You and I collide

chapter 4

I don’t know how long I had been crying, or how long I would have been crying if I had not heard a familiar voice say
“I know, I’m pretty bummed out for the beginning of school next week to.” I wiped my eyes and looked up; Cole was standing there looking at me with an unreadable expression. “And so the emotionless girl finally cracks.” He lamented as he sat beside me
“That’s not it.” I protested trying my best to gain control of my self
“Well, what is it then? Because school starting again IS pretty bad.” He said
“You won’t believe me in the least.” I muttered
“Try me,” he challenged
“You’ll laugh!” I cried in despair trying not to pour my heart out to this boy
“No. I won’t laugh. And do you realize other than when you and Troy wrote lyrics together and when you sang that’s the most words you have said in almost a year? And probably the longest conversation.” He smiled as it finally clicked in my mind; this was Cole, the guitarist in Eric’s band.
“Like I said, you’ll never believe me, and it’s a long story.” I responded ruefully, he placed his hand lightly on mine that was placed palm down on the bench.
“I’ll listen, but if you want I can listen to my I-pod and not hear a single word you say.” He answered; I looked into his eyes which had been seeking mine. I was sure I looked like a wreck.

“And well, that’s it.” I concluded trying to weigh Cole’s expression as I finally finished my long, strange story.
“You’re right.” He said after a while “I don’t believe you, thought logically, it would explain a lot of stuff. So maybe I do.” He said
“Yeah, well it’ll probably make as much sense to you as it does to me.” I said smiling as much as my face would allow with my current stress. “What’ll I do about school though? People who are my friends I used to make fun of and pick on and people who used to be my friends now pretty much hate me. I don’t know how to sing, or play guitar, or even write a song.” I cried out loosing any hope I had lingering inside of me. I could feel myself working into hysterics again as tears clouded my vision
“Hey, hey.” Cole said softly touching my shoulder “I have an idea we still have a week until school starts. I’ll help you, we have the same friends. And if you need help with school I can tutor you. Everything will be fine.” He reassured confidently. I let out a broken shudder of a breath and allowed my lips to twitch in a feeble attempt in a hopeful smile.
“Thank you.” I whispered as the tears poured down my cheeks unyielding
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