Do you want to hold my hand: A collection of My Chem Descriptions

And there he stood - A G.Way Description

He flicks his head to the side.
His beautiful ebony locks dance across his chalk-white forehead, each strand frolicking to its own unheard melody, only to be sucked down by beads of sweat rolling down his skin.

He rests his frayed boot on top of the monitor, sending the pounding vibrations through his body as the bass melts through the mesh.
He lift's his robust arm slowly, pointing to the sea of darkness in front of him, the leather rubbing together making groaning noises as he goes. His stubby finger recognizes some unseen figure in the audience.

Who is it?

Screams erupt from the area below him, curdling into a mass of hysteria.

What was he doing? Was this some kind of stunt?

He grips the microphone in the other hand.

He smirks.

, he gasps.

I've never been this close to you...

I'm going to do something for you...

That is totally inappropriate.

The right-hand corner of his lip curls upwards.
Shallow creases form along the contours of his cheek bone.
He exposes his minute teeth, snarling at his minions as he reaches down into the black crevice with his tender hands.

His shallow breaths echo around the arena as his hands majestically work their way around himself.

Is it an act? Or is it real?

He continues on, forgetting about the special member of the audience.

His hand brushes over himself. Movement under his skin-tight clothes can be seen, even from the most far away seat of the gig.

He groans deep into the microphone, sending teenies into a frenzied panic. Camera's pop out from deep in the pit, red lights can be seen scaling him from everywhere & a million flashes fly into the air, saving the memory for later.

A growl escapes from his soft pink lips, creating goosebumps down flustered teens.
He starts to stutter.
The tension is mounting.
Silence takes a hold of the building as the figure on the stage lurches over, pushing his knees together in an act of pleasure.
He looks up. Lights casting shadows under his lovely hazel eyes.
He screams into the microphone lustfully, a gut-wrenching moan.

The lights go down as the arena erupts in wails & howls.
The man on the stage walks back into the darkness as the lights go down.

It was all just an act.