Truly, Madly, Deeply

One of One

I smiled as she walked towards me--glowing radiantly. She was gorgeous. And she was mine. I had waited for the moment for as long as I could remember, and now that it was here, it was almost hard to believe. But I had pinched myself enough times to know that this was real. That this really was happening.

I was marrying the girl of my dreams.

We didn’t meet in any special way. I had seen her from a distance, which wasn’t as difficult as it sounds. She had bright red hair that fell in waves across her shoulders. When I had seen her from a distance, I knew that I had to meet her. It had been a gut feeling.

When I was close to her, I had introduced myself easily, which surprised me. I thought for sure that her beauty alone would have intimidated me. Her pale skin. Her bright green eyes. But no. My introduction went seamlessly. Then I remember her smiling--such a gorgeous smile--as she told me her name. Allie.

I thought from the moment she smiled at me, that everything after that point would have been easy. But it wasn’t.

We had been talking for what I could only assume was a good hour, when she told me she had to leave.

“Any chance I could get your number?” I asked. I knew the answer the moment she started to frown slightly. And before she could say anything I muttered, “It’s ok. Don’t worry about it.”

“No,” she said. “It’s just—I’m leaving tomorrow. I’m going to Spain for a year.”

“Oh,” I said. I stood up and she did too. “How about you give me your number, and when I get back I’ll call you.”

“You don’t have to humor me,” I said.

“I’m not,” she said. “I know we’ve only been talking for an hour, but I feel like I know you really well. It’s not often you find someone that you just kind of really connect with.”

I smiled.

“That’s true,” I said.

“So,” she said. “Will you give me your number?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Um, do you have a pen?”

She dug in her bag before coming up with a pen and a slightly crumpled piece of paper. I really don’t even know why I gave her my number. I knew she wasn’t going to call me. Especially after a year. I wrote my number quickly, jotting my name down underneath it. I gave it back to her and she smiled. I watched as she carefully placed the piece of paper into the pocket of her jeans.

“I promise I’ll call,” she said. I just smiled at her. She smiled back. “It was really nice to meet you Ben.”

The next think I knew, she was giving me a hug. I’ll never forget how she felt the first time I held her.

A year had passed, and like I had expected she didn’t call. I wasn’t expecting her to either. I dated other girls during the year. But I honestly could not get Allie out of my head. When a year had gone by, I had stayed home, hoping that she might call. But she didn’t. I gave up after that.

A few months later, I was set up on a blind date by a friend of mine as a favor.

“You know,” I said to John. “You’re totally going to owe me for this.”

“You can blame Anna,” he said, indicating his girlfriend who was sitting next to him. I was at their house and we were waiting for my date. “It was her idea.”

“Really Anna?” I asked. She rolled her eyes. “Well then, I guess you’ll be the one to owe me.”

“Whatever Ben,” she said. “I’m sure after you meet this girl you won’t even think of making me pay you back.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked. “Why’s that?”

“Because,” she said. “This girl is amazing. I know you two will get along.”

“If you say so,” I said.

A few minutes later, we heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway.

“Oh yeah,” I said quickly as we stood up. “I don’t know how I forgot to ask, but—what’s her name?”

There was a knock on the door.

“Her name is Allie,” John said. I froze as Anna’s hand touched the doorknob and pulled it open.

And standing there, looking as beautiful as the day I met her, was Allie. She hadn’t seen me yet—and she smiled at Anna.

“Hey Anna,” she said, stepping forward to give her friend a hug.

“I’m so glad that you’re here,” Anna said, and after a moment they pulled away.

“So,” Allie said, smiling at John. “Where’s the unlucky guy?”

She looked around and as she looked in my direction, her eyes met mine. She looked shocked for a moment before realizing something.

“Oh shit!” she said, slapping a hand to her forehead. “I forgot to call you!”

Anna and John looked at each other before turning to look at me. They were obviously very confused.

“Do you two know each other?” John asked.

“Yeah,” Allie said. “I met him the day before I left for Spain. I told him that I’d call him when I got back, but I completely forgot. I feel so bad.”

I smiled and chuckled slightly.

“There’s really no reason to apologize,” I said. “I think anyone would forget who they said they were going to call after a year. I even expected that you wouldn’t call.”

“But I really liked you,” she said. “I really wanted to see you again.”

“Well, by some coincidence we’re standing in the same room,” I said.

“That’s true,” I said. I looked at Anna who was smiling and like she was about to cry. “Are you ok Anna?”

She nodded her head.

“This is just—kind of really romantic,” she said. “It’s like fate. Like you two were meant to be together.”

“Wow,” John said, looking at Anna. “Do you know how corny you sound?”

As Anna told John to shut up, I looked at Allie and we smiled at each other.

And Anna had been right. Allie and I had been meant for each other. I loved Allie so much. I would do anything for her. I couldn’t see myself anywhere else, without Allie by my side.

I smiled at Allie as she came to stand beside me—in front of our friends and family. We had been waiting for this moment since the day we met, even if we hadn’t known it yet. After Allie had left that first day, I had told myself: One day, I’m going to marry that girl.

And that day has come.
♠ ♠ ♠
1,128 words.
Honestly, I don't like how this turned out. :/
For this contest.
Comments are appreciated.