You and I collide

chapter 8

“Happy birthday Arabella.” Everyone chimed around the table; I smiled and blew out the candles.
All of my friends were here. Cole said it would be a good excuse to meet everyone with out a billion other faces to confuse them with. Dad was on a business trip so we had the whole house to ourselves. The twins looked happy, Gabrielle was smiling at me looking slightly amused as if he was contemplating something and Rebekah looked slightly upset. I smiled at everyone and began to cut the cake and handing it out. Everything had been going smoothly, I remembered enough from my dream that I was able to be a little more relaxed than I would have been if it were complete amnesia.

I had gotten a bunch of guitar stuff and a few journals. I had smiled and thanked them all for it hoping I would have alone time soon to see if I could still play guitar. The party had been long over but Cole was still hanging around on the couch while I cleaned up playing his guitar. I recognized the song he was playing and sung along quietly as I washed down the table and picked up garbage.
“One day, the next one after the other, one day maybe we’ll see each other,” the guitar stopped and my voice faltered
“How’d you know that song?” he asked I shrugged
“I’m not sure, just know it I guess.” I said a little nervously.
“School starts, are you sad?” he asked quickly changing the subject, I shrugged
“This is technically my first year at high school; I was half dead for the first one and barely remember anything.” I joked. He smiled sadly and nodded. I was hoping for things to be quiet and calm and uneventful for a very long time falling back into a quiet sort of state. Sometimes I think Cole is worried that I will go back to the way I was. I brought down my barely used journal and curled up on the couch beside Cole and began to write

September 1st
Today was my sixteenth birthday. We start school in a few days. I hope everything will be calm and uneventful. No more exciting adventures for me anymore. Or at least for a very long time. Cole ahs been spending a lot of the past few days with me at the house. I haven’t even tried to explain it to anyone else, it seems like he’s the only one who will remotely understand and accept the whole strange list of events. But I still have this feeling that it’s not over, just becoming clearer, maybe my mind totally shorted out because it was too much to take. This isn’t over yet; something strange is going to happen again. I can just feel it.

I looked up form my journal and caught glances with Cole; I blushed as we both looked down. Something was still going to happen I just knew it.

Days, weeks and months passed and still nothing happened. Soon me and Cole were inseparable and when we weren’t in class we were with each other. Still I waited in tortured anxiety for something else to happen, something else to completely turn my world upside down, or maybe even right side up.
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COMMENTS PLEASED I can't make it better if I don't know what to fix.