Status: Back at it(:


Just Ask Avery pt. 1

I rushed leaving the house this morning, trying to make up for the time I wasted sleeping. I couldn't be late to school again; I'd be expelled. I looked down, realizing that I was in such a rush I forgot to change out of my basketball shorts I had slept in. I also forgot my Algebra home work. I'd just have to redo it before class. It would usually take me approximately 18 minutes to get on campus, I'd have to try in make it in ten.

I got to school in the nick of time. The national anthem was just making itself heard as I got to my seat.

"Parker! You're late but, I have yet to take attendance. Which means I'll let it slide." squawked out Ms. Bermin. She was a stern, elderly woman, but at heart she was sweet and had a soft spot for her students. I guess I'm the only one who realized this, seeing as everyone hated her so much.

Biology in Bermin's class flew by. Only thing making the tick tedious was trying not to ogle Grace. Grace was so beautiful, ever since we were kids. She's always been more intelligent than me. I used to spend the days exploring the woods with her and her brother, Gavin. That ended all one day.

Nowadays Gavin doesn't speak to anyone, including his family. Ever since that day, the three of us have seen less of each other. I mean I see Grace at school and all, but that's it.

I decided that when lunch came around, I'd leave campus and trek back home to retrieve my home work, since I had Algebra last period of the day. I waited impatiently through out History class, watching the clock mostly. There was nothing else to do. We had a substitute, and we were watching some video, I didn't care enough to remember even what it was about.

In gym, they gave up passing the ball to me.

Finally lunch came around, and I sprinted off campus towards home. Being sure I had enough time, I slowed down. I was really hoping I wouldn't get caught. It was such a hot day, I praised my decision not to change out of the shorts. I contemplated stripping off my hoodie, but decided it would keep me cooler.

Advancing down the sun-stricken street, was a peculiar sight comparable to an elephant in a super market. She was doll-like in appearance: Porcelain skin, loose tendrils of gold atop her head. Her glassy eyes haunted the soul; powder blue flecked with aqua, they consumed the majority of her face. She wore a tea-stain colored Victorian sun dress, hitting her just below the knee. I thought it too hot for anyone to wear stockings like the ones she did. The strangest thing was, even though there were no clouds in the sky, she carried above her a bright yellow umbrella.

She was breath-taking, no doubting it. I shifted my pace from a jog to a walk, as she neared. As we were shoulder-to-shoulder she stopped. I turned ninety degrees, and was inches from her face.

"Hello, Avery." She said looking through the windows of my soul, shattering it in the process.

"H-h-hi." I couldn't even muster up the will to ask how she knew my name.

"May I walk with you?" What? She wants to walk with me?

"S-sure..." I need to fix this stuttering thing...

She turned facing my originally intended direction. She waited. I turned and began to walk, shoving my hands in my skin tight hoodie.

"So..." my voice trailed off as I thought of how to ask her.

"I just do. It is also a mystery to me how I know your name." I stopped. What? Is she crazy? It seems this couldn't be the oddest detail of my day yet. We began walking again, for she had waited patiently for me to continue.

We went off the sidewalk, I no longer knew where I was going. She led me, well really she didn't, past a duck pond into the woods. There was a largely cleared out trail for walking. We followed for awhile, and I asked no questions. I was leading as much as she was. And as far as I knew, she was as much aware of where we were going as I was.

I knew where we were headed, I knew why too. I needed to go back. I needed to relive that locked away memory. She had the key, she knew she had to let the doves fly free.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Anja <33

Oh so you don't get confused his name is Avery Parker.