Status: Hiatus, maybe? Gets updated very slowly.

100 Ways


18. Sleep.


Then the head rush comes, doesn't it?
That God-awful sensation at the front of your skull that hurts so damn much.
That feeling that makes you want to take at least 5 Advils just to make it go away.
And then there's the dryness of your eyes.
You can feel how puffy they are.
You can feel how red they are.
And your nose is so clogged up.
You can barely breathe.
You have to breathe through your mouth while you make your way to get a tissue.
Or you lock yourself in your room or the bathroom and keep wiping your nose on your arms.
But all you can think about is how your eyes and the front of your skull are throbbing.
It hurts so fucking bad.
And all you can do is grab your head and close your eyes.


It's just a nap.
You have things to do, I know.
There's homework due tomorrow.
You're waiting for that phone call that you know won't come for another two hours.
Your favorite show is about to come on.
You have too much to do to take a nap.

That's fucking bullshit.
That's a lie.
Think about all the times you don't want to take a nap because you have stuff to do.
And then you're sitting there, watching TV or browsing the Internet, claiming you're bored.
Take a nap. Fall asleep.

I always liked to sleep when I was little.
I always hated to sleep when I was little.
It was my safe place. It was the one place I could call my own.
My dreams were nonexistent.
The dreams I rarely had consisted of love.
Strange, since those dreams occured when I was only six years old.
I was so young. I didn't know what love was but I always dreamt of it.
Sleep was the place I couldn't escape.
I never had dreams. I always had nightmares.
Nightmares that always consisted of being violated or my family being massacred.

That doesn't happen anymore.
I don't dream.
I just exist in nothingness.
I am rested.
I am calm.
I am nothing.
I am floating.
I am at peace.

It's too bad that I have to wake up.

It's a good thing that my head doesn't hurt anymore.
When you cry, you're so tired.
Your head hurts.
Your eyes hurt.
Everything hurts.


It's 10:35 PM on the West Coast.
I live in California.
It's dark.
I haven't cried in two weeks.
My head hurts.
I am going to sleep.

Good night, everyone.