Status: Hiatus; not sure when it'll be updated.

The Lightning Strike

Chapter Sixteen - Time Is On My Side

After the craziness with Bobby, I’d like to say our lives slowed down a bit and that we all got a much needed rest from ‘hunting’. Or at least our hunting became a little bit more logical, unfortunately our next case was so ridiculous that I don’t even get the pleasure of remembering it. At all. I know that we went to some random town to search for some random missing guy, but then it all goes fuzzy and the next thing I know, I’m waking up with an alarm in a motel room and when I’m drinking a soda and trying to piece together what is going on with Misha, the door bursts open and Sam runs in, spots me and pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight. It was a nice way to be greeted, strange, but nice. He then pulled back and looked at me as if he hadn’t seen me in a long time. I glanced back at Misha and she just shrugged and muttered about how we were way too cheesy for our own good. Sam then went over and hugged her for a short while before telling us both that the case was over and we could leave, but that we’d have to wait for him to walk us down to our car. Weirdest. Shit. Ever.

Before our lives took an even more complicated route, Sam did reveal to me that the reason his greeting back at the motel had been so weird was because he’d pretty much gone through the whole Groudhog Day scenario, only every single day, Misha, Dean and I all died. One time, Misha, Dean and I all got severe food poisoning and died, one time the mystery spot house collapsed and killed us all, one time we all got hit by a bus and so on and so on for many days. The last one being we all went down to the cars and we all got shot, only that one Sam didn’t think he’d ever wake up from because the day didn’t restart so he felt like he lived weeks with us all dead. He wouldn’t go into detail about what it’d been like for him. Just clammed up and kept insisting he was over it and that he was just glad it wasn’t real.

Our lives fucked up even more when we were all arrested.

Yeah. Arrested.

We were all breaking into a certain slut’s apartment when we got arrested. By that same damn FBI agent that had been hunting Sam and Dean for ages. The agent figured Sam and Dean had at least a small bit of help with everything, but he never figured two women would be the ones to do it. It’d been a crazy time. Dean got shot (Misha would have been more pissed, but she was intensely out of it from lack of sleep), a huge swarm of demons attacked and Ruby showed up and suggested killing a virgin. I put a stop to that. It was a stupid idea, and not just because some demonic cunt suggested it. Misha almost got herself killed (twice) and Dean saved her (twice) and we finally escaped only to find out that Lilith had gone back there and killed everyone anyway. Massive fail.

Our next case was just as weird, if not weirder. There was a haunted house that we’d done an epic amount of research (dusty libraries suck). When we went there, Dean had done the obnoxious thing of pulling up to the place with his music blasting like an idiot. We hadn’t even been searching for long when we ran into a bunch of guys. We pretended to be cops until the lead nerd seemed to know about Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean were not happy to see them and I glanced at Misha with confusion before snickering as Sam explained. I remembered he’d told us about these jokers and how they thought they were paranormal investigators. I was also a little weirded out about how much they seemed to stare at Misha and myself. The guys were obviously retarded about this, and a weird combination of condescending and star struck by Misha and myself.

We tried to get them to understand how dangerous it was to be in the house (especially after the place went into lockdown) but they didn’t seem to grasp it until one of their friends screamed and went missing. Sam and I had gone to search for the idiot and I don’t remember much after that, but I do remember waking up tied to a chair at a table with rotting food and bodies, Sam tied to a chair by me and the missing guy, Alan, tied up at the other end. Sam and I couldn’t do anything but watch as the ghost stabbed Alan through the throat and killed him. The ghost also explained what he was doing and how he wanted people to be at his ‘birthday party’. Sam kept telling me it’d be alright and I wanted to believe that he was right, especially since I knew Misha was pretty much ripping that place apart to find me.

My faith in being found before something happened to me started to dwindle as the ghost, Daggett, came up behind me and kept saying that it wouldn’t hurt. Sam was furious and telling him to stay the hell away from me and I finally screamed that I didn’t want to go to his fucking birthday party and the weapon was pressed against the back of my throat when the door was bust open and Dean shot the ghost with rock salt and Misha immediately ran over to untie me while Dean untied Sam. By the time we got upstairs (Misha had griped for a good minute about how I needed to stop getting kidnapped and Sam had kissed me until Dean threw something at him), Alan’s ghost had apparently taken out Daggart and we left. We later got to watch the ‘episode’ of it. It was cheesy as Hell and I cursed way more than I thought I did. Actually, Sam cursed way more than I realized he did. I was somewhat impressed. Luckily though, we’d all been prepared and we erased their footage with an electromagnet. It was epic.

Our next case was…dramatic to say the least. One guy blew his brains out after getting a phone call from a dead loved one and a bunch of others were getting phone calls from the dead. It was a simple case, but then Dean and Misha both got phone calls. Misha got a phone call from her dad and Dean got a phone call from John. The times had been tense anyway with all of us scrambling to find a way to break Dean out of the contract. Misha was trying to be strong, but I knew it was straining her to even think about losing Dean. It wasn’t helping that Dean and Sam had settled into a lot of bickering. Especially when Dean said John gave him an incantation to kill a demon, not just exorcise it but kill it. I agreed with Sam about how we didn’t know anything about this situation and we couldn’t just trust it on blind faith.

I think Misha agreed that all Dean really had left was blind faith at that point and if there was a chance she could save it, she’d god damn take it. Sam and I went and talked to the girl Lani and found out her mom asked her to kill herself and then Sam went all manly and saved said girl’s little brother from getting hit by a car. Sam then called Dean and pointed out that it was a crocata or something and Dean mentioned the guy we’d talked to in the beginning, the porn freak at the phone company. We went there and were attacked by the porn freak’s boss and tied up. It hadn’t been Dean and the porn freak died and his soul was eaten. It was gross. Sam and I worked together to get our hands untied (idiot tied our hands together) and we killed the son of a bitch before heading back to the motel where we found Misha and Dean looking fairly beat up. It got serious for a bit when Dean admitted that he was scared. I know it was hard for Misha to hear, but at the same time he was being honest. I know she wanted to be able to do something though. It just sucked about how weak we were in that situation.

Dean was running out of time.

It was getting to the point where we weren’t measuring how much time Dean had left in months but weeks, days and hours. He had three weeks left and it was a race against the clock to find that damn colt or to find the bastard that held Dean’s contract. We’d questioned dozens of demons. None of them would say the name. Not a god damn one. And every single time we failed to get the information, Sam and I read the exorcism and Dean got stony and silent while Misha went over and slid her hand into his. She wasn’t doing well. It was all well and good to get into a relationship with the man when he had a year left, but to be in love with him and know that he was going to be killed at a certain time and feeling that dirty, angry anticipation of that pain? That was just torture. We were all feeling it. That pressure to pull a solution out of thin air to save a beloved friend.

We’d all been pretty busy, Misha and myself especially. Misha had almost become like a woman possessed. She was looking into dark, dark places for answers (nothing evil, but she was doing more research into some of the more taboo aspects of our work) and getting nothing. Our research was interrupted though as Sam talked about how there was a case of a guy coming into the emergency room with his liver missing and his guts hanging out before he keeled over dead. Looking at the case, all our first guesses were ‘zombie’ and a small argument broke out between Sam and Dean and whether or not we should do it. Well, not really an argument, just awkward tension that ended in Misha and me shaking our heads and going with our respective men.

When we got to the hospital and talked to the doctor, we discovered that the liver had been surgically removed. It hadn’t been ripped out, which pretty much eliminated the ‘zombie’ option. Zombies didn’t usually carefully cut out organs before eating them. Sam and I decided we should find survivors, since not all organ removals will kill you (liver’s kinda a necessary organ though) so we found a guy who had his kidney stolen.

Guy was obnoxious as fuck.

All he did was whine about how much pain he’d been through and how he’s gotten his kidney stolen. Boo. Fucking. Hoo. I almost announced that my boyfriend had had his spinal cord severed and his brother had to sell his soul just to bring him back from the dead, but I refrained. Mostly because we were in a hospital which meant people with straightjackets were not all that far away. We all went back to the motel room. We were alternating our times researching, mostly because we were somewhat starting out almost blind. Misha and Dean were eating, Sam and I were pouring over the medical reports and doing research. I spotted something in the reports though and started on that before announcing my findings.

“Alright, so both the dead and the living victim came into the hospital sewn up with silk thread.”

“That’s really fucking weird.”

“Well, nowadays it is weird Dean, but back in the 19th century it was actually really super common. Unfortunately, despite the popularity of the thread, it caused massive infections and those infections usually resulted in death if…proper precautions weren’t taken. There was a popular one but yeah…it’s kinda gross.”

“They used maggots, which would explain why the guy who lost his liver had his abdomen stuffed full of them. They only eat dead flesh, not good flesh. Also the kidney guy woke up in a bathtub full of ice.”

I glared at Sam as he said that and Misha and Dean got disgusted looks on their faces. I hadn’t brought up the maggots for a reason. Maggots tended to gross people out. Creepy crawly bugs that eat dead flesh. Misha and Dean were by no means normal, but I figured that neither would want to hear about maggots while eating. Misha glared at Sam also and Dean shuddered before taking a long drink and speaking.

“Okay so let me get this straight. Random dudes are getting ganked and having their organs removed. Why does this sound familiar?”

“Because you’ve heard it before Dean, Dad told us about it.”

Sam shut the laptop and set the journal open on it and spoke.

“Doc Benton. Guy was a real life doctor in New Hampshire. He was brilliant but he was obsessed with alchemy and living forever. Sometime in 1816, the guy gave up his practice and pretty much disappeared.”

Misha sat up and spoke hurriedly.

“Wait, I’ve heard of this story. Nisha and I visited went on vacation with our families up there one year and we heard this story. No one heard from that guy for like twenty fucking years but then all of a sudden people started showing up dead or missing organs.”

I sat up straight and nodded before adding on to Misha’s story.

“So what he was doing must have been working, but the body parts weren’t holding out so he had to replace them.”

Dean then frowned and sat forward.

“Wait, didn’t Dad hunt this bastard down and rip his heart out?”

“Yeah, I thought so too Dean, but the guy must have found a new heart and stuck it in.”

“Alright, okay, so where’s he doing this deed?”

“Well according to Dad’s journal, he likes to be in dense forests near rivers or streams.”


Misha and Dean both asked that at the same time, both still eating. I turned and shook my head furiously at Sam. He was not going to answer this one. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. I groaned and jumped up to get him to not speak, but all he really had to do was stand up and he was out of my reach (tall fucking bastard) as he spoke.

“That’s where he liked to dump the bile, the intestines and the fecal matter…lose your appetites yet?”

Misha glared and threw away her sandwich and grumbled about how Sam was a bastard. Dean was disgusted for a bit, but then declared he couldn’t stay mad at the burger and kept eating. After I took Misha out to get as much cheese as she wanted, we all met back up and looked over the map to see where all the hunting cabins near rivers and in dense forests were. There weren’t that many and we were about to go on our way when Dean’s phone rang. It was Bobby. He had information onBela cuntface. After Dean got off the phone, he immediately started packing.

“C’mon, let’s go. We’ve got a pinpoint on Bela.”

Misha immediately started packing her stuff and getting ready to go. Sam stood still and I had gone to start packing but then I saw the look on Sam’s face and I stopped and waited as he spoke.

“I don’t know, I think we need to stay and finish this case.”

Misha glared and stood next to Sam before hissing angrily.

“Are you stoned? We could find the colt. We’re going.”

“Misha, we don’t even know if she has the colt anymore. It’s been months. She probably sold it already.”

“Yeah, well fuck you Sam, if she has sold it, I can kill her or maybe even torture her to find out who the fuck she sold it to. It’s still something. We’re going.”

“Misha’s right, Sam, we’re going.”

“No. We’re not.”

“Why the fuck not?”

“Because this, right here, this is what’s going to save you.”

“…Chasing some Frankenstein doctor is going to save me?”

“No, chasing immortality. Look, Benton can’t die. If we figure out how he did it, we can do it to you.”

“Wait, did you know this was Doc Benton from the jump?”

“No! I mean, I was hoping.”

My eyes squeezed shut as Sam and Dean argued. Sam hadn’t wanted to say anything because he wasn’t sure and Dean was pissed about the entire situation. Misha was quiet also and staring at her feet. Sam thought this could save Dean, but Dean pointed out if they do anything to get out of the deal that Sam would die and Sam went all, ‘I’ll do it too’. Sam then refused to go. Misha glanced up at me and neither of us said a word to each other but I gave her a pleading look and she nodded. She knew I was staying with Sam and I knew she was going with Dean. Before he left, Dean turned and told both of us to be careful. Misha paused and spoke.

“Sam, you take care of Nisha. I swear to God that if I come back and anything has happened to that midget, I will come after you and you’ll wish Doc Benton had ripped out every single one of your organs from your body. ‘Cause I will rip you apart. Oh and Nisha? Don’t do anything stupid.”

I smiled softly and nodded while Sam blinked. As soon as the door shut, Sam and I went back over to the map and Sam murmured a thank you. I just shrugged and we poured over the map while making up the best possible plan of attack onto the cabin.

Later that night, Sam and I drove out to the woods and with flashlights and weapons in tow, we went to separate cabins to search. We usually wouldn’t search alone, but it was just the two of us and it would be easier and quicker to do it that way. Plus, I insisted. Sam had threatened to tie me up in the hotel room and go without me, but I just flat out told him I’d find a way out of the knots and then I’d find my own way to the woods. We did have a secure way of getting hold of each other. Our way of finding out if the other was okay was after each search of the cabins we were in; we’d meet up outside of the cabins and touch base. These were mandatory. The cabin I was in was fairly straight forward and boring. Standard deer heads and ugly furniture. Or at least it seemed standard, I wasn’t really one to be in cabins.

The cellar/basement was absolutely empty. I left a little irritated and cursed under my breath as I saw Sam carrying some girl to the car and I helped him put her into the passenger seat before climbing into the back. Sam was trying to start the car when the window smashed in and I screamed. Sam couldn’t reach the gear shift and I dove forward and pulled the car from park into reverse. The car shot back and I was thrown back, the doctor still clinging to the car before finally letting go. Sam then put the car into drive and ran the bitch over before we drove off. We got the girl to the hospital and we were relaxing in the room. I had ice on my head from when I got slammed into the window of the car and Sam was making sure I stayed awake for at least a few hours just to make sure I didn’t have a concussion. I sort of heart Sam’s end of the conversation.

“You get the colt?...So does that mean Bela’s…Dean…Maybe not…Dean, we found Doc’s cabin…yeah, we’re okay. Nisha got a little banged up, but we’re both fine…No…Dean, just listen for a second, I found his lab book. It has the formula…Yeah…No! That’s the thing, it’s not black magic. There’s no blood sacrifice or anything. It’s just science, Dean. Very, very extremely weird science but…Dean I think it might be doable.”

I was laying on the bed while Sam was sitting on a table when a hand clasped over my mouth with some sort of chemical on it and by the time I thought to fight, I was already too weak to fight and then everything went dark.


“Don’t worry Sammy, your chances of making it out of this surgery alive are very good. Your girlfriend’s chances aren’t that great, but sometimes that happens.”

I groaned and my eyelids fluttered open and I found myself tied to a table near Sam, his eyelids were taped open and Doc Benton had some weird instrument clacking in his hand. I swallowed and struggled against the bonds while the ‘good doctor’ ranted about his own morality and how he didn’t do anything that he didn’t have to do. Which I guess was supposed to be consoling to Sam, who was about to lose an organ unless something drastic happened to save us both. I froze when the doc mentioned how his eyes had gone bad.

“No. Fuck you. You’re not taking his eyes.”

“Wait your turn, I’ll get to you in a little bit, Nisha.”

“Fuck. You.”

Doc kept ranting about how he’d been wronged and I glanced back and saw people coming down and I sighed in relief. I bit down on my lip to keep from making a noise though and that got really hard when Doc Benton took the freakish ice cream scooper looking thing and put it near Sam’s eye. I finally let out the breath I was holding though as three shots entered his chest. Doc went and headed over toward Dean and Misha ran over and hissed my name while undoing the straps on my legs and wrists before helping me up. She then went and ran over to Dean’s side while I went over and removed the tape from Sam’s face and then started to undo the straps. Misha was over congratulating Dean’s brilliance with a hot and heavy make-out session. Plus I think she was just relieved that he was okay…for now. After I got Sam out of the straps, Sam and I interrupted the little make-out session of Dean and Misha and we carried Doc Benton over to the table and strapped him down. The Doc said something (I wasn’t really paying attention) but Dean apparently was and answered.

“You’ve been killing poor bastards for 150 years and now you have a request? Shut up.”

“You don’t understand! I can help you! I have what you need.”

“You know you guys, we may have to cut him up until little bits. This immortality thing is a bitch.”

“I can read the formula for you! Immortality! Forever you! Never die!”



Dean, Misha and Sam walked to the side and I stood and made sure the immortal freak didn’t do anything weird. Sam was arguing for Dean to do it. Misha was saying she was torn but would support him either way. Dean flat out said no. The doctor was eyeing me with his one good eye and so I was glad when Dean came back in speaking loudly.

“You see, this guy is a monster and I couldn’t do it. No, I’d rather go to Hell.”

I handed Dean the bottle of chloroform and he poured it onto the cloth. Sam watched me and shook his head. Misha just looked away sadly. I knew she was torn about this situation. She wanted to be selfish, but she also wanted to be with Dean. She didn’t want to lose him. Misha never was one to admit easily about a need to be with someone. She was more guarded of her emotions.

“You don’t understand! I can help you!”

Dean shut him up with the chemical soaked cloth. Doc Benton stopped struggling after a few minutes and we shared a glance. I knew he was curious as to what I thought, but he knew I wasn’t as hardcore supportive of using the formula as Sam was since I was helping Dean. Sam, Misha, Dean and I carried the body and shoved the good doctor into a fridge and added some chains. We then all grabbed shovels and went out and started digging. Dean was standing next to me and I spoke some of the worst words to him about it. Quietly though, I knew it’d irritate Sam if he heard it.

“You deserve better than this.”

Dean almost looked shocked that I said that but we lowered the fridge carefully into the grave and ignored his waking cries as we started to bury it.


We pulled off for the night at a new motel. Dean had just been told by Bela (who was going to die for a deal of her own very shortly) that the deal was held by the demon Lilith. The same demon who wanted Sam’s intestines on a stick. We were all sitting and drinking when Dean suddenly spoke.

“Sam and Nisha should get married.”

We all just stared at him in shock. Sam took a long swig of his beer and spoke.

“Not that I don’t want to marry Nisha, ‘cause I do want to, but what brought this on?”

“I just realized I have less than three weeks left to live and you two crazy kids are going to be together forever, which means you’re probably going to be married, so sue me, I kinda actually wanna be alive when it happens. Honestly, you two bitches can even get it annulled after I’m dead or divorced or whatever, just please. I’m not asking for much.”

I chewed on my bottom lip and ran my hands through my hair. Sam was looking a bit shocked and Misha looked stunned. I took a swig of my drink and spoke.

“Not that I’m not…flattered by this and like Sam said, I have thought about it but do you even know how marriage happens? It isn’t just some ceremony with a priest or Elvis. There’s a process and there’s a certificate that has to be applied for. By the time we get that form, you’ll be dead.”

“Oh, you mean a marriage certificate? Yeah…I applied for that a couple weeks ago. You both have signatures that are way too easy to forge, by the way. They sent it to me two weeks ago. All you have to do is get a judge to sign it and if you have a ceremony, Misha and I can sign it and the priest will sign it and then you’ll be married and I’ll get to say I was a best man before I died. Misha will of course be the maid of honor.”

I looked over the paperwork and I had to admit, he had done well. Dean looked back and forth at Sam and me and made obnoxious noises. Sam looked at the papers and then moved over and sat next to me. He sighed and took my hand in his and rubbed my knuckles with the pad of his thumb before speaking.

“You know, any time I’ve thought about this, I usually was more prepared to ask you and I usually had a really nice ring. I also was a little big smoother than this. Hopefully I don’t lose points for being unprepared, because I do love you and I do want to marry you and I will get you a ring as soon as I can. I also promise to protect you and to make you feel special. I-“

“Dude, you are taking too long. Nisha, will you marry my bumbling brother?”

I grinned and nodded while Sam glared at Dean, but I grabbed Sam’s face and kissed him softly before murmuring a yes. He smiled and Misha laughed and clapped before I heard Dean groan in pain. I assumed Misha hit him.


I’m not really sure how long Dean had been planning this but Sam and I went and got some simple wedding bands and Misha managed to get a church procured for the event on last notice. Her father had once been a priest so apparently that had some pull or something. Either that or she threatened them. Whichever worked better for her. I got a simple white dress and Sam apparently was putting on a rented suit. Misha even wore a skirt. Dean wore a suit also because I bribed him with food.

It seems like a dream and I honestly don’t remember most of it, but one minute we were looking at rings, the next minute we were standing in front of a minister. I was repeating something, but I was mostly just staring into Sam’s eyes (it was easier since I was in insanely high heels). I remember the cold metal sliding onto my ring finger and my heart thudding in my chest. I was terrified someone in the government would figure out what we were doing and would rush in and take us to jail. We were, after all, fugitives of the law. That didn’t happen though and my smile only widened as the minister spoke the words both Sam and I were waiting for.

“And you may now kiss the bride.”

Sam pulled me close and it was bliss. Honestly, that’s the only way I can describe it. Misha hit me with a flower and the minister cleared his throat before Sam and I broke the kiss. Grinning, we all smiled and signed the marriage certificate. Dean had paid the minister prior and we thanked him and left. Mostly so we could return the outfits as soon as possible. Sam did laugh and carry me bridal style out of the church. Dean did ruin the moment by snickering and calling after us.

“You gonna carry her to the Mean Green Fighting Machine?”

“…Dean, did you just name my car the ‘Mean Green Fighting Machine’?”

“…It’s classy.”

“You’re retarded.”

“Psh, yeah, well you love this retard.”


I just grinned and buried my face in Sam’s neck.

Dean and Misha were the weirdest soul mates ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
SOSORRY. We decided last minute that 'Ghostfacers' wasn't a necessary chapter which meant it was my turn again and then shit got weird and YEAH.