The Wild Ride

When I'm Much Too Far Away..

January 4th.

The removal men had come and gone within hours, they did a really good job of loading our belongings quickly. I'd tipped them for their speedy work; next stop - C a l i f o r n i a! Obviously mine and Daisy's stuff wouldn't arrive in Huntington untill a few days after our arrival, but I could quite easily survive on limited things for a couple days.

"Daisy?" I called, my voice echoeing eerily throughout the empty house.

No reply.

"Daisy?" I called again, incase she'd not heard my first call.

I made my way upstairs, down the landing and into her room to find her sat on the floor deep in thought. She had objects all around her and an empty suitcase, lid unzipped and open.

"You've not even started on your hand luggage yet?!" I asked. She looked up at me, seriously confused.

"Well no, I've got a load of things that need to be sorted into two piles.. things that are coming with me and things that need to be chucked out." She explained, eyeing each object on the floor.

I knelt beside her and peered into the black bag she had accompanying her. I noticed a huge pile of band merch at the bottom of the bag.

"You're not throwing this out are you?" I asked, confused.

"Oh that? Yeah, it's no use to me now." She shrugged.

"But this is your Fall out Boy stuff Dais? It took you years to collect this?" I tried to convince her.

"So, they've split up now, like I said.. no use to me. I've got Brian now." She pushed a few more things into the bag and placed a few others into her case.

I let out a loud sigh. Brian had changed her. I saw hardly any of her when he was here and now he's gone.. I'm back in the picture. I hope that's not foreseeing what happens when we get to America. I don't want to lose my best friend.
I nudged her out of the way and packed her things for her, deciding what went in the bin and what went in the bag.

"There, see not so hard! ..You're useless Dais!" I said, wiping my hands together. I stood up and ruffled her hair as if she were a small child. She pulled away and frowned at me.

"C'mon, pick your case up and say goodbye to your room. We've got a hell of a journey ahead of us tonight." I said, turning my back on her and the room. I carried the black bag downstairs and tied it, before walking outside to place it in the bin. I took a step back and glared up at the house, taking in every detail. As much as I hated living in Wales, I was sure gunna miss this place.

I walked back inside to find Daisy all kitted out, ready to go. Finally. I inspected the house, checking every room to make sure nothing had been left behind. I heard a car horn sound from outside, which told us that Daisy's dad had arrived to give us a lift to the airport. We chucked our bags into the car, before I locked the front door. I walked back over to the car and handed the key to Rob through the window. He smiled at me, I flashed him a quick smile back and climbed into the back of the car.

The airport wasn't far away, only about half an hour; we talked for the most part. I know Daisy was trying to make every minute count that she spent talking to her dad, after all she was a daddy's girl and it was obvious that she was going to miss him, a lot.
Once we'd reached the airport, we pulled our bags out of the boot and said a long goodbye to Rob. We shed a few tears and waved goodbye. Rob was like a dad to me so I was almost as upset as Daisy was. Bless her.

After checking in, we made our way to the departure lounge where we would have to wait an agonising 2 hours before boarding. Perfect, enough time for a quick sleep. I perched myself down on an empty bench with Daisy sitting beside me reading her Kerrang! magazine. I placed my head on her shoulders and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up with a start to the feel of someone shaking me viscously.

"Wake up Adie, we've got to make our way to the boarding gate now!" Daisy was speaking with a loud whisper.

I jumped up, grabbed my bags and we hurried along corridors, up stairs, down stairs, along escelators.. untill we arrived at our departure gate. Daisy yanked my hand, pulling me over to the desk. I handed my ticket to a young blonde haired woman with shiney red lips, she ripped off the part of the ticket she needed and handed it back to me.

"Thank you, enjoy your flight." She said, flashing a beaming white smile at me. I returned the smile and thanked her.

I turned to Daisy; "As soon as we board this plane, we say goodbye to everything we once had here, and say hello to our new lives!" I squealed. We both jumped up and down like fan-girls, then made our way down the tunnel towards to plane. I took a deep breath.

This was it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yet again, another shit chapter. The story sucks without the Avenged boys in it. But don't worry, they're back in the next chapter. There's about 3 more chapters left of this story, so make the most of it! hehe:)