Status: Hiatus, maybe? Gets updated very slowly.

100 Ways


23. Eat Healthy

I say this while I'm eating a plate of french fries and a disgustingly thick hamburger. I'm seriously considering becoming a vegetarian, even though in the back of my mind, I know I never could be one even if I really tried / wanted to. You vegetarians out there can preach to me all you like about how your eating lifestyle is better for my health all you like. I've already heard that speech from the vegetarian girls at my school. While they are sweet, they are pushy. I realize not all vegetarians are like them but I've had enough "Meat is Murder" speeches for a lifetime. The point is that I like my meat. When my dad cooks it, it's quite frankly disgusting. But when I don't eat meat prepared by my father, I can't resist. It's the sad truth.

Continuing my little rant that will quite possibly frustrate and / or anger some of my beloved little reader.....

Vegetarians. Some of the healthiest people the world knows. Besides Asians from Asia - those people are fit. In a holy crap status. I'm jealous. Anyway, my continuation. Have you noticed that some of the fittest people - besides Asians, hardcore athletes, plastic surgery addicts, and celebrities who have their own workout coaches - are vegetarians. But then I realized something: vegetarians, while not eating meat, can be unhealthy as well. Many have low protein and need to take those nasty pills or those shakes. Some don't have to, but some do. Just saying. Or a lot, so comes my main point of this little chapter, eat a lot of sugar.

My cousin has been a vegetarian for two years now. She's skinny as it is but she's not exactly toned. She exercises every day - she runs two miles around the city and then two miles back home. She would be toned if it weren't for the fact that she doesn't watch her portions and she eats chocolate like crazy.

As a teenage girl who lives in the sunny state of California in the country of these states that are united, I have witnessed many children who are beyond the weight limit of that they are supposed to be. I myself am past that weight limit. Seriously. I have had those clueless freshmen ask me if I was pregnant of the size of my stomach. Unfortunately, I am one of those people whose excessive body weight is centered in the stomach and thighs. I suppose they might have had the right idea of wondering if I was but they had no right to fully ask me if I was pregnant, regardless if practically a third of the girls at my school are pregnant or already have a child / children. However, there are also quite a few overweight teenagers at my school so they had no right at all.

Have you ever at an orange and felt immediately refreshed? Or you felt so much better when you ate the right portion of a meal instead of overindulging yourself? What about when you ate so many sweets or chips that you felt like you couldn't move at all and then you complain about how full or fat you feel?

I don't know about any of you but I feel so much better when I eat fruits and vegetables instead of when I eat chocolate and ice cream. I'm not one for warm fruits or vegetables though. I can't stand steamed, boiled, or nuked vegetables. The only vegetable that's good warm is corn on the cob. I never understood baked apples either. Apples are perfect as they are in their cold and crunchy and delicious form.

Cucumbers and carrots are my favorite vegetables. I eat my cucumbers with hot pepper on top. Sometimes I put salt and lemon juice. I am not lying when I say that's the best way to eat a cucumber ever. Carrots are best dipped in ranch dressing, of course. I've been obsessed with carrots since I was a little girl. I loved Bugs Bunny back then and that always encouraged me to eat vegetables then.

Fruits always took over my life though. Apples. Oranges. Strawberries. Plums. Peaches. Pomegranates. Grapes. Those were my favorites. I ate my apples with peanut butter and my strawberries with a teaspoon of sugar and my peaches with a tablespoon of whipped cream.

Speaking of portions and whipped cream, I highly recommend buying the little bowl of whipped cream they sell at the grocery store instead of the can. You ever notice how you can never stop spraying the whip cream can until you realize there's no more cream in the can anymore and you say to yourself, "Oh crap." At least with the little bowl, you can control how much you eat.

Honestly, I don't know what else to say in this mini chapter besides eat your daily servings, pals and gals. In a world where my beloved state invented McDonald's and Taco Bell - you're welcome and I'm so sorry, World - we need to get healthier. The first part of doing that is eating better. The second is exercising. The third part is actually sticking to those combinations.

Stay classy, world.
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