Stirring Fear

Stirring Fear

How far away was I from the herd until gravity entrenched me in its grips of life and death. Dancing drops of water and singing winds full of adventure and mystery ceased to be. Curious water from the heavens instead became nervous pellets stirring fear inside of me, and the wind full of its whispering secrets of the world became restless thoughts of obsessed uncertainty. The rush of running across fields of green mixing with other colors on the palette of the world became a flight for life, if ever it came. Replacing the wonder of the path in front and excitement for the new was the fear of all one could imagine fearing.

Desire, he once injected his secret poison into my heart and let it rush to every end of the soul and mind. He enticed me with his words of freedom and independence, and lofty ideas of love and things of new; yet he left me with the venom racing through my soul and words of promise echoing in my ears to be only alone—alone, yet not free; independent, yet not happy; new, but away from love. Desire left me and his enemy Fear raped me of my dreams and bright curiosity. He wrapped himself around my soul to create a barrier of blackened hope to lock my dreams away so to never be abandoned by him again.