The Wild Ride

We All Need That Person Who Can Be True To You..

The flight was awful and the turbulence; nasty. I'd never been on a plane so big and yet feel so small. Daisy had slept for the majority of the flight, the lucky shit. I've had to sit here for what seems like an eternity, restless and aggitated. I hated being in a confined space for too long. It wasn't long before the captain's voice arose over the tanoy announcing that it was "10 minutes to landing". Thankfully.

After landing, it must have taken us at least 20 minutes to actually get off the plane itself. Luckily, we had no luggage to collect as the only luggage we had with us was that of what we had taken onto the plane with us as hand luggage.
Eventually, having stepped off the plane we were on solid Californian ground. I turned to Daisy swiftly, who was already staring at me with a beaming smile.

"Ready for this?" I asked excitedly.

All I got in reply was a lot of vigorous nodding.

I giggled, "Then let's go!".

We pulled our trolley cases along the smooth airport floor, turning this way and that, following corridors that seemed to go on forever. Stopping for a quick toilet break, then returning to our journey. We eventually came to a big white door which slid open slowly. We walked through to it to find ourselves walking out into the "arrivals" part of the airport. I was astonished at the size of the place and took a moment to take it all in. Everything looked so much prettier in Cali, and we hadn't even stepped outside yet.

I carried on pulling my trolley case when I felt a large hand on my shoulder.

"Please, let me take your bags M'aam." A familiar voice spoke into my ear. I turned to see Zacky and Brian smiling at me.

"Oh Zachary, it'd be my pleasure." I replied giggling. I passed him my little trolley case which I could quite easily carry myself and leant in for a kiss. The kind of kiss that is subtle, but still full of passion. The kind of kiss that says "I've missed you, so much."

Daisy walked up beside me and placed her case down, before noticing Brian hiding behind Zacky. He winked at her and she jumped up to engulf him in a bone-crushingly loving hug.

"Hey babygirl." He said through a smile.
"Oh how I've missed you." Daisy replied, cuddling into his torso.

"C'mon then, let's get this show on the road!" Zacky said, clapping his hands together and making me freak a little.


California was b e a u t i f u l. It really was. The roads were a lot bigger, the shops, bars and café's were full of life. Palm trees stood alongside the roads, the crisp green leaves swaying in the winter breeze. For the beginning of January, it was quite pleasant, not hot, but definitely not as cold as it would have been in Wales right now. Zacky and myself parted with Daisy and Brian from the airport and we were now on our way to our $1.9,000,000 dream.

It turned out that we need't have travelled any longer than 25 minutes from the airport to reach our new house. As we approached the drive-way, my heart skipped a beat; it was stunning. Everything seemed so surreal, but it was sure as hell happening. We pulled up to some large iron gates which slowly opened when we approached them. I gave Zacky a look of sheer astonishment.. he just winked at me.

"Wait untill we get inside!" He said grinning from ear to ear.

I looked from Zacky, to the house, then back to Zacky again.

"I can't wait, I'm so excited!" I squealed.

I took a deep breath to try and calm down but the adrenaline was just rushing to my head.

I looked into the rear view mirror to see the gates slowly closing behind us as we drove onto the drive-way. I unbelted myself and hopped out of the car. Zacky followed, almost having to run after me.

"Woah, hold on not so fast, missy!" He shouted, grabbing my arm and turning me so he could put his hands over my eyes.

"It's a suprise." He added eagerly.

He carefully guided me up to the front door, turned me around so my back was to the door whilst he unlocked it, then placed his hands back over my eyes and lead me slowly inside. The suspense was eating up my insides.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yes, yes, c'mon let me see!" I said excitedly.

"1.. 2.. 3!" He uncovered my eyes, and almost instantaneously, my jaw dropped.

I was looking at a huge lobby with marble floor and pictures hanging in shiney modern frames on the cream walls. Looking down onto the lobby was a gorgeous gallery landing; something I'd always dreamt about having. Zacky took my hand smiling at me and lead the two of us into the living room. This room was huge. cream carpet hugged the floor whilst stunning red suede curtains hung infront of two huge glass doors which opened out into the kitchen. A great big 60" Plasma Tv sat delicately on the wall overlooking the stunning jet black leather furniture. This was far too surreal to be my new home.

I didn't know where to look, my heart was racing. I was so excited to see the other parts of the house.

"Impressive, huh?" He said, flashing a cheeky smile at me.

"Definitely!" I squealed.

"6 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, utility room, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, 3 en-suits, 2 bathrooms.." his voice trailed off as he walked out of the room, soon to return with what looked to be some sort of small, black, fluffy object.

"..and this little guy, is yours also." He said, gently picking up the paw of a small puppy and making a waving motion at me with it.

I gasped like a little fan girl and ran over to Zacky to tackle the little ball of fluff out of his arms.

"Oh Zacky! What's his name?" I asked impatiently.

"I haven't named him yet, I thought it'd only be fair to let you have a part in the name picking." He replied.

I held the pup up in the space infront of me before pulling him into a warm cuddle.

"He's a messy little shit though, that's for sure." Zacky laughed.

"That's it!" I shouted.

"What is?" He asked.

"We'll name him Icky!" I continued. "Do you like that name little guy?" I said, cooing the puppy as if her were a new born baby.

"Perfect!" Zacky laughed. "I like it, it sounds kinda.. evil." He grinned.

"Aww Zackyyyyy!" I sighed happily. I placed Icky down on the floor where he slipped away out into the garden.

I walked over to Zack and pulled him into me, not wanting to let go.

"I can't thank you enough, you've made me so happy." I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You don't need to thank me, baby." He said, stroking the back of my head.

I pulled away and placed a gentle kiss onto his lips. He smiled in return.

"We'll be needing to pick a colour for baby vee's room soon!" He said excitedly, rubbing my belly which was gradually turning into the smallest of bumps.

"Oh, I know!" I smiled. "I have my first scan in a few weeks."

"That's brilliant baby, I'll be there to hold your hand and witness our little growing miracle." He talked to my belly, tickling it gently.

I slapped the back of his hand jokingly, then interlinked his fingers with mine.

"Now show me the rest of our humble abode, Mr Vee."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah! This is like the 2nd to LAST chapter of this story! It makes me sad to think it's going to end after writing it for over a year :( I hope you enjoyed this chapter more than the last 2! ..I'm going to put my absolute all into making the FINAL chapter the best it could possibly be.. promise! ..please comment? I love you all!