Status: Back at it(:


Just Ask Kait pt. 1

I can't remember a second of the party last night, or how I ended up where I was this morning. As if I weren't used to this by now. Just today it seems different, I dunno paranoia I guess. Everyone gets that weird feeling right? Sure, maybe I should call my parents. This could be a sign. I'll do that later.

My head was spinning, I couldn't concentrate on the road. It's a miracle I arrived safely at our apartment.

Thoughts kept racing through my head as I undressed. I needed a shower bad. My skin was crawling, and there was something sticky in my hair. I paced down the hall to the bathroom. There was a note left on the bathroom door. The hand writing was recognizably my bestfriend and roommate's, the note read-

Call me or text me when you get home.
Went to work, be back at five.

Love you bunches,

I went back to my room to retrieve my phone. I opened up a new text message, “Getting in the shower. Love you.”. The message went through. I turned on the shower and waited, facing the mirror. Were the bags under my eyes really getting that bad? I stepped in the shower to let yesterday slip down the drain. With every stroke of my fingers through my hair, I swore I was pulling chunks out; when there was actually none leaving my scalp.

I turned the water off and dried my hair with the towel hanging over the shower rod. I returned to my room and turned on my computer. From my closet I withdrew denim jeans, and a cashmere sweater. I opened up my purse, to find my pills. I searched around I couldn't find them. I emptied my purse out on to the bed, the pills weren't there, neither was my wallet.

I picked my phone up off my dresser. Ashlynn hadn't texted back yet. I tried calling her. Her voice mail picked up. That's weird she usually answers even if she's at work. I went in to the kitchen to get her work number off the fridge. The cold air hit me, I shivered. My hair was still dripping wet. I typed in the numerals scribed on the post it.

Ring. Ring. Pick up. Breath out.

I asked for Ashlynn.

“I'm sorry Ashlynn didn't come in to day.”

What? How could that be? She left a note saying she went in to work. I became frantic. Where would she go? What happened to her?

My phone started going off in my hand. The screen displayed the term 'Private Caller'. I struck the accept key. I held my breath again.

“Hi, Katherine.” No one called me by my actual name; I didn't even recognize the voice. I don't think I breathed.

“Hello? Who is this?” I spat at them in a rush.

“Priscilla,” who the hell is that?

“Do I know you?” I replied bitterly, I was definitely not in the mood for games.

“No, but, I found your wallet and was hoping to return it to it's rightful owner, meaning you.” What the hell was wrong with this chick?

“Oh, thanks. Where could I meet you?” My nerves uncoiled slightly.

“Where you were last night is fine.”

I hung up, and grabbed my keys.
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Writing again :)