in my bed. Daisy was there. I mean right in front of me, her nose practically touching mine, and she was wearing an extremely big smile. Typical of her really, always goofing around, being a fool.
"Ahh your always in my face, what's wrong with you?!" i shoving her back a bit. A last i could look at her without having to squint.
"Is someone bleeding to death?" i asked.
- "No why?" came the reply.
"Is the house burning down" i asked again.
- "No why?" came the second reply through gritted teeth.
"Is there a matter of life and death crisis?" i asked yet again.
- "what the fuck is this? 20 questions?!" she said aggressively.
"WELL THEN FUCKING LET ME SLEEP!" i yelled, now it was me in her face.
i put a hand under my pillow and searched around for my phone until i found it, i pulled it out and checked the time... "12:01pm" it read.
"Aghh no c'mon get up, look its like 12:01, i think you've forgotten about something." she said, sadness overwhelmed her eyes.
"Forgotten what?" i asked, a puzzled expression sprung onto my face.
"For fuck sake! your useless! We're supposed to be going Christmas shopping today!" she said now looking quite annoyed.
"Shit, Fuck, mother fucking Johnny Christ is that today?!" i said, sorrow now sinking deep inside my blood. "I'd better get dressed, seeing as your already changed, go make us some breakfast" i said, trying to lighten the mood a little.

I put on my slippers, walked out of the room and down the landing to where the bathroom was. I passed Daisy's room on the way, we have a house together, seeing as niether of us have boyfriends we thought it would be an easier job just buying a house between us. i peeked inside her room.. there were Fall Out Boy posters everywhere, she even had a picture of Pete Wentz in a heart shaped frame next to her bed. But then again, i can't say much, i'm the one with the unhealthy obsession for Avenged Sevenfold, i squeal like a 5 year old whenever they're songs come on Kerrang! or Scuzz... and i'm fucking 20 and all!

I walked out the bathroom after brushing my teeth and washing my face, walked into my room and swung open my wardrobe doors, "aghh so many clothes!!" i said to myself as i rummaged through the shelves stacked high with skinny jeans. I picked out a bright neon pink pair, undid the buttons, bending down a little to lift my legs up and slot them through the trouser legs. I then shimmied them up over my bum and fastened the buttons once again. I pulled out a black skinny fit top which had the writing "I Love Zacky Vengeance" on it in neon pink writing. That was my favourite top, as i absolutely idolised Zacky Vengeance, i'm stupidly in love with him, you wouldn't believe it. Whenever i hear the word "vengeance" pop up somewhere, i always have to turn around and look to see who said it or where it came from. I lifted my mickey mouse pyjama top up and over my head and chucked it on the bed, then i slid my Zacky Vee top down until my head popped through the hole and then straightened it out so it covered up any lumps and bumps on my belly. I straightened my hair, did my make-up and pulled on my bright pink converse shoes.

I re-joined Daisy down in the kitchen for breakfast, she'd made pancakes, which of course were my favourite and she knew it. She's a damn fine cook, i'd burn the house down if i even attempted to turn the stove on, so i'm forbidden to even go anywhere near that thing! Daisy was wearing her green and black "I Love Synyster Gates" top, which she got personally made with me when i got mine done. She had black skinnies on with black converse shoes. She was wearing a black fedora hat which she treasured, as Synyster Gates has the same hat! We ate up our pancakes, which i can confirm were totally amazing.. then i grabbed my Aviators, slipped my dog tags over my neck, grabbed my keys and we were off shopping!
♠ ♠ ♠
see this chapters actually very long! hope you liked it though!
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i'll update again tomorrow, when i come home from school. Urgghh school -_-
well yeah please comment!