The Wild Ride

This Ride That Takes Us Through Life..

January 3rd.

The boys left for their long journey back to Huntington on the 28th of December and since I've been running round like a madman. It was lonely enough without having Zack or the rest of the boys in the house, without having to stress over what things were going to go into which boxes ready for moving.

I walked over to the living room window and pinched the blinds back. Raining, again. Great. Typical Welsh weather. I was so excited to be leaving Wales and starting a new life in California. It'd take some adjusting to, but I couldn't have been any happier. The little one hasn't started giving me any grief yet, thankfully no morning sickness.. yet.

I jumped as I heard the front door crash open. Daisy had been out to get some more boxes to pack bits and pieces into.

"Honey, I'm home!" She giggled, opening the living room door and bouncing into the room. She held up 2 big brown boxes.

"Perfect!" I said whilst clapping my hands together. I took the boxes from her and placed them on the floor, beside the things that were awaiting packing.

"Here, help me pack these last few things will you Dais, then that's us all done, ready and raring to go." I smiled whilst pointing in the direction of the boxes.

Daisy sat on the floor, gently placing each individually wrapped object into the bottom of the boxes.

"Yano, I got a text from Zacky whilst I was out." She said playfully.

"Oh really? Nice of him to contact me." I said bluntly.

"Oh he contacted me for good reason! He's got you a little suprise for when we get to California." She gleamed a huge smile at me.

"That Zachary James Baker, what am I going to do with him?" I couldn't help but wonder what on earth his little "suprise" could be.

"I don't wanna know what you're going to do with him, thanks." She chuckled and sealed the last box with industrial tape. "THERE!" She tapped the box twice and stoop up.

We both stood still, admiring the now empty room. The whole house was empty. Silent. Still. It was an eery atmosphere to say the least. After spending over a month with the boys, having a quiet house was on my dislike list.

"Think we'll miss this place?" Daisy asked, frowning.

I thought for a while, scanning the room, then both Daisy and I looked at eachother and in unison said "Naahhhh!". We burst into a fit of laughter and collapsed onto the sofa.

The removal men were coming in the morning to send our belongings out to California. The excitement was kicking in, but Daisy and I still had to visit Daisy's parents house to drop off a few things that were too big to take over with us, like our cars.

I stood up and gave Daisy a hug.

"C'mon, let's go visit your 'rents!" I said, grabbing my keys. Daisy chased after me and we both ran out of the front door.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fair play, this is a SHIT chapter, but I needed to fill this part of the story in for the rest to make more sense. We're nearing the end now guys! Just a few more chapters to go!:(
..oh and if anyone has tumblr, follow me for lots of AVENGED SEVENFOLD stuff!
