The Wild Ride

An Epic Of Time Wasted...

... "And all that time i was on a wild goose chase shitting my pants, looking for YOU.. you were in HMV, with Avenged Sevenfold?" asked Daisy a face of dis-belief.
"Well ughh.. yeah, i guess" i shrugged.
"It was my fault though really, i was the one that kept her.." Zacky interrupted.
He looked and me and winked.
"But what are you guys doing here in Wales? i haven't seen any posters anywhere about a signing" questioned Daisy.
"Well yeah, it had been planned for weeks, though we didn't expect this to be the outcome" laughed Matt.
"Holy shit." jeered Daisy.
"Soo.. what happens now then?" i asked the guys.

They turned to look at each other and each of them had the same puzzled expression. Clearly not knowing what to say next.

"Ughh, well.. i hadn't quite got that far yet" Zacky mumbled.
"Well looks like we're staying here for a few days then!" cheered Johnny jumping onto the sofa and making himself comfortable.
"But haven't you guys got to be places?" asked Daisy.
"Nope not untill after christmas" Smiled Brian.
Daisy turned to me "hey can i talk to you in private please?"
"Ugh sure.." and we walked out of the room into the kitchen.

"Am i living in a dream world here?" she asked, very confused.
"What are you talking about, it's normal to have 5 famous guys sat in your front room!" i chuckled slightly at my own joke. how sad.

"B-but, they, how? why? i just don't understand, oh look our favourite band are in our house in Wales 4000 miles away from their hometown, how normal is that?" Daisy sounded quite annoyed now, not being able to take it all in.
"Call me stupid Dais, but i think me and Zack have something going on here" i said half-heartedly.
"Your Stupid" she snapped.
"Fuck You!" i shouted back and walked into the front room to re-join the 'cool gang'.

I took a seat by Jimmy and fidgeted around with my fingers before the silence was broken by a question from Brian.

"Dude, whats up?" he asked.
"Nothing.. yano, well i was wondering.." i went to finish my sentence but i was interrupted by Daisy walking back into the room.
"Wondering what?" she scowled.
"Yeah wondering what?" asked Johnny.
"I was wondering, seeing as you guys don't have anything to do or anywhere to go until christmas, i just you know, wanted to know if you would like to spend Christmas here?" i regretted asking it straight away, what a stupid question, why the FUCK would Avenged Sevenfold want to stay with someone they have barely known five hours, and like Daisy said, they're 4000 miles away from their god damn homes, why?!

"WHAT THE FUCK?" Daisy cracked up, pissing herself.
"Well i know i wouldn't mind" laughed Brian.
"Ugh Yeah sure, if thats okay with you then i'm in" cheered Johnny.
"Dudee yeah!" said Matt.
"If steak tocco is on the menu then count me in!" cried Jimmy.
Zacky looked at me and smiled, "Of Course" he said.

The reaction from the guys was over-whelming, and i really was in cloud nine by this time, i ran over to Zacky and gave him a bone crushing hug.

"Someones happy" he chuckled.
I just smiled and hugged him harder.
These next few weeks are going to be fun, VERY fun.
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okay, so this chapter i didn't really know what to write! i was just writing down the words as they came into my head. but hope you enjoyed it! next update will be up shortly YEY! ^_^
comment please people! i only have 8 comments on the WHOLE story, i would love more! :)