The Wild Ride

Scream, Scream, Scream...

It was surprisingly warm as we climbed into my little black Audi TT, considering it was the 5th of December and the middle of winter. We set off making our way towards the motorway. I argued with Daisy because she wanted to put her Fall Out Boy CD on, but i wanted to listen to Avenged Sevenfold, i slapped the back of her hand as she tried to place the CD into the player slot. Eventually, i plugged my iPod in and i could hear the soft melody of violins playing and then the amazing intro riff delivered from Syn and Zacky kicking in, blasting through my car speakers. I couldn't help but tap along to the beat of the drums, a huge smile washing over my face.

Daisy looked at me, then looked back at the road.. and then eventually started humming along, playing the air guitar as if she was Synyster Gates. "Like walking into a dreaaaam, so unlike what you've seeeeen, so unsure but it seeems, cause we've been waiting for you, fallen into this place, just giving you a small taste, of your afterlife here so stay, you'll be back here soon anyway.. bow wow wow wow wow wow wamm" i sang along in my best M. Shadows voice, which of course totally sucked, and made Daisy crack up with laughter. We're crazing when we're together, never acting like the 20 year olds we were, you would think we were still 16 by the way we acted. Not mature. At All.

35 minutes and 7 songs later, we arrived in Cardiff central. Just as we stepped outside the car, the heaven's decided to open up on us, and it absolutely chucked it down! We hadn't brought coats or jackets out with us as the sun was actually shining when we left the house earlier on. We ran inside, but not even running made any difference, we were still soaked through to our skins. Daisy didn't care, she loved the rain, though for me its a whole different story. It hadn't put me in a good mood after getting so sodden. Urghh i hate Wales.

We traipsed down the high-street, my trousers were so wet, it felt like i wasn't wearing any, and little could be said for my top either, it was sticking to every part of my torso.. not amused! I had to get into a shop, i didn't care which one, just somewhere dry where i could get out of the rain. I pulled Daisy over to the doors of Primark, the security guard gave us a look as if we were from a different planet, which kinda made me a little self-conscious about how i looked. But either way i smiled at him and walked further inside, i was just happy to be somewhere just a little warmer, and a little more dry.

"Oooh Yay! Where to start, where to start?!" Daisy said, her eyes looking at every god damn thing in the shop.
"Arggh, i forgot this was your favourite shop, look i'm not staying here long, we've come to get christmas presents, for our friends and family, not ourselves" i said, having to pull Daisy away, yet again.
"Yeah i know, just let me look around!" she pleaded, so i let her go.
"Fine, i'm going to HMV, there's a CD i wanna get for my dad for christmas, meet me in there okay?" i told her, walking down the isle and back out the doors i came through, again, giving the security guard a heart warming smile.

HMV wasn't too far away, it was just down the high-street, about 10 shops away, it was only 1:00pm so it wasn't busy at all, as it was a workday. I strode into HMV, smiling so hard because it was the one shop i loved. We don't have many decent shops here in Wales, and HMV seemed to be one of the most decent. I walked around, up and down the CD isles untill i got to the "Metal" section, where the Avenged Sevenfold CD's are usually always situated, i picked up "Waking The Fallen and Sounding The Seventh Trumpet", with a surprised look on my face, i squealed to myself because i couldn't find these CD's anywhere!
"Fuck Yeaaaah!" i said to myself giggling, whilst jumping around, i looked like a fool, but why would i care? i found the two CD's i've wanted since 2003!
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soo.. chapter 3! do you like so far?
thanks to those who have subscribed! i love all my readers already!
please comment on what you think so far, i will update again after school tomorrow!
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